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Posts posted by Maturin

  1. 2 hours ago, Lucur said:

    That, too, is correct. Also, even if the pile in range of a unit was increased by rules or spells, unless specifically stated otherwise, units are only eligible to pile in when they are within 3" of an enemy model.

    Just checked, the Anvils CA doesn't even need enemies within 3. Could we actually just use the CA for a 3" move towards the nearest enemy in the hero phase?

    Pile in rule : "A unit can make a pile-in move if it is within 3" of an enemy unit or has made a charge move in the same turn. If this is the case, you can move each model in the unit up to 3". Each model must finish its pile-in move at least as close to the nearest enemy model as it was at the start of the move."

    Anvil's CA :

    "You can use this command ability in your hero phase. If you do so, pick a friendly ANVILS OF THE HELDENHAMMER unit wholly within 9" of a friendly ANVILS OF THE HELDENHAMMER HERO, or wholly within 18" of a friendly ANVILS OF THE HELDENHAMMER HERO that is a general. That unit can attack with all of the missile weapons it is armed with, or make a pile-in move and attack with all of the melee weapons it is armed with."

    As we must use the CA during the hero phase, the "made a charge move" requirement doesn't apply to us. But does the 3" rule ?
    Surely we can't make a 12 inch" pile move :D ?

  2. 3 minutes ago, Requizen said:

    This sort of pile in shenanigan is still doable, it's the base rule of how pile-ins work. The Gristlegore rule changed, however, so it's no longer necessary as they don't strike first always anymore. 

    Thanks for the reply Requizen.
    Could you explain me something else please ? Around page 180 something, I think @PJetski talked about cancelling enemy charges using aetherwing, parking them at less than 3inch. Doing so, the enemy can't charge, a more expensive unit, but he can pile in and destroy the aetherwing, right ?

  3. On 4/18/2019 at 4:10 PM, Requizen said:

    Depends on the setup. If the Terrorgheist is next to another unit, say some Horrors, you can charge the Horrors and only tag them with 1 Evocators, and then string the rest of the Evos in a line 3.1" away from the Terrorgheist. Now the TG is not eligible to pile in and attack (so skips the "start of combat phase" modifier for Gristlegore), and you pile in and attack with the Evos. Even though you aren't within 3" of the TG, he's still the closest model, so you pile in towards him and attack. Then you hit him with the MW jazz hands. 

    Alternatively, if you want to play a bit more risky, you can charge one unit and string just one Evocator to be 3.1" away from the TG, and then only pile in .2" and hit him with the jazz hands only while attacking the other unit, though this has the downside of potentially whiffing on the MW roll. 

    Is  this still doable ? Nothing in the FAQ came to contradict it ?

  4. 3 hours ago, Mikelomba said:

    Can Simeone help me with a dracocast list please? I send an idea some lines up but no one Reply. Thx

    Fulminators are prefered over desolators because they get -1 to be hit by missile weapons. Otherwise, I was  thinking of doing a Sdrake/dracoth list too, maybe with Vandus to use his ability.

  5. On 9/13/2019 at 12:27 PM, Evantas said:


    For battleline,

    I suggest combining the sequitors into a 20-unit block (for the discount), then using another 2 minimum units of liberators, for 640 pts instead of 650 points for a few more bodies. Alternatively you could get a 20 sequitor block, a 5 sequitor block and 5 liberator block for 670 and use up your points. 

    No experience with dracolines but sounds fun. 

    A single ballista might be quite useless, you can consider dropping a evocator unit for another 2 ballistas.

    20 Sequitors is a solid wall, but good luck running around with it, traffic jam incoming. Let's not forget their weapons are only 1" :)

  6. 3 hours ago, Naprapaten said:

    Here's a list idea im brewing:

    Tempest Lords 

    1 extra CP

    1 LAoF 

    2 Incantors, aetherquartz brooch

    1 Lord-exorcist, Patrician helm

    1 Lord-celestant on SD, general and Bonds of noble duty

    Grand convocation battalion

    3x5 Liberators 

    2x10 Skinks

    Endless spells: Comet, pendulum, geminids, Purple sun.

    So basically the list is all about casting the endless spells, buffing them to oblivion with movement using LAoF CA. And while spending all these CP you get 2 chances of getting each CP back with brooch and Patricia helm.

    What do you guys think of this list? Its more of a softcore list, playing cause fun but i reckon you could do well with it. 3/5 at a bigger tourney.

    Imagine, you face a list using 12 anvil longstrikes and/or 4 balistas. What do you do ? How di you protect the Stardrake ? I'm thinking about playing a Grand Convocation too, but I'm looking to buff my dudes against incoming fire.$, so Balewind Vortex, Dais, etc

  7. 12 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    I paid 150 euro for an old collection that would send me over 5k points.

    2 battalions of the Empire (20*guard, 10 crossbows, Cannon, 8 empire knights)

    2 extra units guard





    Volley gun

    2 citadel woods

    A couple of terain pieces I don't recognise

    Gaming table


    This was exactly what he asked for it, but it does feel like I ripped him off. He is moving, so just wanted it gone.

    Yeah, that's a total rip off. But if that's what the guys wanted for it then ... It's just a very good deal for you ;)

  8. I just used a metallic sheet, one of those you put on a wall to have stuff you need to at eyes level (important papers for ex). I put it inside my laptop's cardboard box and tadaa. Cheap transportation :). Minis can be tall, as long as they' aren't phat, it's ok, cause I can put them sideways and they'll adhere with the side metallic sheet


    photo_2019-09-08_16-50-15 (2).jpg

    • Like 2
  9. 5 hours ago, Lucur said:

    Kittycators are a far greater investment and not as competitive. Keep in mind that Evocators on foot require a way of delivery or a reason for your opponent to come after you. In that regard Cats are easier to handle. I just think that it's just fine to invest another 300 points to make sire your 600 points of Kitties get to do what they want. They are squishy after all and can't be ignored duento their output.

    10 evocators with Gavriel, a lord celestant or knight azyros must annihilate everything around them!

  10. 11 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Lord-Aquilor (general)

    Lord-Arcanum on Dracoth (giant Thunderwulfen Wolf Lord)

    Lord-Arcanum on Dracoline (same as above, but brown)

    3x5 Vanguard-Hunters

    3 Pallidors with Javelins

    4 Concussors (Thunderwolf Cavalry conversion)

    5 Retributors (2 Starsoul maces, big Wulfen I made from old minotaurs and Fenrisian Wolf heads and Wulfen bits)

    Lord-Aquilor (general) - Very Good mobility with his command ability.

    Lord-Arcanum on Dracoth (giant Thunderwulfen Wolf Lord) - You meant Lord CELESTANT, hits like a brick, when he does. Good damage and survivability if supported.

    Lord-Arcanum on Dracoline (same as above, but brown) - To be played with evocators on cats to reap all benefits of his mount/mount trait.

    3x5 Vanguard-Hunters - Useful due to their shooting phase, run n shoot, 7" DeepStrike.

    3 Pallidors with Javelins - Very good mobility too, not the heaviest hitter but ok

    4 Concussors (Thunderwolf Cavalry conversion) - Heavy hitting ******

    5 Retributors (2 Starsoul maces, big Wulfen I made from old minotaurs and Fenrisian Wolf heads and Wulfen bits) - Lost of their superb compared to evocators but still overall good unit. Slow though.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Dr Ben said:

    If you've got a phoenix in your elves and plan to have the slann actually casting spells, you can buff that phoenix save for a great mobile anvil. Plus durable phoenix guard to hold objectives and protect the slann. 

    Or if you have some order draconis and they have rippers then you could go with a shadowstrike battalion seraphon list and make a great  alpha strike list. 

    Hey thanks for the idea, I've never thought about Draconis, and with an archmage ally they're perfect for a thousand points! They're a one trick pony though, once per game and tadaaaaa.

    Phoenix Temple is neat if durability is needed. I played against a friends ShadowStrike host today, I barely managed to win, it's very good batallion!

  12. 43 minutes ago, tom_gore said:

    Also keep in mind that Rend is applied to the roll before you check for the healing. I see so many players playing this wrong and healing their Staunch Defender Stardrake on 5+ saves against -2 rend...

    So, even if you have Staunch defender and Castellant's light, you can't heal at all if wounded by -2 rend ?

  13. 9 minutes ago, etlm1987 said:

    If I recall I think it was a seraphon summoning list with 6 rippers and a steggy using a flame thrower. Teleporting both the steggy and the rippers- skink alpha moving the rippers for a manageable charge. I believe the freeguild was essentially a gunline and general on griffon

    Ok, I'll try to find about that and figure how everything synergize together. Cheers guys! Have you ever faced a SCE Skyborne Slayers?

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