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Everything posted by Bayul

  1. Maybe a new Warcry box is Chaos vs. Sylvaneth, hence two banners?
  2. ...and they all will be exclusively available in a limited board game from now on.
  3. Do we all ignore that his ability is restricted to non-DEATH units? I can't imagine a tournament player will calculate the efficiency of the ability without taking into consideration that it will be completely useless against certain matchups. Casual players will probably won't touch it aswell if there's a lot of DEATH armies in their local meta. So if Nighthaunt will be a strong army, the Scriptor Mortis will be a bad choice and if Nighthaunt will stay weak he'll a bad choice aswell because taking Nighthaunt will be a bad choice.
  4. Do I have to say "This unit going is to record the name of a judged soul!" Seems a bit melodramatic...
  5. Can you please stop? Paint dark skin, add tiger pelts, golden ornaments and savannah bases if you want an ethnic look. Don't misuse this hobby to be degrading.
  6. I really like that Nighthaunt cover. I'll buy a collector's edition again though. The red frame doesn't match the artwork.
  7. So? What's the point of your argument? Empowering Excruciation negating wounds and mortal wounds was intended.
  8. This will be a Krulghast Cruciator-like debate again, right? Don't exploit the crappy wording and play RAI. It's probably not intended for Nagash to benefit from this ability.
  9. Kavalos Deathriders are already Nagash-themed. New Deathrattle Skeletons with halberds would probably make good horseman.
  10. Nighthaunt can already ally powerful Soulblight Gravelords heroes like Mannfred or Radukar + Dire Wolves.
  11. What yould a Nighthaunt list with Nagash's new warscroll look like? https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/XTPR7PzBSVcNAAOd.pdf
  12. It's a really great idea. I actually even like the wings for some reason.
  13. Don't forget that you are allowed to take five.
  14. GW did a great job to normalize bulky and impractical rule books to create more profit. Now people are shocked that they get their rules in a convenient booklet.
  15. But that's not relevant for a beginner guide. The guide already lists a lot of Nighthaunt units that are a bit too expensive to ever include in my lists, but they need to be mentioned.
  16. I was surprised, too. But @EnixLHQ asked for help to create a list of the allies and only @Landohammer seemingly wrote a list that fitted the guide and he left Mannfred out. When you paraphrase your argument, he'll probably include it as well. Radukar the Beast woudn't be "the most expansive entry" in this list anymore.
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