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Everything posted by FattBooM666

  1. Every friend I play says is ok, been tournament and TO and players there say it's ok. Why not use this energy elsewhere.. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  2. This one is pretty good against a lot, except FEC and slaanesh.
  3. Yep I agree I need some sort of shooting to clear chaff it pressure monsters. But one idea I had was having this list, se picture: Prosecutors have 3d6 charge if 12" away. Can fly, shoot chaff, add +6" with Gav. Reroll charge with vexilor. So give +1 armor prosecutor, teleport jump above screen and hunt heroes. Rr1s armor, Charge evocators, leave a 40mm base. Charge azyros, fly inside and give 6++ with 9" bubble. Or easy chaff, throw javelins, Raptors shots. Idk just some brainstorming 😊
  4. I played it last tournament even though I went 2-3 it was only one game vs a khorne that wrecked me (I wasn't allowed to deep strike that turn) other two I lost was vs another khorne and a Slaanesh. Went down to priority roll or I would have went 4-1 if I won both I went an expensive army. Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals - Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar Leaders Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger(220) - General - Trait: We Cannot Fail - Spell: Azyrite Halo - Mount Trait: Wind Runner Lord- Relictor (100) - Artefact: God-forged Blade - Prayer: Translocation Gavriel Sureheart (120) Battleline 20 x Sequitors (440) - Tempest Blades and Soulshields - 9x Stormsmite Greatmaces 5 x Sequitors (130) - Tempest Blades and Soulshields - 3x Stormsmite Greatmaces 5 x Sequitors (130) - Tempest Blades and Soulshields - 3x Stormsmite Greatmaces Units 10 x Evocators (440) - 10x Grandstaves - Lore of Invigoration: Celestial Blades 10 x Decimators (360) Total: 1990 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 137 First game a seraphon took 1st, summoned units, sniped my relictor, screened up. I was on terrain that gave me 1x CP with general so I had +9 on my t1. I still got a great engage. Won 13-12 score 2nd game vs Nagash and several reapers, big bubbles around nagash and a screen so I cant flank. Gives me turn, I was like ok.. let's see if I get azyrite halo and teleport of on my 5man seq. And I went in hard with 10 decimators first with massive X attacks with 2" reach. Did a small 2man train with evocators. Smashed the reavers and reapers. Nagash flees summons more reapers. We come to t4 and out of time. I won by 14-13 points. 3rd game vs khorne (not allowed to drop) big turtle game nothing happening until t3. Big loss. 4th vs another khorne. Skarbrand BT, skull reapers and so on. Gives me 1st turn I just get inside the objectives get 3 points. And dont drop. He thought I was to smash wall, he is forced to move up for points. He leaves a small gap of his screen. I drop 20 seq to skarbrand left side to bait him/sacrifice. And at the area he has a gap I go in hard with evocators on bloodthirster Fury and decimators on bloodwarriors. So I manage to snipe BT he piled skarbrand vs 20xseq. Kills almost the whole unit and is locked his t2. Roll off for t3 he wins it. Several activations, skarbrand kills everything. I'f I won roll my game last vs slaanesh he wrecked everything, so I was to go for secondary. He killed my 20x seq I managed to get them back on a 5+!!! I teleported then 9" on one of his objectives, I am holding 3/4 if you controll all 4 t3 you win. I had 3 and at 4th I had 5 seq and arcanum. Vs 5 chaos warriors and a bit further away a keeper. So if I win priority t3 I could have taken last and actually won. But he won It and had like 90 depravity, mass summons and he won. (Was great opponent and game) but it's an old style with many counters against... I've seen one list that has done pretty good.
  5. Thanks for reply ! No sadly army is set in stone. Here is my army in detail, I went for an anti magic list. (He owns LoN, SCE, Sylvaneth, tzeentch) Well you think I still should go first? If I do that I should measure if I can try a 25-26" charge I'f he is dead anyway. (And give bronzed flesh) But how would the game turn out I'f I give the turn. I stay 31" away (from his longstrikes) with everything. (Or probably need to place blood reavers in front so he thinks i play standard) means his CA shooting is dead. Only he can do is teleport them closer but will only have 1 shooting then. πŸ€” I'd he does that relictor is not there to save him. Also if i do like this i dont he will drop azyros and the 6 desolators. (Easy kill) If I go 2nd and outside 30", he cant kill anything. And after turn 1 its anyones game. If I win both are alive and fairly close to his army. I could still do bronzed flesh, sacrifice skarbrand (if he gets priority roll. And If i wait a turn I got one more CP for another combat with the potential BoUF. πŸ€” Maybe I have less time doing objectives like that idk, but it sounds good in my head negating a shooting, having a shot at the whole army alive for a t2 roll off instead of giving skarbrand up. If I take t1 I am sure his desolators will be dropped in the back sniping heroes and tries a 9" charge. And forcing me to take care of it and buying more time for his longstrikes. Same thing will happen if I do my tactic aswell, if I win priority he might drop them elsewhere to save stuff. But I think either way he will go for backline on heroes. Hmm.. I might be wrong, but it's nice discussing the ideas
  6. Hey so I am facing my mate tomorrow..we have revealed our lists. 2000pts (anti magic) I am going: Bloodsecrator, 3x priests, BT Fury, Skabrand. Minimum battle line, gore pilgrims, 10x skull reapers and all judgements. I am facing stormcast, shooting. And my worst nightmare: 12x Longstrikes supported by relictor teleport Azyros rr1s hit Spellweaver 3x5 lib 3x aetherwings 6x desolators I assume he will drop desolators. In the back sniping heroes and forcing me to deal with it while getting pounded from a far. So I am a 4drop. My initial though was give turn screen up take dmg and idk. Pray for bad rolls lol. I will probably loose both demons T1. So what can I do? I am thinking giving t1 still, but stay outside with everything 31" so he looses atleast the shooting from CA. Though he could teleport them, but then he would be to close so I doubt that. I think it's my best chance, stay outside first turn. Move up and hope for double turn. If I dknt get it, it will just be scenario from t1 if I where to close. Tips and tricks is most welcome 🀘🀘🀘
  7. I love my SCE but I would like to try make as strong army as possible focusing points on sce but having CoS as the main. (If this is possible) I feel we are in a bad place with bodies, so I am thinking maybe could compensate it with CoS. Idk if I want shooting, magic, melee. But we have elite units, no only extra activation is heldenhammer, depravity enjoy our multiple wound army. Our battle line is idk a bit lacking. We can have 1/4 as sce. So I am thinking if I could get more bodies for objectives. (Since we generally lack that) And have elite units/heroes from sce. Things that i think should be interesting is: dracoths, evocators, castellant/heraldor. Magic/shooting/artillery? And idk if it works but maybe some of our other heroes could be good if possible having as a general and a unit of retinue for that hero? πŸ€” (At the narrative I have a stonecast army already , goal is also to make say like 25/50/75/100% CoS that is turning to stone. And my general should be a converted Medusa leading everyone. I am really hyped for that)
  8. What is you play style with this? What will be I'm the air and how will you use the CA for extra shooting?
  9. Hmm I am unsure now. But If it was 2 wounds, it would die and come back with 1 wound. I think it would be that A dies B has 1 wound, but A comes back then both are on 1 wound and you can't have that. Either remove one model and give the the wound to the other (sounds fishy) Or you haven't met the requirement. "Ish"
  10. Phalanx is interesting, getting battleline that strong. Lets hope GHB20 lower point to get this valid.
  11. Points are out so i dont see a problem for matched.
  12. Anyone know if any new elf’s will come out? Wood/dark/high don’t care. Just want one to come to AoS2.0 πŸ˜‹
  13. That list posted to me looks like 1920pts to me? πŸ€”
  14. Any of these in that astral Templar list to boost? Was azyros there to boost both ballistas and desolators? castellant? heraldor? what general did you see?
  15. So I was thinking about the Gavbomb. Can you do like thisπŸ€”: 15-20x Evocators are om the board, trying getting buffed from empower and mystic shield or azyrite halo (try place models away from dispell range) have castellant givning +1 armor. (I assume you still have the buff after getting teleported) Movement you use the wind tunnel towards your evocatorbomb, so you can heal and maybe get the 6” bubble 6+ save. at the end of movement you drop some sequitors, gavriel and vexilor, vexilor teleports them to gavriel pop the +3/+6” charge with Reroll. (If not allowed with vexilor just have him at base since Gavriel should be enough) With all these stuff your evocators should have quite the dmg output. T2 your general is there and you have a new CP and you can use it on evocators for the empower. πŸ‘ Idk people talk about heraldor+6cats castellant and catboss, 15 evocators 660 vs 600pts more MWs from the foot soldiers. Idk, my example is more exensive, but I think I feel I would get more value from it. πŸ€” thoughts? πŸ˜ƒ
  16. Evocators on foot 220, evolines 300. idk man.. maybe? Even if you get more models per point and probably a little more dmg output (don’t know the numbers) however don’t forget that the evolines has great mobility, and re-roll charge from start. And that is for sure worth some points.
  17. Idk about that anymore tbh. (but we will have to see how the missions are later in the new gbh, that might throw us around how to focus our units). I think both have their roles, even though the points are increased. Like 440 vs 440 30W vs 40W spell caster/dispell vs not that Not battleline vs can be battle line 4+ save vs 4+ reroll 1s or reroll armor. Tying up units with a big blob and the spell halo on is pretty neat. Anyway the list goes on.
  18. Hysh Anvil Relictor - brooch knight azyros lord ordinator 5x lib 5x lib 20x judicators Vanguard wing 3x3 prosecutors 4x ballista πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”
  19. Okay so if I try the shooty combo I need more bodies rather than drake? Uhm the other you point out, skip hurricanum and ordinator? Dont I loose a lot value without ordinatir? What did you have in mind? 10x evocators?
  20. So @PJetski Would it be something like this: Astral Templars Lord-Castellant - General Lord-Ordinator Knight-Heraldor Knight Incantor - Blades Knight Incantor - Halo 5x Liberators - Grandhammer 5x Liberators - Grandhammer 5x Liberators - Grandhammer 6x Desolators Ballista Ballista Ballista Ballista Should leave us then at 1980pts. Doesn't look to bad right? Also was looking at the stardrake: @Requizen Lord-Celestant on Stardrake - Staunch Defender, Ignax scales Lord- Castellant Lord-Ordinator Knight - Incantor Hurricanum 5x Liberators - Grandhammer 5x Liberators - Grandhammer 5x Liberators - Grandhammer Ballista Ballista Ballista Ballista Should leave us then at 2000pts
  21. How long does it generally take for the FAQ to get out?
  22. I like the idea of the desolators. Wether it is witha dragon, Vandus or ballistas. Atm im thinking about how i would face my last opponent that i played against with gav bomb. (I won the game and he said he wants to to try the list again but remove knights and add in a unit of zombies or skeleteons) He had: Vloord on dragon Wight King (General) Necromance 40x skeletons 40x skeletons 60x Zombies 15x Black knights So im thinking if i have the ballista list > I can most likely shoot the Vlord. Desolators can get close where the general/necros are to try snipe them with the breath. What if i dont have the ballistas, how will i even get close to that dragon? With my gavbomb i just went in with 10x evocators and killed the Vloord. Atm i think for me a ballista list is my take.
  23. Looks cool, but how would you play the army? Im pretty new to the game (just started working on my gave list but as it sounds atm i might need to re think that)
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