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Everything posted by Cataphract

  1. Well, lore wise it seems completely confirmed again and again that ALL of the Elven Gods died during the End Times - as referenced in the DOK and Idoneth books with Khaine and Manthlan in particular being the “patron figures” of both factions. That Morai-Heg survived would be completely new lore. Though in my books I think this might just be Morathi grifting once again on the followers of another dead god as is her way.
  2. Crushed at the no new FEC stuff. Where is the Summer King? Where is the King???
  3. My only disappointment besides HH Fulgrim was no FEC reveals.
  4. It’s either Kurnothi or something Daughters of Khaine as the horns could be something similar to the crown of Morathi or the masks the Melusai have
  5. “There is only one being worthy of our loyalty after the betrayal of Sigmar and the Queen of the Wood! The most noble and gracious liege, The Blood Rose Prince! Come my knights and paladins, arise my men-at-arms! For we march for Cornucopia!” -Adalbert the Generous, Arch-Emperor of the Empire of Corpsecopia.
  6. “There is only one being worthy of our loyalty after the betrayal of Sigmar and the Queen of the Wood! The most noble and gracious liege, The Blood Rose Prince! Come my knights and paladins, arise my men-at-arms! For we march for Cornucopia!” -Adalbert the Generous, Arch-Emperor of the Empire of Corpsecopia.
  7. Dang. I was hoping for a FEC release this year.
  8. That’s what I’m getting from it. The new range for the factions will be admixture of old kits and brand new kits.
  9. I’m wondering though if it’s better to have a KOS or have Sigvald+Shardspeaker+Wheels instead Or thinking of this List Army Faction: Hedonites of Slaanesh - Army Type: Pretenders - Grand Strategy: Glutton for Depravity LEADER 1 x The Masque (140) 1 x Contorted Epitome (190)* - General - Command Traits: Monarch of Lies - Artefacts: The Crown of Dark Secrets - Spells: Flaming Weapon 1 x Lord of Pain (135)* - Artefacts: Sceptre of Domination 1 x Shardspeaker of Slaanesh (125)* - Spells: Born of Damnation BATTLELINE 5 x Seekers (140) 5 x Seekers (140)* 11 x Blissbarb Archers (150)** 11 x Blissbarb Archers (150)** 20 x Daemonettes (250)** ENDLESS SPELL 1 x Mesmerising Mirror (60) TERRAIN 1 x Fane of Slaanesh (0) OTHER 10 x Myrmidesh Painbringers (290) 5 x Slickblade Seekers (200) CORE BATTALIONS: *Warlord **Galletian Sharpshooters TOTAL POINTS: (1970/2000) Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
  10. I like the Blissbarbs running around and shooting at seperate things in Shooting phase to cause Temptation Dice rolls. The Viceleader can make chain fight the daemonettes after she attacks
  11. Any thoughts on this list? Going to an RTt Army Faction: Hedonites of Slaanesh - Army Type: Pretenders - Grand Strategy: Glutton for Depravity LEADER 1 x Lord of Pain (135)* - General - Command Traits: Strength of Godhood - Artefacts: Sceptre of Domination 1 x Viceleader (140)** - Artefacts: The Crown of Dark Secrets - Spells: Born of Damnation 1 x Contorted Epitome (190)** - Spells: Phantasmagoria 1 x Lord of Hubris (135)** BATTLELINE 10 x Myrmidesh Painbringers (290)* 10 x Seekers (280)** 20 x Daemonettes (250)*** 11 x Blissbarb Archers (150)*** 11 x Blissbarb Archers (150)*** ENDLESS SPELL 1 x Mesmerising Mirror (60) TERRAIN 1 x Fane of Slaanesh (0) OTHER 5 x Slickblade Seekers (200) CORE BATTALIONS: *Galletian Command **Warlord ***Galletian Sharpshooters TOTAL POINTS: (1980/2000) Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
  12. With the changes to Slickblades and Blissbarb Seekers is a list with 2 of each viable?
  13. I’d say a new hero for BoK. To go along with their upcoming new BT release.
  14. Remembering from reading “Overlords of the Iron Dragon” the KO novel the FEC featured briefly. Which included a bunch of them in a “Royal hunting pack”. So like a group of Hunter-Trapper Ghouls would be neat. Or a Special Character.
  15. When do folks think they will reveal all of the New Year teasers?
  16. *GASP* It could be a return to the Skink Cold One Riders of Old!
  17. Umbraneth. though don’t they usually reveal these on New Year’s Day?
  18. Honestly I’m partially lurking on here to see @KingBrodd reaction to the new model. man my wallet is going to sting.
  19. For list compositions are folks leaning more Thrall or Shark or Eel heavy?
  20. It does look vaguely Beastman to me personally.
  21. War of Sigmar at least indicates that Higj Tide will not be changed
  22. Though I think I should still get the Eidolon since I don’t have one at all.
  23. Already got four Sharks so I think I’m good on that front.
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