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Koradrel of Chrace

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Posts posted by Koradrel of Chrace

  1. @woolf Assuming this is in good faith, why specifically did you decide to ally in the Allopex?  That is a rather specific choice, as opposed to allying eel riders which one could make a good arguement for being the better ally.

    These are two great videos for list break downs and alternative ideas for anyone who hasn't seen them.  The one with Duncan @woolf contains list very similar to the one you posted,  and might help.

  2. So, I kind of threw this together real quick, and certainly haven't worked the kinks out, but I was wondering if a list like this would be viable?

    Kastelai Dynasty

    Coven throne-310
    10 Blood Knights-390
    5 Blood Knights-195
    5 Blood Knights-195
    10 Skeletons-85
    Red Banqueters-100

    I haven't even begun to think about artifacts or command traits yet, as I just got the book.

    And yes, this was an attempt to make an all vampire army! 😄

    • Like 1
  3. So I mentioned this in the Rumor thread, but this is a bit more specific for the Lumineth thread.  With the game narrative shifting toward Ghur, it looks like there are some characters popping up in each new Battletome with ties to Ghur (the new Mother of Nightmares being an example).  For our character, Lyrior is said to have had his family killed by a Waaaghh! of orruks.  Anyone think he might go off to Ghur to get a fun spot of vengeance?

  4. 1 hour ago, Hoseman said:

    Maybe we are anticipating too much. We don't know anything now. 

    Maybe when Grimmir comes and "unites" the dwarfs is just something like Kragnos than can unite Destruction in one army but they don't are mixed on a battletome. It's possible that we get some evolving narrative and a mini of a giant Dwarf (curious thing) that has it's own rules to use all duardin units as it's own army. 

    And later will come Tyrion to use Lumineth, Cities aelfs or Phoenix Aelfs, and maybe idoneth... I don't know, just saying without thinking too much ^_^

    If Tyrion came out as an Order version of Kragnos, I eould instantly be collecting 5 new armies, with 5 different versions of Tyrion painted to match each army.

    ....I might be a bit of a Tyrion fan.  I blame William King.

    • Like 2
  5. So with the bug push into Ghur this edition, does anyone think we're going to be seeing more Ghur specific units popping up in other armies?  For example, we've got the new beast hunter angel for Stormcast, and the Vengorian Lord and the Mother of Nightmares are either from Ghur or heavily influenced from there in Soulblight.  So are we going to see these narrative nods in other armies?

    • Like 3
  6. 39 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    As the Poster Formerly Known as Public Universal Duardin (or PFKPUD...now THAT is a mouthful!) I gracefully accept the invitation back to civilized Aelven grudgeless society, until White Dwarf articles and Black Library literature do us part.

    Welcome back!  Here is your razor so you may shave and rejoin polite society!

    • Haha 2
  7. There's also an idea that's been floating around that several of our rules seem janky because our book was written to be future proof with 3E in mind.  We could see a dramatic upheaval in the new edition.  I stick to my previous advice, now is a time to enjoy the hobby aspect with the models you like, because we'll be going back to the drawing board for list building when 3E drops.

    I actually kinda feel bad for the new Gravelords book.  They're almost better just waiting the next month or so before collecting to get a better idea of how things are going to shift.

  8. 1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

    How did I nearly miss this reveal, I have been hyping the return of our edgelord for so long! I really liked the story and it captured the dark political underpinnings of Dark Elf lore very well. I was just warming up to the idea of the new SCE and now the god of shadows and hype has returned... hopefully with kung-fu gripe! Hopefully the new Shadow Aelves return with Mallus Darkblade ready to fight the various avatars, spirits and eidelons of the lesser Aelven forces!

    Question, will he replace Be'Lakor as my favourite shadow demon monster?

    I like Mallus Darblade as much as the next elf, but he kinda got vaporized by the Sword of Khaine.  Even daemons don't come back from that.

    • Sad 1
  9. @Jefferson Skarsnik That's what we've been told, but the Pit of Cathartia is a unique bridge between the two Realms.  If Tyrion could find a safe path through, it would probably shift the balance of power toward Hysh, while also disrupting Malerion's plans.  I could see Ellathor and Ellania being Tyrion and Teclis' proxies if they still can't physically pass through.

    That said, I would totally be down for Tyrion being shown as a blind Jedi Blademaster!

    • Like 2
  10. @Athrawes Having read the story now, it sounds as though they are setting Tyriona and Malerion up in opposition of each other.  Even the offering for negotiations that Malerion mentions sounds more like a stalling tactic to prevent Tyrion and Teclis from delving too deeply into whatever he is planning with Morathi.  On the one hand, I do think it's interesting that they kind of imply that only Tyrion can stop Malerion, since some of Teclis' followers also secretly follow Malerion.  On the other hand, this is kind of a bummer in that we've seen their fight several times before.  I found their strained truce to contain Slaanesh to be a more compelling narrative.  I think it would have been interesting to then add another threat that force Malerion and Tyrion to continue their uneasy alliance.

    I suppose the silver lining to all of this is that if the rumors are true, Malerion's faction will be showing up in the not far future, and when they do, Tyrion will be there to stop them!

    • Like 2
  11. Yeesh, the number of people taking Teclis is unreal, and that was before he got his new spell lore to play with.  If anything, he might be even more if an auto-include in a tournament list because he is just too much of a toolbox now to not have.

    I'm glad to see Eltharion getting some love though.  He is just too awesome of a model to not see use!

    • Like 1
  12. They'll probably still be there for narrative play.  Remember, the average player isn't as tournament hungry as some of us are.  Most play in their garages and basements with just a couple close friends.  Alternatively, if we get something similar to 40k's Crusade system, perhaps they'll be used in that.  I'd like to maybe see something like the old Regiments of Renown return.

    • Like 1
  13. I think Ymetrica as a subfaction needs a reworking.  What it does right now is a little too restrictive, especially for what is supposed to be the flagship faction.  There are ways you could incentivise playing Alarith in the subfaction while still encouraging other elements.  The fact is Alarith need pretty heavy support, even when taken in Ymetrica.

    • Like 2
  14. So, now for the fun question.  At this point, we almost know the shape of what's happening in BR Kragnos, and we know the players.  The Slaaneshi Twins, Glutous, and Sigvald are on their way to attack Azyr, along with Kragnos and most of the Destruction faction.  Nagash has been handily dealt with by massed laser beams.  With that lead up, the question is:

    What is the greater foe that Tyrion is fighting?

    All of our traditional foes are currently accounted for, except for Malerion, who we have a sort of armed truce with.  And frankly, I'd be upset if they had it be something as lazy as Malerion.  By all means, have him be the Vegeta to Tyrion's Goku, but that rivalry has been fought already.  So, what do we think brothers and sisters?

    I'm hoping for something new.  Something crazy and wild, beyond the scope of what the other gods know.  Something that only Tyrion, as the God of Light, knows about.  And maybe Malerion has to help him, and that's why he hasn't been revealed yet...

  15. 1 hour ago, Enoby said:

    It's a long shot but I'd really love to see a AoS Slaanesh Black Library book. A chaos protagonist would be an interesting read - AoS is a world of infinite possibilities, so it'd be nice if one of them was a well written Chaos character :P 

    With the amount on Slaanesh narratively at the moment it'd be a shame if we didn't get a story from their perspective. 

    (On a more serious note, there are some well written Chaos characters, but there are also a decent number that get hit with the "dumb and evil" stick so they feel like cartoon characters that no one would want to read any deeper into; AoS is the perfect setting to turn this around)  

    Technically there's a Sigvald book, though it is set in the Old World.  They did one for a champion of each if the Choas gods, but the Sigvald was the best of the bunch.

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