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Everything posted by SunStorm

  1. Harbringer of Decay is a perfect modern take on the old kit. Stream mentions he does come with the option for a scythe.
  2. This. So much potential for cool ideas with non-chaos warbands.
  3. Kroxigor as battleline? I didn't fancy doing a whole load of painting for a new army, but if it can be done with a few units of those new sculpts, then it's going to be tempting...
  4. Good lore only books like that would be very interesting. Even if they just started compiling the different White Dwarf articles and stories, that'd be worth it.
  5. This would be an ideal candidate for a new sculpt in plastic, retaining the existing style. After all, it's still for sale and thus appears in the army book
  6. To me at least, this looks unique enough to stand out. The majority of the others I couldn't tell weren't just a head/weapon swap from a standard box of marines. This one also harks back to the old Tyrannic War vets.
  7. I'm not much of a gamer, rather than a collector, so it's not used in games. It's a fun addition to the background of the force who migrate round Ghur using Squiggoths to move their camps around. I defo need to update this thread as the force has expanded quite a bit since I started it pre-pandemic
  8. I love it! Withergrasp Doubledrool was my favourite character name from the old days. They've had quite the glow-up!
  9. Amen. My army threat hasn't been updated in a while, but that's exactly the loom I've gone for: https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/22837-destruction-ironjawz-from-ghur/
  10. I had to check the age on that video as that's basically the view that was around when AoS 1 launched (especially as he uses the art work from the first boxset) but it's night and day compared to how it was when it launched. You should check out https://www.youtube.com/@2Tough, he covers AoS in a positive way, talking through the lore for all the factions and will show how it's expanded since the start.
  11. I cannot comment on how popular it is more widely, but we used to play it on lunch break at work, as it could easily be unpacked, setup and played in less than an hour in a meeting room. Some people who weren't into the full AoS/40k games found it enjoyable. But, as pointed out by Clan, COVID and working from home killed it off for us. If we start being back in the office more often it might make a come back.
  12. I've just received an email to say they'll be refunding the price of the tickets I'd paid for. Nice little surprise for today to find out I'm getting money back from GW.
  13. The 40k rumours mention GW replacing the technical paint range, that could be a big deal. I've ordered and stocked up on the ones I use for my bases just incase, but hopefully they're just doing a range refresh and won't be losing them altogether as they've made basing so easy compared to the days of pva glue and sand/flock.
  14. The lore has certainly improved since AoS first launched. The realms have become more fleshed out, with their own characters and cities, etc. I would also recommend 2+ Tough as a guy on Youtube to follow. He does a good job of going over the lore, for each army book, including subfactions, while also covering the wider story from things like Broken Realms.
  15. Got to admit, I bought into these rumours. I'm happy we're getting the new wolf riders as their WHU warband is my favourite, just that I was hoping for a hero to lead them. I'll still be looking to get a couple of boxes for a nice unit of them.
  16. It's pretty good that they've managed to get both in a single kit. Looking at how many differences between Eternus and the mounted Lord in the previews, I was sure they were going to be 2 kits. I'll be wanting two copies of this kit, to build both Eternus and a Lord.
  17. As someone who works in IT and has seen first hand how IT projects go for big clients, this doesn't surprise me. I've worked at places that were doing Government IT systems, spent years working on them, went way over budget and then scrapped them as they didn't work, starting again from scratch with another company. The overall financial report while reporting slowing sales in some regions doesn't look too bad. There was a statement about their Nottingham factories having an extra 8 injection molding machines compared to last year, which hopefully should mean releases as well as re-stocks can catch up.
  18. Both the Avatar and Daemon Prince are fantastic updates of old designs with plenty of options, so good to see them get highlighted. It's things like this what make me wish we had access to more data from GW, for example it's interesting that 4 out of the top 10 are limited edition releases and 3 are army boxes.
  19. This could be you're describing lol. Gloomspite doesn't appeal, but the Snarlfangs. I love them. I want units of them to go alongside my Ghurian desert themed Ironjawz. If the rumours turn out to be true and it's a Sylvaneth sized mini expansion, I'll be all in.
  20. It's certainly getting some major attention: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11544873/Henry-Cavill-set-star-executive-produce-Warhammer-40000-TV-series-Amazon.html https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/dec/16/amazon-agrees-deal-with-games-workshop-to-create-warhammer-tv-series-henry-cavill Having HC attached is a big deal, especially as he's recently been in the news for leaving Witcher and Superman, both thing most people liked him in. One difference between this and the Rings of Power, which gives me hope is that they seemingly have the entire 40k lore to go to for stories, with RoP, they only had very limited rights to some Tolkein works, but not others (and that still cost them 250 million...) That could be anything from inquisitor or rogue trader led adventure, hive city gang drama, etc
  21. Warhammer+ I guess will stay for the hobby related stuff, painting, lore, battle reports, smaller animations, and then the bigger budget stuff will be on Amazon. I wonder if Warhammer+ was a big enough success that Amazon saw the potential audience for Warhammer based TV shows?
  22. https://investor.games-workshop.com/2022/12/16/agreement-in-principle-to-develop-film-and-tv/ They've confirmed Amazon are scoping out something in the 40k Universe. Considering how much Amazon spent on limited rights to Lord of the Rings, this should be a nice boost for GW. At the very least the stock market agrees and GW shares are up 13% so far this morning.
  23. Same, this is what I've been waiting for since the 3 gitmob they did for WHU. Would be a day one purchase for me, assuming it's all real.
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