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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. And it's coming back soon, aka 3 years ^^. Can't wait.
  2. Sisters of the watch. 160/10 models. 1 attack 3+3+ does a MW on 6 to wound. if they did't move they gain +1 attack in the shooting phase. 18" range. Can overwatch once a turn if an enemy units ends up up to 3" from them.
  3. In a matched play game, if your list costs less than your opponent's then you have access to a triumph reroll. It's once a game for one unit, can be on hits, wounds and run/charge rolls if I remember correctly
  4. You have to use a Celestial Hurricanum, Lumynark of Hysh, or a Monster caster, then use sear wounds right after on the very model. It's a nerf because now you're almost obligated to heal right after using the CA whereas you could have relied on 4++ against MW with the aqshy artifact.
  5. Doesn't matter when you pepper MW across the board
  6. Fair points. But add a Drakesworn templar and you have your Dracothian hit on 3+ for MW. Plus the Drakesworn's ability to do D3Mw to D6 units on the battlefield ! That's potent, right @Turragor So far my 6 man desolators didn't disappoint me. Especially when coupled with a castellant or staunch defender, and or in terrain :D.
  7. If you SCion them, you don't have that problem, right ?
  8. Dracothians do shoot D3 MW per model. That's not to be underestimated.
  9. @Turragor It makes the use of a Celestial or Lumynark almost compulsory indeed
  10. I'm really disappointed! Only the two drakes and dracoliens got a point reduction ? What the heck! Furthermore, tell me if I'm wrong, but it seems that Longstrikes can't shoot 30" in ALL hero phase ? IF so that's incredibly stupid! Yo bro, you see this unit ? it didn't move, but it can only shoot 24" right now. Yo bro, you see that unit ? It still didn't move, but now it can shoot 30" because "Shooting phase". "Insert Picard facepalm".
  11. Where did you confirm it's official ? I haven't suscribed to Azyr, there are no modifications in the warscroll builder and last but not least SCE faqs aren't up yet.
  12. Desolators are very powerful though, and hard to remove!
  13. IF only ^^. I'd like to see the Celestant prime getting a point reduction too!
  14. I knew I was going to play an IJ, I was certain that he would finish deploying first (and he did) so I couldn't play SCE, at first I wanted to do a monster list ( LCoSD+ Celestant Prime) but my libs on the table would have been destroyed T1 and I would have been left with nothing to score. So I decided I needed a strong infantry to withstand the incoming charge. We played at 1500 points so I needed only 2 battlelines, and only on 4 squares because the remaining 2 were used by the GW store were in. I took : Celestial Hurricanum With Celestial Battlemage (280) - General - Trait: Veteran of the Blazing Crusade - Spell: Lore of Whitefire - Warding Brand (Hallowheart Wizard) - Hallowheart 2nd Spell: Roaming Wildfire Battlemage (90) - Spell: Lore of Whitefire - Elemental Cyclone (Hallowheart Wizard) - Hallowheart 2nd Spell: Ignite Weapons - City Role: General's Adjutant (Must be 6 wounds or less) - Mortal Realm: Chamon Battlemage (90) - Spell: Lore of Whitefire - Roaming Wildfire (Hallowheart Wizard) - Hallowheart 2nd Spell: Sear Wounds - Mortal Realm: Hysh 10 x Freeguild Handgunners (100) 10 x Freeguild Handgunners (100) 20 x Phoenix Guard (320) - City Role: Honoured Retinue (Must be 5-20 models) 20 x Sisters of the Watch (320) Emerald Lifeswarm (50) Purple Sun of Shyish (50) Soulscream Bridge (80) Total: 1480 / 1500 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 81 First turn he moved 6 gore guntas and his Maw Cabbage just right next to my PG castle. He shot one of the 10man units of handgunners with the MC spit, killed some, charged into my PG which trigerred overwatch from all my remaining HG and SoTW. I did only 3 wounds on overwatch ( I only shot with 10 of my sisters, don't ask me why and I also forgot that since they didn't move, they doubled their number of attacks). He stupidly decided to put all the MW and some attacks in my HG instead of PG. Since he destroyed one unit of HG he activated the gore guntas in the PG. I lost 7 PG in total this phase and 20 HG. My turn, my magic wrecks his goreguntas and MC. I raise 6 PG! Phenix gets the gore guntas to only two model left, and MC to 3 wounds left. I finish him at shooting. I win priority, cast the spell bridge, but beside that my magic phase does nothing since I was too far to blasthim with my spells. Movement phase, I move the SoTW and mages using the spell bridge, just at 9" from his remaining two warchanters and 2 5man brutes. My PG dn't use the bridge but run towards the 3 gore guntas camping on left objective. I shoot the 2 warchanters off the table and reduce the brutes to only 3 left for both unit. He decided to give up, since I would have totally wiped him off the board at the following round. Hallowheart is very strong, but depending on what you bring, it's also very not good at capturing objectives. If you bring shadow warriors it's fine, otherwise ... You got to get lucky on the scenario table. But it is really powerful if you tailor it and don't face a hard counter.
  15. I did, using Hallowheart ;). Against an IJ army, as a SCE you got to screen hard, using aetherwings or you're screwed. We've got nothing able to withstand a T1 charge of 6 or more GG and a Maw Crusha.
  16. Wait a second, are we talking about the same thing ? What's dispell and unbind for you ? Nevermind I jsut looked at the rules in english and they're poorly written. In all fantasy games, "dispel" is used when you try to counter a wizard casting a spell right now but in AOS they call that "unbind". Which is stupid because it's endless spells that are bound to a wizard so they're the ones who should be unbound and not dispelled! Ah anyway!
  17. Cheers mate. So was it in WFB that the +to cast was to be counted in when you wanted to dispel ? It's incredible how wrong we play in the local GW store
  18. When you dispel, you have to beat the cast made, not the value to required to cast, right ? So when you play hallowheart with all the massive bonuses it's probable your opponent can't match your + to cast.
  19. Nope, they count as 1 wizard as long as they are at least 2 in the unit.
  20. Don't forget they can heal themselves in a pinch and do even more MW
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