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ZLee Syn

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Everything posted by ZLee Syn

  1. I mean, isnt there a diference between bravery and bravery charasteristic?
  2. In normal game, there is no rule like the one written above. That means you will never be able to deploy her. If your opponents allow it then go for it. But you cannot be suprised if he/she doesnt. If you tried to do this on tournament, I would first warn you and If you still did it then I woukd call a judge once you would try to pull her out. I am sure he/she would rule in my favor. If that was random mechanic (like a battleplan: when deploying a unit roll a dice,if result is 1 then the unit is inreserve and arrives in your second movement phase...) i wouldnt have a problem. But you know that you cannot fit her yet you expect that oponent would be ok with that. This feels like a small cheating. As amsoly said. It is a small nerf to big models. Dont know why it is ok to ignore this nerf
  3. Thanks alot Btw doesnt DHs work with bravery charasteristic? So no bonuses/debuffs?
  4. Read that but there is only stat comparasion and not types of uses. I was thinking about this list Dreadblade harrow (general) Necromancer (aetherquartz brooch) Guardian of souls Knight of shrouds Knight of shrouds on ethereal steed 30 chainrasp horde 5 dire wolfs 5 dire wolfs 20 dreadscythe haradians 15 dreadscythe haradians 12 myrmiurn banshees 12 myrmourn banshees Pendulum Command point What do you think?
  5. Can you compare for me reapers, dreadscythes, banshees and revenants ? What are their main advantages/disadvantages, what uses do they have and is there clear winner/looser?
  6. I am not good at the hobby part (and I am not that good at playing either) but everything that makes you use diferent then original models for bloodknights is a good idea. Easiest way used to be dragonblades but theyare not sold anymore. Other idea is to w8 till slaves to darkness are relesed (probably in less then a month) and use the new knights. Thar would require more work but is possible and those models are awsome. That beeing said your idea is also good. It will require you to cover hands and feet with greenstuff (some knights have their whole hands uncovered) so it depends how comfident are you in your skill. I think that hands will be much more dificult then feet. I never worked with greenstuff so maybe it is easier then I thought. Good luck and if you manage to do that share pics
  7. No. In legion of blood is stated that wizards generate extra spells from lores of the dead (70-71). In lores of the dead pages is stated that wizards that generate extra spells from lores of the dead does so this way: Deathmages - lore of deathmagrs Vampires - lore of the vampires Deathlords they can chose So necro can take one from deathmages Neferata can chose 1 from either deathmages or vampires Guardian of souls cannot chose any eventhough he is legion of blood wizzard because he is not deathmage, deathlord or vampire
  8. +1 atack to both rider and a mount. Only command traits and artefacts cannot give bonus to mount. Necro can take 1 spell from lore of deathmages and each vampire can chose 1 from lore of vampires Legion of blood is kinda diferent because you use many units that cannot be resurected. You need to protect your vampiric units (especialy bloodknights) since they cannot heal that well. I feel like first list is better since I dont like hexwraiths that much. Also personaly I dont like vampire lords on foot that much. I would rather take second necro with fading vigor, especialy with skeletons, but that is personal preferance i think. Btw mounted vampire lord gets +1 atack on his horse too. Overall I think your list is good. I would swap skeletons for chainrasps since you dont have spot for 40 and chainrasp is better at defending and have higher move. Those are 2 main things that you want from big blocks in your list because this legion has alot of damage from vampiric units. That beeing said, many hard hitting agresive forces will decimate rasps as much as skeletons and unchecked skeletons with necro can do alot of unexpected damage. Still I feel that rasps are better, especialy in LoB. Legion of blood doesnt have any bonuses for infantry/summonable units and that is why picking those that are strong on their own is recomended. You need some summonable units but if too much of your units have a good synergy with other legion then why dont you play that legion. And if you have too little of them then you cannot use gravesites and invocations. Nighthaunt works perfectly for that. I dont know what models you have or which units you want or dont want to play but this is how I would change your list. VloZd (ethereal amulet, aura, transference) Necromancer (overwhelming dread) 2x5 wolfs 10 chainrasp 30 grimghast reapers 5 blood knights Balewind vortex Extra cp
  9. You can do it slightly further then 9. Base +9
  10. Court of Nulahmia with 2 dragons is an option
  11. Came up with something like this: Nomad prince (general- ironoak artisan) Treelord ancient Branchwraith Dreadlord on dragon (spear of the hunt, crossbow + lance) 20 sisters of the watch 20 sisters of the watch 20 eternal guard 10 shadow warriors 5 sisters of the thorn Command point What do you think? Also does the rend bonus from spear work on lance while charging ?
  12. Hello guys. I was thinking about using 2 dreadlords on dragons to assasinate/pin enemy in deploy zone + fast cheap units to screen while my infantry shoots and score points. I think dreadlord is better then stardrake because of the base size. I never played any order army (I play death) and so I am not sure which units are considered great and if there is some synergy I need to know about so I would like some pointers. Do you think that this is valid strategy and what other units shpuld I look into? Edit: also do you think treelord ancient and branchwraith combo is worth it?
  13. By the post above, its allegiance ability to select mount traits so it shouldnt work either.
  14. Take wolfs and cogs. I would use necromantic. Sorry that this doesnt belong here
  15. Thought so too but the fact that you can taje mannfred for rerolls without making him general littlebit negate that. If you want to play it under blood, take small units of chainrasps for screens and maybe one bigger block for objectives. 1 block should be enough for resurection to matter
  16. Well, with 2 dragons, 10 bloodnights and battleline tax there is not that much roomfor summonable options. I tried similar core under soulblight with dragon, manfred, vhordrei, 10 bloodknights and 2x3 vargheists and it worked well Dont know if blood is that great if youvdont use gravesites /resurection that much
  17. If you dont run the batalion, then I would say vhordrei is better as second dragon since you dont have artefact/trait for him. With neferata I would consider 2 normal dragons but without her i would play vhordrei and general with aura of dark majesty. Would depend on the rest of the list. Without casting modifieres it is very close since quickblood has just slightly bellow 50% chance to fail and without it vhordrai might not be worth it. On the other hand his breath is amazing at sniping characters. Personaly I would take vhordrei indouble dragons no neferata lists but I woukd try to take corpse cart/mortis engine to boost casting, not just for vhordrei but for necromancers too (without neferata you rly need at least one, 2 are better). Edit: I am using vhordrei regulary in legion of night with claw artefact and played it under soulblight with necromantic bloodline and both options improved vhordrei power by alot.
  18. You are right, dragon isnt as great as some other monsters but it is still solid. I run 2 of them (and neferata) and then they are very durrable. Since I have multiple targets, enemy cannot focus all of them. And eventhough there are many more killy monsters now, most of them are heroes and they get destroyed by orb of enchantment pretty well.
  19. That list eventhough competetive plays alot diferently then his list. Your wins comes alot from area denial and not actualy killing. You dont have numbers to hold points if enemy gets to them so you either have to destroy them or not let them there in the first place. And often you cannot kill everything in first 2 turns. But it has much better matchup against slasnesh because of orb and lower number of drops
  20. Does anyone have an idea how does this work on big tournaments?
  21. What exactly are "abilities". Does this negate allegiance abilities too? Or bonuses from artefacts? And what about abilities from batalions? Or command abilities? I assume everything on warscroll is considered ability.
  22. I played similar list with with 10 bloodknights and 2x3 vargheists. Necromantic bloodline. If you want that extra CP i guess play only 5 knights and take another vargheists or wolfs+cogs.
  23. Also, do you ever place chainrasps in graves? And if so how many/in which situations
  24. I am doing my preparations for my big tournament in february and I will bring this list. Since bonereapera are quite new I expect there will be some. Do you have any tips against them. It looks like they will be as tough as fyreslayers with 3+ rerollable save and 4+ negations from harvester.
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