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Everything posted by Raptor_Jesues

  1. Not exactly on topic but i just wanted to say that im going to slap this bad boy in my list in place of my usual 6 vargheists. Going to run him as my general with mist form and the goblet for extra smashyness but im rather uncertain on what bloodline. I also have the prince and neferata so necromantic would be nice but im tempted by swift death for the usual reasons. What would you suggest? Character made with anvil of apotheosis, rocking at 300 points. chart made with warscroll designer
  2. Always wanted to make my favourite stabby boy, im rather happy with the result. Ill run him in swift death(or perhaps necromantic) soulblight with mist form and saccharine goblet. Gonna carve a bloody canyon in the enemy this guy he is 300 points
  3. After reading Anvil of Apotheosis rules i think ill drop the vargheists for a 300 points smashf*cker vampire lord on abyssal terror to run as a general in a swift death army, mist form and saccharine goblet. That will be juicy
  4. Mod edit - please don't post copyright material.
  5. found them and loving it already, off to make 30 characters i go
  6. wait what, where? I only saw the one half page with the ancestries
  7. and yet still nothing on the anvil of apotheosis, how can the leakers not care about something so juicy?
  8. alas it does not but vhordrai spell does
  9. same here, a tournament is just 5 games to me. I also usually get stomped from those lists but since i really dont care mutch abount winning i just try to be as annoying as possible and try to make them score as little points as i can all of this in game ofc, im always very polite and playful
  10. then the tachings of Abhorash are clear, Soulblight it is. EDIT- So, this is what i came up with considering the new points. I must say, im rather surprised by the ammount of stuff i managed to fit in the army SOULBLIGHT, NECROMANTIC BLOODLINE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEADERS Prince Vhordrai 460pts Lore of the Vampires: Amethistyne Pinions General Neferata Mortharch of Blood 340pts Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread UNITS 5x Bloodknights 180pts 5x Bloodknights 180pts 5x Bloodknights 180pts 5x Bloodknights 180pts 6x Vargheists 300pts 3x Fell Bats 80pts ENDLESS SPELLS Soulsnare Shackles 40pts Extra Command Point 50pts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOT 1990 pts i think i will roll with this untill the hero making rules come out, then the list may be subject to changes i could consider swapping the shackles with the purlple sun if i went against some hordy army or those damn fyreslayers
  11. Very fair point. I mean that he gets the bloodline powerup like +2" in swift death or a casting bonus in necromantic while in LoB he does not get anything since he does not have the vampire lord keyword for some reason
  12. So i was thinking and im getting rather indecisive. Do you guys think that for a bloodknights heavy force, one should go LoB or Soulblight? Sure, in LoB you have to get some critters in the battleline but some wolves can be very useful to block charges and stuff like that, not to speak about the +1 attack for everyone. Although considering that im not picking up a VLoZD anytime soon because of ETHEREAL AMULET GONE the prince is the prime choice for a smasher hero and soulblight gives him some juice. As i said, very undecisive, what do you fellow aristocrats think?
  13. I was thinking that since the prince is now only 20 points more expensive than a normal lord and that realm artifacts are not an item anymore there is little to no reason to pick up the vanilla dragon lord unless you are running both him and the prince (although i would rather have neferata or mannfred along with vhordrai)
  14. i think it is against the rules but i know those for sure: Blood knights -20 Coven Throne - 20 Prince Vhordrai - 20
  15. LoN points leaked, a big drop for soulblight but not mutch more. All in all quite nice
  16. YUP, CONFIRMED. That is a lot of saved points holy hell... but for some reason everyone thinks that the palanquin is fine?
  17. at this point i dont even know if GHB2020 will drop as soon as 2021
  18. my vampire on zombie dragon has been crying in the corner for a bit now, wailing about some ethereal amulet and ghyrstrike. IDK what he is talking about but it looks serious
  19. I really like his mount. That is about it. Stupid cowardly backstabbing nerd, gimme Vlad back
  20. not for me , i play soulblight and suck already as much as i can
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