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ZLee Syn

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Everything posted by ZLee Syn

  1. check core rules page 17 for artefacts of power. From my experiance most shooting I encounter have rend (KO and skaven are only armies with heavier shooting I meet) but that is obviously local meta dependant. Also amulet works better for me because I can combine it with enemy hiting on 6s. Also at that poijnt you are paying 740+ points for basicaly one mode. With this pricetag it has to win you the game. If your dragon cost 800 points becasue it is unkillable then your oponent will just ignere it and win. There is literaly no reason to try to kill it at that point. On the other hand neferata cannot be just ignored because she cann support others even if enemy ignores her
  2. you cannot have 2 gryph feather charms and hexwraiths wouldnt get 6+ negation. And I feel like this batalion is better for something that is normaly squishy like neferata/mannfred. Also I now play court of nulahmia list and out of the 3 games today I lost most of my models to mortal wounds and shooting. For most shooting ethereal amulet is better and for mortals gryph feather charm doesnt help.
  3. I might be mistaken but I have no idea why someone wouldnt use it. Especialy with foot heroes you basicaly get 50 extra points for every one. Or has something change?
  4. That CA is extremly powerful. You can stack it so first few rounds you take basicaly 0 damage. Also ethereal spell is also great. And finaly she dies quite fast and her rangego down fast
  5. Could you explain the point about bladeghasts? This is soulblight so no endless legions (and even if you have it it would be on general and you cannot use it on allies) and other heroes have invocation too. Did you have something else in mind?
  6. No. Rend characteristic stays the same. This ability let you ignore rend efect (modification of 1) but atacks still have rend charasteristic. Shield gives +1 if rend charasteristic is "-". And even if enemy has no rend, you have only 6+ save because that +1 to save is a modification. And you have to ignore those.
  7. No, the spell says "ignore modifiers". Just like ethereal amulet or nighthaunt ability.
  8. Yea, but unlike zombie dragon and his shield, you get +1 and no 5+ save. And ethereal efects dont allow any modifications. Even positive.
  9. They will just have 6+, even if oponent has no rend.
  10. Thought about that but decided to scrap this idea. It is nice that neferata lasts longer but you lose so much punch. This way oponent will just go for the dragon and you lose damage. And neferata loses efectivnes later just because you run out of command points. Also the dact that enemy focus Neferata means that dragons are safe for 1 round. With your modification they would focus that one dragon since it is easier to kill then neferata and then you lose to objectives. There is a big diference between 4 and 5 drops. I think better idea would be to play standard court but exchanging bloodseeker + court for hexwraiths, guard and 10 extra chainrasp (10,10,20)
  11. Because it is an alegiance ability and those doesnt work on allies. There was an FAQ about this: Q: Can I use the Deathless Minions, Endless Legions and Invigorating Aura battle traits for allies in a Legions of Nagash army? A: No. However, note that several Nighthaunt units can now be taken as part of a Legions of Nagash army, and you can use those battle traits for those units (see the Legions of Nagash errata).
  12. Yes. If that batalion has a nighthaunt keyword then it is legal to use as an ally in lon as long as total cost isnt higher then 400 (which it isnt). Deathly invocations works on them but both parts of gravesites dont.
  13. Hello guys. I just bought soulwars box and when going through it I discovered that 90mm base is missing (yes, I checked at the bottom and there were only 2 bases, round for balista and 75mm for knight). Did anything like that happen to someone else and what should I do about it?
  14. @Goddin What do you think about shards as endless spell? I have played few games with palisade and malestrom. Without casting bonuses malestrom was unreliable. Palisade also wasnt amazing but it blocked some movement. Also I havent played against shooting army so I guess there it will be better.
  15. Look above in this thread. I have both orb and amulet. My dragons are both in batalion so 18 move near palanquin. Lance and over 2 turns is statisticaly exactly the same as sword over 2 turns. The reason why lance is that much better to burst something is that it is reliable 3 damage. And If you need that burst then reliable is much better
  16. In legion of blood, lance and sword have same damage output over 2 turns. With 18 move you should be charging. Sword is bettet in 3rd turn but lance allows you to blow targets in 1 turn. Which helps especialy with orb of enchantment.
  17. Yea, wolfs werevalso an idea but i feel like chainrasps are vetter because of numbers, ethereal, fly and better resurection. More move is nice but I feel like it isnt as much of a deal because I can pull them on a gravesite. Will have to see for myself. Btw which endless would you recomend?
  18. @Goddin With neferata going down by 40 points, do you think it is a good idea to swap one chainrasps for 20 zombies?
  19. Btw Interesting thing I happened today. The new std endlessspell (demonrift) basicaly killed my whole army (around 30 mortals in first cast)
  20. I havent played this army that much yet so i can be wrong. Usualy I use neferatas ability 2 times in first 2 turns if there is fighting. If enemy has alfastrike i dont use command ability for his hit (to rasps since they would die anyway) but next turn to protect monsters. I think I used neferatas comand 3 times only once but that wasnt first turn. Only reason I see where I would definutely consider it is heavy shooting list. Aetherquartz brooch is not worth since you lose so much durability to gain something that isnt reliable and might not do anything before the game is over. It might be worth it more standard list (with alot of bodies) with neferata focused on atrition and defense.
  21. Hide behind rasps. If he takes the first turn and goes all in he cannot capture his objectives so you can then summon rasps there to take them. After his charge, activate your defensive buffs and countercharge with the court Dragon breath can deal quite some damage to 9 boars, orb dragon with some help can destroy maw-krusha and your guys shoukd be quite safefor few rounds because of debuffs and heals. Once the battle is tied you can start returning rasps to hold objectives. You can also let his fast units atack rasps and then fly away, ressing rasps to block boars again while going for the rest of the army. It will depend on his plays but blocking his charge turn 1 is a way to go. Also taking away mawkrusha fast in 1 turn with orb shozld help alot
  22. You mean that lackluster summoning that can basicaly charge at the same turn? With only 1/36 chance to fail? Enemy has to always block points. There are sime very powerful combos (like nurgle dp) and many units got buffed. There were some point increses but overall the book is much much better. Maybe not OP like slaanesh but that shouldnt me the metric.
  23. Definitely not that much at 1000. In my lob list I use 2 dragons and 2x10 zombies
  24. Each vampire can have chalice with no downside. Only general can resurect and you sometimes have to chose between combat snd resurect. You want to have your 440 point model in combat as much as possible.
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