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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. They only seem to come through in promo emails too, seems like a blanket marketing gimmick?
  2. Personally I hope tabletop gaming as a hobby never requires a 3D printer to engage with properly. It already feels like airbrushes are a requirement for painting and it does not help motivate me to paint... it sucks that advances in certain art techs can lead to divides in what are already pretty niche hobbies.
  3. It was an agreement with Overread yeah -- Marvel and Legion have the ability to do well with logistics because the reach of their respective IPs is astronomical. IMHO that makes the decision to stock them at a LGS a no brainer.
  4. Addressing the other side of this topic: it's interesting that a company needs ALL four pillars to even compete near GW. We've got Marvel, ASOIAF, and Star Wars tabletop games that were established lore which finally got turned into minis. I'm not 100% on ASOIAF but I have heard Marvel and Star Wars do pretty solid for themselves.
  5. Yeah I was going to say, especially as a (younger) adult, I often simply do not have the energy to be creative or innovative because of how much I have to work and how much more time it is to keep up with "life maintenance." I was extremely creative and innovative as a kid/teenager. I lost that somewhere along the path to adulthood and I've no idea how to get it back 🙃
  6. Oh I thought it meant Valkia was coming to 40k... whoops
  7. Valkia would be a dual system model right? (queue Anakin meme)
  8. For sheer variety I would say you should look at all of the Underworlds Warbands. They can fit both PCs and NPCs (friendly or otherwise). You don't need to spend 60$ on one box, and they come from all factions.
  9. Okay so that settles THREE rumor engines I believe? This wing, the tongue, and the weird insect leg. They all seem to point towards Jabberslythe which tells us Beasts get some level of refresh with their tome. If it's not Beasts, it seems the model will still be Chaos over anything else
  10. That 30-40% is after wages are paid though, so definitely a bit too high. 20-25% seems more appropriate.
  11. it's weird until we remember that the Necroquake was stopped/ended by the Lifequake that happened in BR. And Alarielle got no book of her own in that campaign sooo I would bet money the Sylvaneth expansion is related to that Lifequake and Alarielle might start up the next campaign series
  12. So to add some info to this discussion... I was sent this screenshot today by a friend. It seems to be from this website: https://markets.ft.com/data/equities/tearsheet/financials?s=GAW:LSE For those of us who aren't business-inclined, this essentially means GW is making 41p per 1 pound sterling they sell. Looking into operating margins themselves, I found that this percentage is "sector dependent" and so while there's no one-size percentage, 41% is still on the larger side of these margins. Checking on Apple as another type of luxury product, it sits around 25-30% operating margin over the years. Again making 41% a huge margin. And this including an entire department of repair & support for their devices. This I think is the best evidence that GW does not actually need to raise prices, and if they want to, then they need to back it up with better support systems for their games. (I am also wondering what this means for employee and contractor pay as well).
  13. Judging from the model list, I wouldn't mind having some of those Stormcast Dominion extras as conversion fodder if I couldn't find anyone to take them. There's always splitting the sub with a Destruction friend too... I'm really hoping this comes to the US! edit: the only thing that truly stinks is the 5 Vanquishers, because they need 10 to have a banner or musician
  14. we wait until the reveal 😔 you mean the US? these magazines are always available in the UK
  15. is it gatekeeping or is it players not understanding they deserve better from what can be called a luxury hobby?
  16. Hopefully the turtle buffs mean they synergize well with thrallmaster and namarti. Having 2-3 turtles move up the board while protecting 20-30 namarti sounds so tasty
  17. I really really would love to see Meeting Engagements (1k) refined and expanded on. The 2k point standard would not hurt as much if GW stuck the landing for smaller games. As for balance: a big complaint about AOS is how 'involved' Gods and Demigods are on the table. Okay, well, 1000 or 1500 point games could have restrictions on characters and larger units, which means these smaller games could be more about Your Dudes fighting each other. I wouldn't say different rules are needed, but some specific restrictions and/or even allowing undersized units at a discount would do wonders I think.
  18. The Chaos storms are not everywhere yet (and possibly not even in some Realms period?) so non-thunderstrike Stormcast can still get reforged in tons of battles. Liberators and Paladins are still the big 2 that guard Free Cities. In our battletome it does also state that the Thunderstrike armor is better tuned for longer, sloggier campaigns; it seems like the original vanguard assault was more about creating bastions/bubbles of Order, and now The Long War to actually reclaim Realms has begun. The extremely obvious assumption here being that GW could release more Thunderstrike as they make Be'Lakor storms spread farther, and more Stormcast need it. We won't be able to tell if Thunderstrike is a full-on oldcast replacement until we see hard evidence of an old kit being remade. Though IMHO none of this would happen until at least AOS4.
  19. Yeah this is also part of the problem... you're expected to get 2000 points. Period. There's no in-between except maybe the beginning of PTG if you can find it in your area. This is compounded by the fact that the smaller systems like WHU and Warcry are now priced higher, making them even harder to segue into the tabletop system for new people. Now that Warcry is giving rules to Underworlds warbands, Warcry might be the best middleground to jump in if you're looking to stick to GW rules. I've heard it really requires terrain to shine though, so we'll see. Here's hoping people don't just talk. Which mailbox did you send feedback to?
  20. I am mostly hoping the 40k rotation is a sign that they're making more production room for NON-Imperium characters... maybe due to the new Eldar and CSM ranges? And yea I don't think this will happen to Stormcast anytime soon because the "oldcast" have their own specific roles/niches that still hold up. Tons of lists are still using Judicators, Liberators, and Dracoths. Maybe if the entire line gets Thunderstruck we'd see this in AOS 4 (or 5).
  21. Showing the new Tides table is the single article I'm expecting for Idoneth. Hoping they get more previews, but the Tides are a guarantee for sure
  22. Individuals 3D printing for themselves is not a solution to this, and is also not possible for a lot of people... As many of us have already said in this thread, we are already looking at 3rd party minis (that have large 3D printing operations) or other mini companies like Atomic Mass. We already have backlogs to work on without buying. I will again reiterate: the point is NOT this single inflation increase, it is the long line of decisions GW has made--from Cursed City to webstore warscrolls--that holistically impact AOS that we have a problem with. And we have this problem in the first place because we care enough about the game that GW wants us to care about to even expend the energy complaining.
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