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Everything posted by PrimeElectrid

  1. Because you could realistically predict that 6+ years in the future GW would relaunch the game they abandoned for being commercially not viable.
  2. Same scale, old models, square bases, old rules... baffling
  3. Yup. The intention is clearly that they can only ever cast empower or a lore of invigoration spell, but they Britta'd the wording so you can cast two if you do it that way around.
  4. In it's simplest form (and less true for Aos3 than Aos2 but still applies), the base rules are still quite easy to learn and simple to play, but the layers of base rules) + battleplans + battletomes + warscrolls creates interactions to explore that aren't immediately obviously. This is what I mean by depth as I see them as layers on the core rules. Yes there is a lot more going on in AoS3 and by definition that means it is more complex; but, equally, I don't think it is as complex as WHFB was. Wheels & arcs are an example of unnecessary complexity which in hindisght I don't think contributed much to that game in the way they were implemented (if only for the fact that so many powerful units were single models and so ignored them almost entirely).
  5. The re-roll ruling is for modifiers. 6+ MW or 6+ rerolls is an effect. I'm rereading the section and I have to agree with @Liquidsteel unfortunately. Both of these are triggered effects as per 1.6.4. There is no FAQ to correct it.
  6. The difference being that those are oversights which need clarification; not baked into the ruleset by design.
  7. I mean AoS3 has depth to it without being needlessly complex. 740 points with no after save. Is she good? Probably. Is she nagash/archaon/gotrek/morathi tier bonkers? Absolutely not.
  8. And for all that it is a genuinely fun game with layers of complexity that doesn’t get hung up on the minutiae of precise wheel arcs. Which isn’t to say that there aren’t a few bad apples spoiling the barrel (Gotrek, any god character that isn’t Alarielle).
  9. Tooth and Nail (and to a lesser extent Survival of the Fittest) are dumb battleplans that serve only to arbitrarily penalise Stormcast for no damn good reason by making it harder to interact with their allegiance ability which is already restricted. This is the hill that I will die on. Not only does it force you to bring a 100 point character as a contingency if you want to use your own damn allegiance ability, it makes some characters and units almost irrelevant (annihilators, Imperatant) but it also restricts list building as it forces you towards big units that can be TPd/run and charge. Yuck yuck yuck. Anyway I’m taking Translocation as they removed the restriction that allows you to move after.
  10. How were you deploying them annihilators? Together or one at a time?
  11. Leaked post was correct, starter boxes, terrain and repackaged endless spells next week. what’s the bet for the week after?
  12. The new Annihilators with grand hammers showed units of 3 so fair to say they will come in that size.
  13. If a Lord Veritant takes the arcane tome, how many dispels does he get? 1 or 2?
  14. Ah no you mistake me, problem is that I don’t think some of these characters are worth doubling their cost to protect as they are mostly support heroes. They help with a thing, but is that thing worth spending 260+ points on? If the enemy wants to try and kill a Knight Incantor or a knight Heraldor are these worth the investment to protect? Although if you *are* taking an infantry general and not something like a mounted arcanum, then maybe it is worthwhile. But a mounted character always seems superior. What even is a good infantry general now? I don’t think the Imperatant has the right thunderstrike support currently. A Lord-Castellant? Feel like an arcanum GC is superior due to spells/move/wounds/Sequitors.
  15. I don’t think SCE have good enough infantry characters to warrant Praetors right now. Why infantry characters specifically? Because mounted characters are going to want to zip off and have fun. Now, there is a niche use to bodyguard a Stardrake through a turn 1 shooting phase, allowing it to take arcane tome instead of amulet of destiny. On everything else however you are significantly increasing the points value of the character (eg for a Tauralon or Yndrasta they are 50% of the cost). The combo with an Imperatant isn’t a bad shout, I’m just not persuaded by the current thunderstrike range that an Imperatant is a competitive pick. Maybe once we see Vanquishers, grand hammer Annihilators, or any other unknown alternate build elite infantry that might change, but right now big thunderstrike units in Scions doesn’t seem a worthwhile investment, and an Imperatant buffing one 3 man squad even less so. Other infantry characters just don’t seem worth protecting. Praetor viability may well go up once we see the Lord Commander or Knight-Judicator.
  16. I guess so. You would need to end the move in base to base contact with both units.
  17. Bafflingly, they have removed the FAQ about equidistant “closest”, I guess because it applies to models. Anyway, 12.2 states you cannot finish the move further away than the closest unit. So, yes, you can move away from unit B, so long as you were closest to unit A and finish the move no further away than unit A than you started.
  18. That’s actually sooner than I expected. So release July 31st. Are we thinking SCE & OWC the week after that (August 7th)?
  19. I really struggle to understand that mindset, can you explain what it is about unleash hell that’s so appealing to them that AoS wasn’t worth playing before?
  20. Well, no. Mv4 might have been a common move value for most infantry in some armies, but as many had a higher base (Elves, etc), not counting for the non-infantry chariots, cavalry, cowboys or monsters; and least of all Fliers at Mv10. If your unit was regularly charging things then chances are it was higher than 4, often much higher, probably with 3d6 drop lowest, and possibly flying, too. Which is a long way of saying that charges frequently started more than 12” away and, indeed, was strategically sound if you were charging a shooting unit with a 24” range that had a big gun. If you were charging some archers with your knights, though, you probably didn’t care. There is no such interaction with Unleash Hell, which is why it was a poor comparison. Edit: also, shooting units definitely are better if only due to the fact that ranged penalties no longer exist, but also wound rolls aren’t tied to toughness anymore (so wounding on 3s or max 4s is much more common than 4s, 5s and 6s). Finally, there are many units with large number of shots, high rend, high damage, or mortals, none of which existed in WHFB. It’s not just the edge cases that abuse Unleash Hell, they just do so to a greater degree. I’m really struggling to think of a shooting unit from WHFB that had a better profile than 1 shot 4+ S4 AP1. Maybe something from Dwarves? I know Ogres had a multishot version at 5s, and elves hit on 3s but they were usually capped to s3.
  21. I’m pretty sure that everyone who can is actually taking Gotrek right now.
  22. I’m struggling to remember a WHFB shooting unit that had anywhere near the same damage as AoS. Most shooting units were small, had at most the equivalent of rend 1, usually one shot each (or came with additional penalties for multishot) and Killing Blow shooting (MWs) was extremely rare (just Waywatchers iirc). They also suffered additional negative penalties for range, cover from other units or terrain, and shooting units were overall more susceptible to penalties to hit. Stand and shoot also had the restriction that you could only use it against the unit that was charging the shooting unit itself, and not any of their buddies within 9”. You also could not SnS within the minimum movement range of the charging unit. I can’t remember if that was half or full move value, not that it matters. Which is a long way of saying the two are not comparable and has little bearing on the value of Unleash Hell. There were far, far more restrictions on SnS and the units using it were much weaker.
  23. GW just went though and removed 90% of reroll saves or Rr1s, they aren’t now going to put them back in again
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