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Everything posted by Kasper

  1. Have anyone toyed with the Purple Sun of Shyish? On paper it sounds really awesome against Horde armies but also great against really tough stuff like Fyreslayers etc. 50 pts. sounds tempting to me.
  2. Beasts of Chaos - I really liked how they were the manifistation of Chaos and just wanted to tear down Order and ****** because why not. They also somewhat resemble Vikings which I'm a huge fan of. Savages running around rampant through new territories and leaving ruin in their wake. Unfortunately I just didn't like how they played on the table and I felt I was forced down 2 different routes: Tzaangors or painting roughly 200 Ungors. Neither path was a choice for me. I was also really disappointed that Gargants, Chimeras etc. weren't more viable. I wish the monsters played a bigger aspect in the faction. Slaanesh - I really just wanted a new army after my distaste of how Beasts of Chaos actually played on the table. I was really close to picking Fyreslayers because they were new/updated, but they were too much alike imo. All of them half naked fiery dwarves. I was afraid of a burnout from the painting. Slaanesh was announced and I instantly fell in love with the whole "pain and pleasure" deal. I feel like every week theres a new list doing really well at tournaments etc and the army doesn't feel pigeonholed one route or another. You can focus on multiple Keepers and tons of heroes. You can go crazy with Daemonettes. There is the Depraved Drove which includes BoC (hey I can use my previous army with the new one!) etc. Really refreshing to have a different army every week. The new sculpts are amazing - Absolutely love the Keeper etc. I was a bit afraid that the faction would somewhat suck because Slaanesh has been a bit abandoned in the past but hey - Guess it didn't turn out too bad after all!
  3. So Bestigors would have 6” base, +2 from cogs, +3 from shaman, then D6 run with +1 from banner. So with a CP they run 18”. On the charge they get +1 from Godseekers and +2 from Cogs. Meaning minimum 23” charge turn 1. Have I missed anything? First time mixing BoC with another army.
  4. What kind of list do you use with Kairos? I like the idea of him and umbral spell portal.
  5. If you bothered to just look one post back instead of randomly quoting a part of a conversion, you would see I literally stated that the Gnawhole rules are silly and will obviously be FAQ'd. Beyond that, it really isn't too bad when you actually play with it.
  6. But actually playing with the rules is completely different than sitting there and theorycrafting based on what you read in the book. You should give it a go. The table is quite huge and we had plently of space tbh.
  7. I played a game yesterday using the new terrain rules. We took turns placing terrain, but also rolled 2D6 pr. terrain to determine what effect they gave. It really wasn't that bad. I understand that Gnawholes are an outliner compared to the other terrain pieces, so will expect a FAQ. I just wonder exactly how many have actually tried using the new rules before complaining about something written in a book.
  8. Great writeup - Thank you very much for it. I'm curious though, you mention WDR and talk about looking at warscrolls specifically. I'll admit I'm not certain how exactly you calculate WDR, but it sounds like it is purely based on the specific warscroll? Does this mean that alligiance abilities aren't factored in, in any way, when deeming the value of a specific warscroll? Slaanesh has pretty bonkers alligiance abilities, so comparing a warscroll like Daemonettes to, let's say Gors in BoC really doesn't tell you much and the comparison will be awful compared to reality. This is further complicated by abilities that allows the Daemonettes to fight twice etc. My question is if WDR is purely based on 1:1 comparions of warscrolls?
  9. Some armies had points adjusted up/down which attempts to encourage usage of other units within a faction. Even if I don't agree with the exact point decreases or increases, and every unit they have picked, would you honestly rather have seen them in the 50-70ish range? I think it is important that they take babysteps, and not kneejerk changes that could have a massive influence.
  10. In the future, when people call you out for being wrong and they believe they are right, just ask them to point it out in the rules where it says X. Usually helps for me, since they have trouble finding the thing and they literally just go off based on something they heard somewhere.
  11. I realize this would add to the customization of the army list, but I personally find it an unnecessary change. To me a part of AoS' charm is the simplicity of the game really. If you want more models to secure a 20+ model bonus (as an example), you are probably better off gunning for 30 anyways, rather than 23, as a single spell would easily "bracket" your unit in the case of bringing so few extra models.
  12. Thanks a lot for the in-depth writeup. When I say Bastilladons wipe out 30 Daemonettes, it's probably more likely around the 20-25 mark. But honestly there isn't much of difference between him clearing a unit or you losing 25, since the last will run to battleshock. With how important CPs are, it feels kinda ass to "waste" a CP on 5-7 Daemonettes. I swear I haven't ever rolled a 1 on the battleshock with my Daemonettes.. I feel like the result is the same every time I play that army, and as you said yourself, killing around 25 is about average, so I can kind of count on that happening each shooting phase. I don't think Seraphon players bring a similiar army and doesn't go for the Thunderquake batallion? I haven't played one at least without it. Being able to reroll everything is honestly just insane vs. chaos daemons. I spend the first turn or two chewing through Skinks, and eventually he gets a double turn where the Bastilladons clean up so much. Having no proper magic or ranged attack to pick off key characters feels like a huge disadvantage against that specific army/list. I guess I could experiment with spell portals and more endless spells. Also, looking back, not giving my KoS thermal cloak was a big mistake and really limited my threat/summoning range for some ambush potential. As mentioned there was also a huge amount of terrain, which really funneled my army. We played shifting objectives, and he managed to have a real good location where his Bastilladons could hit units attempting to cap either of the bottom/middle ones. I'm abit stubborn and don't really want to rely on Depraved Drove. I'm OK with it simply being a super uphill battle with "pure" Slaanesh units, I just wanted to know if I was missing something super obvious, or if it was a kinda difficult matchup. Everyone on the forums just makes it sound so easy. Push forward and generate 100s of DP, where as that isn't my experience at all fighting similiar lists as the Seraphon stuff and other armies spamming 1 W models.
  13. With all hits and wounds being rerollable? 3 damage a piece due ro Chaos.
  14. I have thought about trying Ungors, since I already have some Beastmen. However I was never fan of mass Ungor spam, so I primarily got Bullgors and Tzaangors/Enlightened etc. My plan was to focus on "normal" Slaanesh units. My list was certainly not optimized. Looking back I would have gone for Thermal Rider's Cloak on the KoS. Against shooting armies, having 2 KoS might be superior too as it divides his attention.
  15. To be fair we just took a table someone else played prior to us, and they had put up an absurd amount of terrain pieces I think we had around 10 sizable pieces on a normal sized table, which is obviously a huge advantage to him, since it is so easy to create road blocks.
  16. How do you guys deal with Seraphon? I have loads of issues with this matchup. He runs 1 Engine of the Gods, 2 Bastilladons, 1 bearer and 4 Razordons, Slaan and then screens of Skinks. He also used Shackles to lock down units while they got pinned and shot off the table. I ran with 1 Keeper, 2 Exalted Chariots, 1 Epitome, then 2x 30 Daemonettes and 1x 20 Daemonettes. I can't ever get to the Slaan and the Bearer, they just chill all game. It didn't help he got 2 arcane terrains right next to each other. Each round of shooting the Bastilladons wipe out 1 unit of 30 Daemonettes quite easily. 4 Razordons took out my Keeper in 1 round too etc. I think I approach the matchup all wrong, but I have always had issues with this list and can't ever break the wall. It's especially bad when he gets a double turn with the 2 Bastilladons.
  17. Have anyone tried Syll'esske or is it really that bad? What attack would you use first - The whp? Then rerolls on axe?
  18. So you are saying you cant use the extra saves some armies get to prevent the D3? Why not? Step 4 is determining damage, which is before the extra saves.
  19. It is the step after saves are done, but before endless death and similiar abilities are in affect.
  20. The GH refers to all of those as “moves”, where as the ordinary move is “normal move”. The warscroll reads as move, so I would guess it is any kind of movement. I havent actually played with the mirror yet (getting mine tomorrow!)
  21. Yeah I don't know what I was thinking haha, obviously they will just decline.
  22. So if you bring Shalaxi and bubble wrap her, meaning a hero can't actually get into combat and fight her, you've effectively shut down the hero? Seems a little silly. All in all nothing too surprising tbh. Most of them were kinda obvious, but it is always nice to clear things out. Especially that Enrapturess nonsense people were talking about.
  23. True, but I also think CP generation is a topic of discussion. If it is too easy to generate multiple CPs a turn, then management is thrown out the window too, even if it is meaningful decisions you spend them on.
  24. I completely understand, and agree with your view, I just don't think you can do a 1:1 comparison at all, you need to factor in alligiance abilities, stat profiles etc. I personally don't think the double attack is a fun mechanic, because it creates a situation where the enemy wont play with his toys at all, despite doing a calculated charge. But then again, it isn't fun being boxed in by Endless Spells by Skaven, meanwhile you are shot to pieces. I think we just have to get used to that almost every army in the future can do something bunkers and have their own sort of "oompf". Is it good for the game? Probably not. Does it create a fun experience? I don't think so.
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