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Everything posted by ChaosUndivided

  1. I have yet to collect Slaanesh as the crab hand lady models just kinda dont do it for me. But if they come out with mortal battleline units my dream of collecting all 4 God factions may become a reality.
  2. Yeah this is whats leading me to bet they don't work the same. I think its also the reason why StD is lack luster right now... Too hard to balance across multiple factions it could be used along side so everything is kinda generic and sub par. It just makes their job easier as rules writers, not to mention that each faction is updated at seprate times making it more likely to have unintended combos/unbalance. If Darkoath is really to stand out and have interested playstyle i think it will have to be self contained.
  3. I love this! Thank you so much @Killax and everyone who helped. Im geeking out over these cards so bad right now lol. Edit: I noticed a type on Banner of Wrath. Says in hero phase but should be combat. I didn't see any changes in FAQ?
  4. I was reading over the warscrolls for the 2 Darkoath heros (queen and conan dude) and reading the warscrolls for the Shadespire warband and i see no indication that Darkoath units will be able to take marks like the rest of StD can. Most StD have a bonus right on the warscroll... Has anyone else thought this might be the case? I could see them being their own sub faction that doea not operate the way rest of army does.
  5. I love Blood Warriors their solid units but i have avoided overloading on them. They make good anvils, and can be a tarpit for a turn or 2 if you launch them but they are not very capable of just killing stuff efficiently. Obviously this is where Skull Reapers or your hammer of choice comes in but i think i would rather spend my points on redundant hammers because of how susceptible Khorne is to range attacks. The opponent will almost always focus fire on your biggest scariest hammer unit which is why you need two or more. Your sacrificing something as a pin cushion so that your other hammers survive long enuff to take out ranged units. If you're investing too heavy in anvil your not gonna have enuff hammers left by endnof round 1. At that point you're just hoping that your Warriors can hang on to the objectives long enuff to win and if there's ranged attackers left its gonna be ugly.
  6. Granted i may not have been very considerate of peoples valid concers, it is largely due to the fact they are raised over and over and people repeatedly make suggestions that seem to go ignored for the sake of complaining more. So i can't speak to every issue people are having but i feel this maybe something many are dealing with. So i have been fairly successful so far (in my meta i know yours may be different) with multiple big threats. I try to just flood the board with things that just scare my opponents. For example multiple Slaughter Priest just slinging Judgments all over place and Blood Boiling key heroes. Then a Warshrine which can chuck Judgments as well as just be a big fat obstacle for my opponent to deal with. Then a Slaughterbrute or Chaos Lord on Manticore, their big and scarey and people dont want them anywhere near their stuff. Then i throw in some key support pieces like Secrator, everyone knows he good but theres already so much to contend with they don't got time to worry about thos guy. Well guess what he walks right up to front line with Banner of Wrath and starts dropping bombs all around him. Then there is this stupid Stoker but come on with all this other ****** he is like the least of their concers but guess what he is turning my Blood Warriors into beast that i can lob across the field like a grenade. I'm storming right in with everything i got focusing on getting the best match ups where i can reak the most havok. By now the opponent can't decide what to kill first, its too late... They have to chew thru all this ****** just to get to the objectives now but wait they didn't even bother killing support heroes and here come Skull Reapers to just clean up the mess. Game Over.
  7. Ita just good fundamentals. Learning to just objectively play the game better/smarter with any/all factions is a big part of the learning curve to AoS. There is a lot of good basic strategies and tricks that can help make you a better player regardless of the faction you choose. Experienced players (i don't just mean ppl who play alot but people who learn to play smarter) just out perform less experienced players by a large margin. A good player is far more likely to win a game with a sub par army vs a inexperienced player with a tournament winners list. The gap is quite large. As i mentioned before, some armies play like chess and some play like checkers. The latest book turned Khorne from a noobie friendly checkers army into a chess army. Every decision you make should be absolutely delibrit, never play into your opponent's hand. Don't do the obvious. Stick to your game and wiegh your options with the idea in mind that there is probably something your opponent wants you to do - and don't do that thing.
  8. @Warbossironteef i ran Mani-Lord last game as hebwas mentioned several times in this thread by you and some others. I have to say off the bat i forgot about the Hew the Foe command trait all game and i only gave him the Goretide artifact as i very much wanted to try Banner of Wrath on my Secrator. Long story short he feels very over costed. Granted he wasnt stellar in my game because of my own poor choices but he wasn't horrible either. If the game had continued past round 2 i would of won thanks to his movement speed being able to snatch an objective. Also the Banner of Wrath was clutch so i dont really regret that. I do have to say tho he feels very over costed due to the fact that he pretty much either needs a command trait + artifact or dedicated buff support (which he will undoubtedly be much faster than) just to be the killing machine you need him to be at that point level. It felt like a drain of resources to devote so much to just him.
  9. Agreed, and ya 2x10 1x5 sounds solid. That was my origional idea but hearing peoples success with x5 im considering 1x10 2x5 for Bloodmad. I don't believe dual axe is garbage, it has its place i just think gorefist is just objectively better most of the time.
  10. I been advocating 10x Warrior units but I'm coming around to the idea of 5x especially in Bloodmads 3x minimum Warrior units i dont see myself devoting 600 points to them. The reality is Warriors greatest strengths are also their biggest weakness. Gorefist and No Respite both only work in melee combat so if they get shot down their complete wast, that is also a good reason to run Bloodmad tho cuz you really want those guys getting a early charge in on enemy ranged units. The other problem is mortal wounds... No saves vs those so no Gorefist action. I found out the hard way last game you do not want these guys rushing in to fight some big baddie that dishes out MW. Edit: Just to add to that. If they go down in a hail of ranged attacks regardless if you're running 5x or 10x they usually get wiped out. So it could be safest to run 5x vs ranged heavy list to minimize losses.
  11. If you want to accuse me of implying things then we merely need to scroll back in chat where on nearly every page you imply this army sucks now and the rule changes are the reason. So i suggest we just don't go there. Your concerns have been addressed, again perhaps it is you who are not taking the information presented here by others as ways to address many of your concerns. Is this army good at everything? No necer has been. Does it have weaknesses? Yes always has.
  12. I just do not agree with your opinion here. I think Khorne, as it stands today, can be competitive in a tournament setting. There is also a lot not being discussed here. For 1 just because an army does not consistently place top 3 in competitive tournaments doesn't make it a trash army. Another valid point that should be kept in mind is that players who win at the top tiers of this game do so largely because they are exploiting some kind of imbalance that plays to their benifit. They are essentially trying to on purpose break the game. So this is more about exposing rules or point values that should be adjusted rather than who, in a more fair and balanced environment, is actually the better player or who's army is better (with imbalances aside). I could say the same exact words. So block me if you must. I feel there is areas that you have yet to explore. Possibly with the fundamentals of playing a tight game and what makes any player or army better at the game rather than through the narrow hole of the Khorne army where most of your resentment seems to be misplaced. Again, im simply going to disagree with this. Although the statement itself is correct we have no evidence that many players are not doing well aside from the vocal few who constantly express their grief. I have read almost every battle report that has been posted here since book release and it appears to be more wins than losses ( like 60/40) which is what i would expect from an army that historically has a roughly 50% win ratio. So signs would suggest we have moved up a tad but of course i didn't really do the math and the reporting here is not good data to build real statistics off of for numerous reasons which is why we need to see how the army does over the course of several major tournaments. I am going to apologize to anyone i offended today. I want this to be a constructive forum where we can talk strategy not a place where every conversation is interrupted by "but look what those guys can do" or "how come we don't have this" statements that derail any meaningful conversations. Again, sorry if i offended anyone, i will attempt to be more considerable.
  13. That is true and part of the overall theory. Here is my issue tho... If your not winning more than 30% of your games its not the books fualt, its yours.
  14. I'm not being overly aggressive or defensive. Strange how im called completely opposing things but anyways. I'm pissed off after like a month now of what appears to be non-stop trolling! Every. Single. Time. A constructive conversation gets totally derailed by whines and complaints. I respectfully disagree and there has not been a single big tournoment using new book yet so why don't we just wait and see. Calling people cry babies and trolls is so offensive you need saftey measures put in place? Lol The moderator of this forum has already stepped in once and said the excessive complaining needs to stop. If i get in trouble for anything i said to day i will accept it with my head held high.
  15. Here we go again... Somebody hold me back! Its a perfectly fair way to characterize all of this. I stand by that statement 110%. I don't believe that's a fair way to characterize what is on the minds of people there. Speaking for myself, at least, I would like to things from my new $1000 army: 1. Feel like, once I've got some experience under my belt, I've got a fair chance at winning a given game in a competitive environment. 2. My army plays in a way that reflects its bloody, murderous, martial, inspured-by-the-god-of-killing background. Wow ok so entitlment? You are going to base your stance on what you believe you're intitled to? Welcome to Games Workshop where their moto is "We owe you nothing." You act as if because you spent money that they are now legally obligated to live up to your expectations. First of all if you know anything about the history of the game pretty much anything is liable to change at any given moment and you are buying under that assumption. Secondly who are you to judge that just because Khorne worships bloodshed that means all his followers should be better fighters than say Orcs? Who know nothing but warfare. If you want to continue on with your own logic how do you say Beastclaw Raiders feel? They get beat by like basically everything even tho they are biggest baddest mortals in the realms. Why dont you go over to their thread and cry. I have never played narrative rules or open play rules. I have posted multiple battle reports here all using match play rules. Even demolished a FEC player who surrendered top of turn 2 with new book! The guy operates his own GW shop i think he knows what hes doing. My local scene has everything from casual gamers who like to hang out and roll dice and chit chat to ultra competitive gamers who sit down with a calculator when making list and min/max everything for optimal performance and will be such rule sticklers they will debate you down to the 1/16 of an inch. With this new book i feel confident putting my Khorne army vs any of theirs. Im going to quote Jordan Peterson here because its relevant. Even tho its probably gonna go over some of your heads. What it means is its not about always winning its how you play the game that matters. “Life isn’t a game; it’s a set of games. And the rule is, ‘Never sacrifice victory across the set of games for victory in one game,’ right? And that’s what it means to play properly. You wanna play so that people keep inviting you to play, ‘cause that’s how you win, right? You win by being invited to play the largest possible array of games, and the way you do that is by manifesting the fact that you can play in a reciprocal manner every time you play, even if there’s victory at stake, and that’s what makes you successful across time. And we all know that, and we even tell our kids that, but we don’t know that we know it. And so we’re not adapting ourselves to the game and victory in the game; we’re adapting ourselves to the metagame and victory across the set of all possible games."
  16. Yes this is what we should be looking at. But lets be clear, you picked the worst offenders as far as battleline goes so yea clear discrepancy there. Both these factions are due for rework and i think when Slaanesh drops there will be some changes people wont be happy about. Yes agreed. I can dig up a quote from day booked dropped where i say i like this battalion even if it has heavy tax but a lot will ride on how well you use Aspiring D which is why i was suprised you didn't talk about him at all in your report. I think i want to give this list or something close to it a whirl.
  17. Ugg where do i even begin. The problem im having here is that this is an anonymous forum where we really have no way to know if the people complaining just objectively suck at the game or not. I believe with every fiber of my being that you would literally loose no matter what faction YOU play as! After a month of your endless woe is me and other stupid post i am convinced me vs you would be the definition of clubbing a seal, it would make meme hall of fame. Go fight someone your own size cuz clearly you just dont understand good fundamentals of the game. Warhammer has never been known as a "fair and balanced game"! In fact many would argue thats part of the fun of it just like when you play a video game on extremely hard setting, some people love a challenge. Furthermore NO. Here is a good lesson on life you should take to heart and repeate over and over again in your tiny self loathing defeatus head of yours. Do not compare yourself to others! It will make you much happier in life. Focus on what YOU are good at and improve on those things. Find the stuff YOU love and do those things. I repeat do not compare what you are or what you have or where you been to other peoples! As far as this game is concerned the only thing that needs to be comparable is points. You could literally take an army that has 0 commandbtraits 0 artifacts 0 warscroll abilities and win tournoment after tournoment if they where just pointed well enuff. Guys you're turning into trolls im not responding to you any more!
  18. Why does the conversation always get steered in this direction? Always comparing Khorne to other factions when in reality you can compare any of those factions to yet more factions and complain about how they lack this or that. Every faction has pros and cons. Should we better at melee? Yeah. Am i gonna ****** and moan about it? Nah. Its not like we are as far behind as some make it seem or that we don't have some strengths to play to. How badly do you need to win every game? Like do you even know what fun is or do you need to win to have "fun"? Long before this last book dropped Khorne has basically always been just under the 50% win/loss ratio at tournaments? I don't see that changing with this book. But it is telling about the army and its history. In fact many factions fall far below the 50% mark. If you're winning even half your games your doing better than most. If your getting trampled to death every game either git gud or play against less experienced people. Im gonna disagree. We already had this discussion. You run dual axes which are just flat out sub par vs gorefist but refuse to change. As it was stated by someone else some people are just salty that they spend 100$ on sub par unit choices.
  19. @Roark yeah i usually dont play with Malign Sorcery artifacts cuz not everyone has the book and it feels unfair but i gotta try that build. I'm thinking even Gorecleaver on sword wouldn't be bad choice. @Smooth criminal i have been wrong about things before but the wording on Ever Onwards command ability states "that run roll is treated as being a 6." Which would lead me to believe it is modifiable with Stoker and this has been a matter of discussion several times and never heard anyone mention otherwise.
  20. Yeah your right. I was hoping he would be killy enuff on his own without an artifact cuz the Banner of Wrath is just too good to pass up and ultimately i was glad i took it. Had i remember the trait and just rolled a lil better i think he would have seemed more impressive. I love mortals and like running this guy even if he is sub par but im willing to bet a BToIR is just way better choice for 30 points more. You don't have to stack traits and artifacts on that guy to do work. They both have same wounds, saves, and movement/fly but Rage Thirster is just way more killy. I feel like Manticore is a drain that absolutely requires trait + artifact + buff support to make a killing machine.
  21. Lol i agree sounds like someone didn't know what they where doing or just very caught by suprise at Warrior's speed. I'm going to agree except i don't think its that bad. My 5 man Reapers where reliably getting 4+ MW in addition to normal damage and i wasn't even fishing for 6s with reroll ALL hits. If i was fighting something with crazy good save and started fishing it could easy be 6 - 8 MW. The gorefist really do spit MW all over the place the longer the Warriors stay alive the better obviously but if you do get attacked by a horde and have to roll dozens of saves its surprising how many MW can show up. The Priest are mortals btw and Blood Boil is deadly as ever and the Axe and Icon Judgments just ****** MW everywhere. Also Skullcrusher charge is fairly reliable MW buy good luck getting many of those in a game. Its not hard to get 3 - 4 Blood Tithe especially if both armies have chaff and you got blood sacrifice. You gotta spend em as soon as you can, including your enemies hero phase. You're always trying to pick and choose who fights who to optimize your killing potential or speed bumb opponent and make them waste turns killing chaff after chaff.
  22. @AresX8 i like your list. Agreed that 10x Warriors with gorefist are actually pretty damn good. I had same experience with Reapers, just the sheer amount of saves my opponent had to make was overwhelming. Stoker is better than before. I used Apocalyptic Frenzy in my last game to devastating effect and not sure i even care much about summoning stuff anymore unless its guarantee win. Tell me did you use the Aspiring D to any great effect? You mentioned getting up to 7 attacks on Reapers so i guess he did something. Its kinda funny cuz i remember when book first dropped and everyone was crying tat this was exactly the stuff we was talking about... There is definitely some serious strengths here to explore and i think we're gonna see Khorne active in meta. Great report!
  23. I have had good success with Goretide run + charge along with Stoker + Blood Warriors. I know its not for everyone but those dude haul ass across the board with 5 base move + auto 6 inch run + 3 from Stoker then a charge that you also get +3 to for a minimum of 19 thats if you roll double 1s on charge. They are not killy and wont just flatten things but you can run right around screens and engage back line in 1 fell swoop. Once the shooters are in combat they have to target the Warriors meaning you have time to move in other stuff or chew thru screens. I have deamons for the sole purpose of summoning (i plan to put karanak in a list eventually) and i have pretty much only ever played as mortals and so far this new book has done nothing but improve them from my experience. I know this is not going to suit everyones fancy but between my monsters and Goretide + Blood Warriors i don't feel a lack of speed has been a problem yet. Also placing alter at edge of territory and slinging Blood Boils and Judgments have decent enuff range that they feel like an artillery encampment.
  24. GHB 19 is almost around the corner, point changes will be expected.
  25. Awesome, thanks for clearing that up for me. So to recap: Murderlust can move/retreat + run. You cannot pile in and attack again if models are slain due to battleshock under any circumstances as it is no longer the combat phase. If you kill Bloodwarriors (Khorne vs Khorne) with Apocalyptic Frenzy they do not get No Respite cuz again not combat phase.
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