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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. Ya know I had this exact thought when I saw my first announcement about Warhammer Horror 😂 "Wait, what the hell have you been writing this whole time?" since 40k's setting especially relies on the inherent horror that the infamous blurb sets up. I am also hoping they're using this as an opportunity to reach across the spectrum of what Horror is and can be in Warhammer. Hell, I could see an entire (cerebral) horror novella taking place from the POV of a Stormcast going through successive Reforgings. I do have my own question about Soul Wars: at what point did you think of the "Cat Queen" girl, and was there pushback on how you wrote the Stormcast interacting with her? I knew I was going to love the book based on that chapter alone. The intro about the Black Pyramid was phenomenal, but Something as small as Stormcast letting this tiny girl and her cat retinue wander around catacombs because their boss doesn't mind cracked me UP.
  2. TBH it's the only real balancing move for Longstrikes. I feel like it's one of the few perfect warscrolls in terms of lore vs statline, so any change to that would either kick them out of their sniper niche or feel flat as hell
  3. This really sucks. It's extremely frustrating that fandom is taking the stance that quality does not matter as much as content. It's not new nor is it only Warhammer's issue, but it feels like it's getting worse especially after the MCU exploded. I got into 40k through Gaunt's Ghosts because they were good books, not solely because I ended up liking the Ghosts as characters. Then ironically, I never finished the series because it got tiresome having too much of the same thing!
  4. Right. Except if they are still printing points, any digital updates are STILL hamstrung by waiting for print. Which is why I said I hope this is the last printed points update; because going full digital means they can do spot-updates or even quarterly updates.
  5. I'm hoping this is the last GHB that ties points to print it makes sense to have one last print run before going all digital. The obvious caveat being "this is GW" of course...
  6. But they're currently around 1:1 conversion and making these kits 130 is acting like USD is less value than the Euro?
  7. I want it to be AOS/Seraphon but my gut is screaming CATACHAN as we know there's some level of Guard refresh coming
  8. "Shield of Civilization" trait would finally be a reality and that would rock
  9. Yes!! Not only would this give us NEW AOS characters (deities?) they could also be positioned as "neutral" in terms of outside the Grand Alliance wars. They'd probably side with anyone else over Chaos since the whole corrupting the realms thing, but still settling outside any GA until necessary.
  10. That's a nasty difference in currencies ugh. So it saves us what, like 30 USD in total? Basically the hero unit for 'free'
  11. HOPEFULLY much, much more than HRE-but-fantasy and Faux France. Would seriously love to see (Middle) Eastern designs for Order* as well. *that aren't Lumineth
  12. I believe the DOK tome explains this: Morathi does not have an Iron Grip on 100% of her followers, and so there are enclaves/temples that work with COS/Order closely while not following her commands to the absolute letter. So things like this are a double-edged sword where it's GOOD because it means the factions are not beholden to their poster-leader and doesn't break lists, but BAD because it makes people think nothing happened and/or the happenings did not matter.
  13. The vanguard boxes look suspiciously well priced*... is a 105 euro kit a direct conversion to USD? Because 110 USD Vanguard box to start a small DOK force sounds GREAT to me and by "well priced" I mean "not overinflated in value"
  14. Lumineth art always makes me want them, then I see the actual models and know I wouldn't want to paint them bc of all the greeblies 😭
  15. r/ageofsigmar has news about FEC update in the WD. Can confirm Charnel Throne got a warscroll update
  16. I've been wondering when/if they're going to open production in the US since we're the 2nd biggest market
  17. If we're in the US how bad would the shipping be
  18. They'd put this behind WH+ though not that I disagree but this is very much ripe for monetization that would make you go to a fan site anyway. Best way to do this would probably be to have BL authors write stuff for Warcom that leads into a full novel/omnibus/collection, etc.
  19. You... you get me. The fracturing works within the framework of how they're elevated to 'angels' so I don't think they necessarily need to fall to Shyish for faltering, but yeah. They should be allowed to be actual heroes, and show the horrible cost it takes these immortal warriors to defend mortals from Chaos. As for the post-apoc, a bunch of the fiction shows it like this. 3.0 as a setting is making it even more clear that this is straight up post-apoc Chaos land etc. Baron already went over fiction recs with you I see. Which sourcebooks? Both 2.0 and 3.0 corebooks paint the setting very well I felt? Definitely did not give me the vibe that Order was in a great position. That being said, GW is definitely failing us as readers..... It didn't need to, like every GA it doesn't need to flatten the creative space. Again comes down to decisions from the top the GA's being united in purpose makes sense and is a good idea to group factions together for new people.
  20. that is a great catch, I KNEW I had seen boots like that before
  21. Well then the problem is certainly that GW let the miniatures market lead the game, instead of Black Library and actual writers... You have my eternal gratitude for helping make the Stormcast characterizations likeable. I don't think I would've jumped into AOS if Stormcast were nothing more than fantasy Space Marines who didn't care about their mortal charges. I have to agree--doesn't the Gloomspite book even have a goblin city on the cover? Destruction shouldn't necessitate rejecting civilization, as there's so many great ideas you could make for goblin and orruk factions!
  22. It always felt like the 40k loretube scene was because no one person can possibly read all of the books and supplements that 40k churns out, so there's always something to talk about and how it relates to or retcons older lore. I guess I just find it easier to describe AOS than 40k. It was always easier for me to show someone that opening blurb than try to describe 40k.
  23. Thank you very much for this reply!! It definitely explains why it feels like GW still hasn't *fully* put its weight behind AOS. Quite vindicating tbh. The possibility of AOS being cosmic and weighty still feels like it's only a couple steps ahead. Ahh yeah, in that case the 40k one is definitely honed to perfection. I will have to break out my 3.0 corebook when I get home because I know that one has a more condensed version and it felt much more punchy than the one I found. I guess if you're looking for that it might work, but Stormcast as they are are more tragic heroes. And I think that there is a LOT that can be done with this. There is so much that can be done with the Stormcast flaw that doesn't force them to become immoral or corrupted like with Space Marines. We're talking about immortal heroes that have been picked for their courage and original sacrifice. How far would one go to protect civilization? How many times can you sacrifice yourself before your mind starts to fracture? And when your mind does, eventually, start to fracture--how do you hold on? You can't stop hollowing yourself out because it's part of your job. It's the entire reason you were chosen. To fracture your soul and hollow yourself out in service to the countless mortals you're sworn to protect. Memories of your own family gone, to protect another. Memories of first loves and first kisses, gone so that other children will grow up to have their own. Maybe the worst part is that it *doesn't* happen to you, so you get to watch as your friends and comrades lose the parts of themselves that forged your immutable bonds. A friend loses enough of his mind that he cannot distinguish innocence from corruption; what happens when he tries attacking mortals with no basis? You have to kill him. Your orders are to protect the weak, to protect the mortals, to defend civilization. Your friend is sick and broken, but he will come back--the mortals will not. You have to kill him.
  24. Here's the 2.0 Blurb I think?? If it is, it's what got me to buy the Soul Wars box to jump back in:
  25. Maybe a 40k fan specifically..? This is the Blood Angels' geneseed flaw innit?
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