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Gareth 🍄

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Everything posted by Gareth 🍄

  1. Was hoping for a reveal of the Kruleboyz flyer and a cavalry unit but pretty happy with those multipart Orruks.
  2. I think they should've shown more of the upcoming Kruleboyz range to give people a better idea of what that faction is going to look like - more cool models could get people more excited for them. I would guess there's also been a lot of confusion out there as to whether they're getting their own battletome or they're part of a new Orruk Warclans battletome. As a new faction/subfaction they feel a bit vague right now which I don't think helps them sell - hopefully GW will reveal a lot more on the stream this weekend. Also, while I plan to collect the Kruleboyz, the Hobgrots don't interest me at all - I wonder if many others feel the same way? I'm really hoping for some Kruleboyz cavalry but simultaneously really hoping that they're not more Hobgrots, lol.
  3. Hoping for a Kruleboyz cavalry reveal on the launch stream, ideally Orruks rather than Hobgrots 🤞
  4. Sounds worth the asking price to me, I'm pleasantly surprised.
  5. Yeah my local sold all of theirs when pre-orders opened at their usual 20% off. Saw one guy on Facebook say their local place didn't sell all theirs yet but they put it down to £85 and now they've sold out. Seems a bit mad to me, we're still 12 days away from release day.
  6. Never been a fan of conga line screens, hope this new way works out.
  7. I often end up disappointed with Finecast models, I tend to avoid buying it now and stick to plastics.
  8. This 'new Xenos race in January' rumour is nonsense spread by Spikeybits/The Long War. The Xenos art image in the Codex release roadmap is just a placeholder and not related to any models. It's more likely going to be Orks or Drukhari because we already saw in a recent preview video that there are new models coming for those armies. GW staff already stated that the art connected to this rumour isn't going to be models, it was just created as a fun piece for the new rulebook:
  9. Battletome and Mega-gargant pre-ordered here! Can't wait to build this big guy!
  10. https://www.facebook.com/GWWarhammerAgeofSigmar/posts/1520327954830659
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