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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. Don't think this "reveal" could've been any more disappointing. Literally ALL 40k ******. Was there zero AOS mentioned during the livestream??????????? AOS is perfect for a CRPG and yet once again it's given to 40k. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/06/01/every-reveal-from-warhammer-skulls-2022-the-warhammer-video-games-festival/ Like seriously what is this
  2. I think they've pivoted to the Rumour Engine itself being a Votann, not that it means the RE is Votann/40k specific. Remember when the last one got "broken" from Chaos? It used to be an Eldar device. Though with this older RE they're now saying the Engine was a Votann all along. So the rumours aren't guaranteed to be LoV, even if this hammer is.
  3. Unless they suddenly do a complete 180 on digital rules, I agree that the next editions for 40k and AOS probably have at least a year delay on their release. It probably affects TOW's release too and in that regard I think we can all agree GW would get 10e 40k out before TOW.
  4. Trust me, none of them out right now except maybe the VR game are Stormcast power fantasies. Stormground is hard as hell and I'm lucky if I leave a mission with only 1 death. We can only dream of getting the action game Space Marine treatment for AOS tbh...
  5. We know one of the main AOS batreps was delayed so maybe this one was too? The 2021 tome doesn't have all of the Underworlds warbands now, and those plus new set = new rules IMO.
  6. This was a really good intro to Warcry batreps and then it just stops at the Gryph-Hound Wished it was a longer article. They are using the 2021 rulebook too https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/05/25/kruleboyz-clash-with-stormcast-eternals-in-this-weeks-warcry-battle-report/
  7. uhh did the rumor engine change? because I'm seeing this, which looks like a saw and most likely part of the new Warcry terrain. edit: okay I see how this could be a trigger/winch now. Those books look like a dang fencepost!!! Country boy brain.
  8. The bayou aesthetic IS very cool, yet I still find myself wondering why this wasn't Beastmen even more now. It would even keep the original Chaos vs Chaos objective: Bayou beasts of chaos that don't map directly to the Big Four (just like Hashut cultists), with an aesthetic that gives beastmen a more lived-in, cunning intelligence type of look. It feels a little too on the nose for me I guess, that the swamp-dwellers are Nurglites. I'm sure they'll look amazing, but I hope the poxes and pustules are restrained. Nurgle always seemed like the Chaos God with the quickest way to mutation, which is something the Warcry warbands have kept away from.
  9. I'm hoping this means multipart Vindictors, Vanquishers, and/or Vigilors aren't off the table! Especially Vindictors, it's really disappointing their separate kit is just the Dominion sprues reboxed
  10. When GW is destroying stock that won't sell rather than recycle or discount it, it is GW shareholders cannot expect the pandemic boom to continue. I could see 4.0's box being one or two Stormcast attached to a new Cities/Dawnbringer force. It would not only change up the Stormcast vs X, but it doesn't stop GW from putting out a separate Cities launch box. IIRC, the Thunderstrike Brotherhood Start Collecting was supposed to be used with the 1.0 starter set so you could get a full 5 Retributors? So there's precedent for GW doing two big boxes that fit together.
  11. Funny how the second robotic arm is grabbing a hose that is also attached near where said arm is! gotta be Admech or Necromunda. Seems like a very Imperium thing to do. I'm now realizing the hands are... facing each other? And at this angle the hose looks chest-attached, not on a backpack. The arms look too close together, like they're on one side of the body instead of opposite. The longer I look the stranger this picture is 👀
  12. Love these models, looking good!
  13. Seraphon Beasts of Chaos Skaven Sylvaneth Gitz Any of these fit right into a jungle/forest theme and would be great sellers as a new Warcry starter
  14. The hosts claimed this new Warcry season would have non-Chaos in it. Really curious as to how they're going to justify Horns vs Chaos in this new box though... Gnarlwood screams "Sylvaneth" already, so if the other half is Legionnaires not Beastmen I'll be even more confused.
  15. Yea like I would honestly not be surprised if TOW Kislev was only a few units like Ice Guard from TWW3, and same for Cathay (if it even becomes minis). For as good as Total Warhammer is, it has really set horrible expectations from the fans--for both CA and GW/TOW--and I'm getting sick of it.
  16. I'm gonna throw this out into the aether so we can come back to it in 5 years: GW will release TOW as a minis agnostic(-ish) game And before you laugh, I personally don't see GW having the production capacity needed for all the stuff they want to make for TOW, let alone expanding AOS like it deserves.
  17. Oh that would be wonderful AND line up with the mythological underpinnings of AOS (focus on gods, wars between their followers, creation and epoch myths, etc).
  18. As a counterpoint: this does allow us as players to fill in those gaps with our own armies/characters, with less toe-stepping. And it also sets GW up to write BL stuff that doesn't need a Fixed Timeline; i.e. we could get two new novels, one is in some corner of some realm in Soul Wars and the other is actually pushing the Era of Beasts story forward. However I do think this will be close to the end result of redesigning Cities/bringing Dawnbringers to life. Both ways of handling the timeline are valid. However, from precedent, we know GW is more likely to stick the landing of a scaled down timeline. Another reason why the Cities redesign should include non-Sigmarite/Azyrite iconography...
  19. He also HITS people with an OAR which is splendidly silly.
  20. Rules wise you mean? I wonder if it's more because they wanted to make completely distinct Cities in the first book, where the old kits have synergy within a city but not between other cities.
  21. Thought so still doesn't make sense to me, why not at least the Hero phase if they're pseudo-casting it? Ugh...
  22. I do not know of any actual link between Seraphon/Slann and Necrons, but Lizardmen are (were?) like the Necrons of Fantasy: existing before mortal history and favored by Old Ones. It makes sense that Seraphon magitek designs would look similar to Necrons. Now THIS is how you make lore that is ridiculous without overtaking how awesome it is...
  23. If sequitors were only 5 or 10 points above Vindictors, do you think they'd see more play?
  24. Yeah I do think the most likely outcome is core troops that have little throwbacks to the Empire, but are better looking for a high fantasy world, supported by Realm- and role-specific units. More armored mortal humans would be great to reflect the danger of Chaos and the Realms. And if the leak that Chaos Legionnaires are going to be an armored marauder redesign, Order humans should get the same treatment.
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