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Everything posted by KriticalKhan

  1. Don't forget that we've already had a Vampire Pirate faction in the game, thanks to the Wraith Fleet rules. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/09/21/the-armies-of-firestorm-the-wraith-fleet-sep21gw-homepage-post-4/ They were included in the Firestorm supplement, whose Free City rules provided the basis for the Cities of Sigmar Battletome. Regarding the Witch Hunter, compare the gloved hand on the crossbow looking thing to the one in the video and tell me they aren't connected. The pose for the arm even matches up. This doesn't rule out the possibility of the gun belonging to a different Witch Hunter model, but that's assuming we'll get more than one. Besides, you know who else looks like they're holding a gun? And how can you not look at that coat and think anything other than "pirate captain"? There's obviously some kind of Death release coming; whether or not it's for Warcry, Warhammer Quest, or an actual army is anyone's guess, but don't rule out Vampirates just yet.
  2. Resin 3d printers are at the point where buying one is cheaper than a SINGLE Warhammer army, and that's going off of standard GW prices. If anyone here actually wants to start Chorfs, Forgeworld has just saved you several hundred dollars.
  3. Can we do that "horse vs rat skull" thing again? I know the whole debate died like... two years ago, but I'm always for bringing back pointless drama.
  4. Frankly, GW can do whatever it wants with the lore and models; I'm just excited by the prospect of a (somewhat) mainstream Rank and Flank wargame. I'm a big fan of KoW, but it's pain in the ass to get anyone in my area to play something that isn't a GW product. For something a bit more on topic, I'm really not a fan of the current marketing for TOW. I get that they probably only announced it when they did to get on the Total War train and to ****** with KoW 3rd Ed, but everything so far has only confirmed that it takes place in... the Old World and that the map is still the same. I guess that's the consequence of announcing something when you only have a logo, but I wouldn't mind if they just waited to show stuff until they actually have something to show.
  5. With how vague they've been about the details, I'm wondering if even GW knows what's going to be released.
  6. I think I've posted something like this before, but on the subject of vampirates, I think the best shot they have is a Soulblight book replacing LoN with the old Wraithfleet allegiance getting included with updated rules. The actual pirate-yness would be left up to the converters. This is almost exactly what happened with Cities of Sigmar, and the city rules from Firestorm, which is where (iirc) the Wraithfleet comes from
  7. Remember that crab claw rumor engine that was supposed to be for Idoneth or Slaanesh, but turned out to be a Chaos Marines? Remember that lizard tail rumor engine that could only be a new Seraphon model until it turned out to be a Zoat? Remember that feather that was obviously part of a Freeguild release and it turned out to be a Rogue Trader? Remember that robe and old timey belt-buckle that just HAD to be a Freeguild model, and then it turned out to be a ****** Space Marine? I don't want to sound like a downer, but they're building up to some kind of Inquisition/Ecclesiarch and anything that could be Freeguild fits in that just as well.
  8. I told myself I'd start 40k when the Genestealers got their own army, and then they did. But I never followed through. I told myself I'd start 40k when the Orkz got an 8th edition update, and then they did. But I never followed through. I told myself I'd start 40k when the Sisters of Battle got plastic miniatures, and then they did. But I never followed through. At the beginning of this year, I told myself I'd start 40k when the Exodites finally became their own army. Dear Eldar players: You're welcome.
  9. Can someone buy the rest of the ogre boxes so that I don't have to deal with the temptation? Please and thank you 😙
  10. They say, right after a(nother) Fantasy character was brought into AoS. I dont think Vampirates are actually happening, but if GW wanted them, they already exist in the lore, and "Vampires, but pirates!" is exactly the kind of twist to a traditional idea that AoS would use.
  11. I haven't read the End Times in a while, but, yeah, I'm pretty sure. Probably one of my favorite moments.
  12. He busted up his hands beating Krell to (extra)death, then got backstab-facesmashed by Throgg
  13. I don't understand the argument that Bonereapers are meant to be the "new" Tomb Kings. Other than being undead there aren't any similarities between them at all. Has GW ever stated that's what they were meant to be? As far as I can tell it's an idea only purported by the fanbase. I don't think we're ever getting new Tomb Kings (outside of the Old World, and even that's an If), but saying Bonereapers are their successor is like saying Deepkin are the High Elf successors because they're both elves that interact with water.
  14. I don't want to sound rude, but anyone who's saying the "decay" part isn't Nurgle are probably in denial. I'd love for it to be Death instead, but with all the Deathguard stuff we know is coming and the fact that it was played off "decadence" (Slaanesh) with GW saying Chaos players should tune in might as well be a confirmation, if them using "decay" specifically wasn't enough already.
  15. I've said in the past that Morathi deserves everything bad that comes to her, but reading the bits about Malekith and Aenarion almost made me feel bad for her. She endured eons of torture and woke up in a nightmare-shadow realm with no idea where she was, then found her son, only for him to tell her she's nothing but a corrupted abomination. She finds the soul of Aenarion, the only person she's ever truly loved, and in her moment of weakness, he tried to kill her. Admittedly, she definitely deserved the second part, but that's still gotta sting.
  16. You know why the mouths are shaped like that. I know why the mouths are shaped like that. GW knows. We all know.
  17. Normally I ignore what he says, but removing those warscroll options would be in line with what GW has been doing with other factions and units.
  18. It might be revealed in a few weeks, but the article said it's a 2021 release.
  19. And if we're all wishlisting now, I'm going to say that's a command group model in an updated zombie kit, maybe some kind of standard bearer equivalent. As for what it's for, an update to Legions of Nagash would round out Death as a fully Sigmar-ised GA. So, new -Zombies -Fell Bats (drop the Bat Swarms completely) -Dire Wolves -Blood Knights -Vampire Lord Would round out the range, while things like Krell and the old Vampire characters are probably on the chopping block. A lot of the Ossiarch lore has me worried about how long the Deathrattle units are going to stick around, but they're really nice kits, so I hope GW keeps them. A five-model update seems like a pretty reasonable "minor" release to cap off an entire Grand Alliance (at least, until GW decides to go back and add a new army) and in a world without Corona-virus, it could have fit into a Halloween release pretty snugly, assuming the Lumineth were meant to come out in the Spring, and the Sons of Behemat in the Summer. Or, it's just a Bloodbowl thing. Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  20. "As you can see 2020 has been a pretty spooky year for models, and 2021 is going to be just as good. We’ve already had a look at the terrifying Flayed Ones, and now we’re going to tease one more tantalising glimpse of the future…" https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/10/31/the-spookiest-models-of-the-year/
  21. I WANT a full Vampirate army in addition to a "normal" one, but what I think we'll get is an updated look of something along the lines of Mannfred or Vlad's armor for the generic lords and units. Bloodline stuff might come into play as a choice on their Warscrolls similar to how Tyrants and their Big Names work. I'm willing to bet that the closest thing to an official Vampire Coast we'll get is an updated version of the Wraithfleet rules as a subfaction. From there, it would be up to the converters.
  22. Apologies for the fridge pick, but I'm mostly done with a conversion for a Butcher/Slaughtermaster. I was hoping for some feedback before I move on to painting, and opinions on which wizard I should run it as.
  23. Is that Tome Celestial thing a Legion of Grief style mini-allegiance for orcs?
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