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Turin Turambar

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Everything posted by Turin Turambar

  1. I expect Malerions aelves to be a mixture like DoK but with really weird aelves for the twisted aelves. This is because the shadowblades faction in CoS is supposed to be aelves given by Malerion to sigmar and the mistweaver saih (a shadow aelf) is normal-ish But super exited for Hysh aelves now that I know they are soon, step aside sisters of battle my savings have a new priority (for now atleast)
  2. Ye are usyng yncorrect language, yourself my friend. Juste by cause youre wey of speakyng ys common and popular doesn't mene it ys correct. -FYI I was just using a form of middle English to high light the point that language changes, so we really should not be so uptight about how people use words 'inaccurately' as long as we can understand them
  3. White dwarf said they were a type of sylvaneth. (could be a misinterpretation on their part) Kurnothi and some sylvaneth both worship kurnoth who is highly linked to all things sylvaneth. Orruk warclans, beasts of chaos, etc, show GW recombining many old world factions that were slipt up, thus wanderers and the highly related kurnothi have a good chance of being folded into sylvaneth (especially as they are closer in current lore then ironjaws were to binesplitters were pre warclans) Not saying they will be a sylvaneth subfaction but it's a very likely possibility especially with the shear number of order tomes compared to the other grand alliances.
  4. Why would an elf riding a deer hit harder then an elf riding a dinosaur (hell a drakespawn is a modified dragon) I would prefure drakespawn being either in between wild riders and demigryphs (so about 150 to 160 points for 5) or be an alternative to demis point wise (170-190 points per 5) with the war scroll changing to fit into one of these positions. Personally I would want 2 lance attacks minimum, this puts them in line with other elf lancers (wild riders and morrsarr guard) Infact I would give them the same stat line as morrsarr ( 2" 2 3+3+ - 1 damage, with -2 rend and 2 damage on charge) Arguably they could have a breath attack and other mount changes related to their relationship with black dragons. I would make them to black dragons what dracoths are to stardrakes. Stardrakes have a 18" mortal would on a 6 per model in a unit. Black dragons have the same thing but only 6". Dracoths have a 12" 1 attack d3 mortal wounds on a hit. Drakespawn could have the same but only 4-6" range. Stardrakes have 4 1" 3+3+-1 d3 claw attacks and 3 jaw attacks. A dracoth makes 3 jaw and claw attacks identical to stardrake claws except damage. Black dragons have 3 jaw attacks and 6 2" 4+3+ -1 2 claw attacks. Following the dracoth model a drakespawn would have 4 (4.5) 2" 4+3+ -1 1 damage fang and claw attacks with an ability to make it greater damage (2 damage on the charge for example? ), this would also match their lore ("their fangs and claws are sharp enough to tear through metal and bone"). I would also change to bravery 6 to match the drop from a stardrakes to a dracoth (9 to 7) and put it online with demigryphs and morrsarr guard. Ofcause a demigryph only gets 1" range and 3 attacks Compared to a gryphon's 8 2" attacks (but its attacks are halfway between th gryphon's jaw and claw attacks) following the demigryph model would give a drakespawn 3 1" 4+2+ -1 1 damage attacks, possibly with an ability to do either more damage or mortal wounds. You could also play with the movement characteristics of drakespawns, for example making them only move 8" but getting improved modifiers to charge rolls/moves compared to other cos cavalry and 1 run roll/move per game, representing speed over short distances but slower under normal conditions.
  5. I think it depends on what the hysh aelves end up being, but seeing as the art for Tyrion is basically high elf. and they were one of the best selling old world army and one of the most well played Total war faction I would argue that they would most likely sell better then Kurnothi, not to say Kurnothi won't sell well I just doubt that it would sell better then hysh aelves, but we'll see i guess. but yes why not both
  6. but not all knightly orders worship sigmar. I would prefure a 'devoted orders'. and have most of the orders (sub-faction thingies) be sigmarite, but also have others.
  7. bows do work under water tho, just not as good as they do on land. you even get underwater archery tournaments.
  8. when did he say this. not doubting you just curious about when its likely to happen. was it recently or a few months back?
  9. If i remember correctly they were only dumb in fantasy due to inbreeding.
  10. If i were a betting man then I would bet on GW specifically designing the game to allow factions and parts of factions with crossover to make crossover as easy as possible. encourage as many Sylvaneth players to buy wood elf specific models and visa versa, for an easy example.
  11. I don't think it will be gargants for similar reasons. I also don't think gitmob (due to it being too close to the snarfflang gies, i would think they would have already given them gitmob keywords) as some have suggested it might be (can't remember if it was here or youtube) if its just one faction its either Hysh aelves or its something that hasn't been hinted at yet and it probably isn't giants. assuming it is a faction reveal for AoS or underworlds, etc. and not a campaign announcement (which would likely lead to new hysh armies anyway) either way we will almost certainly get some nice hysh lore, and likely more hysh aelve and/or twins hints/lore
  12. I find it hard to believe they will be too weird. remember Tryion and Teclis are trying to create perfect aelves, and IDK are the failed prototypes. while their idea of perfect may have changed since the world that was, i can't see hysh aelves being too different in body shape to IDK.
  13. i was talking purely models and style. not rules. as for model ranges, correct me if i am wrong (i don't own any of these as their styles don't appeal to me) but fyreslayers have 10 warscrolls KO have 12 DoK have 11 IDK have 12 so they have similar range sizes
  14. Isn't it obvious? battletome: chaos Bananas incomeing
  15. 2, aelves they currently have 2. and a joint faction. dwarves have 2, humans have 2. if you count CoS. then aelves have 2 factions and 6 subfactions that can't be played by themselves humans have 2 factions and 1subfaction that can kinda be played on its own, and 2 that can't be dwarves have 2 factions and 2 subfactions that can't really be played on its own., etc aelves are equal to dwarves right now. worse infact as aelves have 2 minor faction of barely armoured silly aelves while dwarves atleast have an unarmoured silly faction and heavily armoured less silly-to unsilly faction (being silly is subjective)
  16. ofcaurse not every faction should get airships, but that doesn't mean we can,'t have 1 or 2 other factions in game with airships. and you can give them different aesthetic styles, sizes and play styles. tho other then mentions in the lore, i don't think it'll happen unless they expand KO to be more then a flying ship faction (some KO players would like tanks or mechs)
  17. they could release kits that make more units then the kits it replaces, which encourages older players to buy it and newer players to buy more of it. this expands the number of units they can support with the same production (then again this kit will be in greater demand and thus take up more storage then the kit it replaces)
  18. but what about dragons? my ideal destruction faction would be tyranid-seraphon-moria goblin hybrid style faction of hive dragons. with goblin sized mini-drakes, gaunt sized medium drakes, tyranid warrior size drakes, etc, etc. useing dark poor qaulity metals and swarming all over the place. their plague would be 2 fold 1- like army ants or locusts they would need alot of food 2- like dragons in myths and magpies they would love collecting and hordeing things additionally they would be arrogant, challenge seekers.
  19. the basis of my conclusions, is that they are based around a different realm and incarnate/god (and thus wind of magic), and have been discribed so far as being close to opposites. while simultaneously never being mentioned together (the aelves themselves not their gods). just to clear things up. I am not aware of any shadow-light aelf fights, it was Tiger that brought that up...
  20. you probably shouldn't see them as spiritual successors tho.
  21. idoneth deepkin and DoK were both released in 2018, so elvish releases were already quite booked up and it shows that they don't need to be years apart
  22. yes perhaps its connotations are a bit too negative, I apologize . but where i am from we use it alot in informal language when we think someone is wrong. I sometimes forget not everyone speaks like me. edit: "You seem to go from the assumption that there'd be a direct continuation of the dynamic between high elves and dark elves in WHFB, despite that dynamic having already been dissolved during the endtimes and never given any importance in AoS. Wether I'm right or wrong about there being only one more army (I consider it just a theory myself, as written in the quoted post), I think you may end up quite disappointed either way if you expect a redo of High and Dark Elves. They are gone, whatever comes now will most likely both be GA:Order on both sides and will not have the same enmity and I think only as tenuous a connection to Ulthuan and Naggarythe as Bonereapers have to Kemri." you assume too much of what i assume. they have been mentioned as fighting and as communities, ie they are so far separate political entities. I also see them as allies, so your assumption that i see them as a continuation of the old dynamic is wrong. but i see no reason for them to be the same army, and highly doubt GW would do it.
  23. I still think you are delusional. 2 armies that are never mentioned together in the lore (only their creators) and are (as you admit yourself) opposites of each other. come from 2 different realms, and are 2 different ideas of what elves should be. why would GW limit themselves in terms of profit (1 tome instead of 2, for the same amount of work) if they make them 2 separate tomes, they are going to be selling more books and more kits (as people will need more of the individual style to make an army) and they can sell more faction terrain and endless spells. speaking of, what would 2 opposite factions from 2 opposite worlds have as faction terrain? and you would end up with an awkward mixture of endless spells. I neither want this (as it means that we would get 2 half backed subfactions, with some convoluted lore to get them to make sense together) with weird mixed armies on the table top (when they are fighting completely different wars and are so far never shown together) [as there will be not enough kits to play a pure faction in the beginning and be competitive)
  24. yeah because bed sheet ghosts, half-snake women, human warriors in oversized plate armour (coughgenericfantasypaladinscough) steampunk ships, bone constructs and walking trees are all uniquely GW concepts that no one thought of before and are 100% copy-right-able. *roles eyes* the only thing GW cares about when it comes to copy right is the names of things, hence 'Aelves'. no models GW has ever made were 100% copyrightable
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