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Posts posted by TailoredTackle

  1. @Malakree @FlatTooth @Matt Large @HappyCultist So I think we have an answer on the Fanatics we all agree with now. Fanatics can pop out in the charge phase when the host unit is in combat,  however they need to do so 3" away from the enemy and cannot charge in that charge phase. Thanks for everyone's input, as well as a really congenial debate on how to look at this. Helping out and being nice about it to everyone on the board is super helpful and really welcoming of new players like myself that want to contribute and learn. Cheers!😀

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  2. 1 minute ago, Malakree said:

    Best bet, ask TO's before the tournament actually happens so they can make a preemptive ruling. That way you can build your list knowing whether it will be allowed or not.

    Yeah I think that’s best practice, but I actually don’t plan on playing them that way. It would be a really odd circumstance. I’m also relatively new to the competitive side and have a litany of questions for TOs every time so I will work it in if necessary but have been overbearing as of late. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Malakree said:

    I'm guessing that you mean he used it in the charge phase while the unit the fanatics were in was engaged in combat? If so then it "should" be legal.

    As long as you can deploy them more than 3" from the enemy while wholly within 3" of your unit then it's legal. 
    Since the unit they are in hasn't retreated or run, if it's your charge, phase they could also charge that turn as well.

    Becoming unengaged from combat during your turn doesn't stop you from charging, it's specifically a "Retreat Move" which prevents charges and that has very specific conditions. Consider a unit engaged with 1 grot, that grot gets killed in the shooting phase, the unit can then charge in their charge phase.


    Ok thanks to both. So the consensus is it is legal. Probably going to get called out on it and have a TO review at some point.  The wording on the warscroll kind of conflicts.

  4. Watching the new MWG battle report, Matt deploys 5 Loonsmashas while the 40 man unit they are hidding in is in combat. Does anyone know if this is how the rule is interpreted?

    I read it as they couldn’t pop out unless the unit they hide in could make a charge move. I don’t think they could charge the unit they are in combat with.

    But then let’s say they can evn though the unit can’t charge, Matt then charges the fanatics. If they can pop out of a unit in combat, I would assume they can’t charge and de facto 3” from enemy can’t pile in? 

    Maybe I am way off but it’s how I have been playing it and would love to play them as popping out for a unit in combat.

  5. 11 hours ago, Malakree said:

    I'm actually really in favour of skragrott whether he's your general or not. Wrote a big ass post on how good he is a few pages back. 

    You need movement trays here are the line ones I'm looking at getting from element games. Specifically want them because it premeasures the 1" gap and the magnets help with transport.

    Side note, Skulkmob Horde is 3 units of fanatics, you need to split one of the 10s.

    Thanks for the link, I have been stumbling with cheap trays I bought that don’t count for the gap and it’s been a nightmare. Debating on wether or not to use them at all this weekend.


    Glad I am not alone on Skragrott.


    thanks for the reminder on the skullmob horde. I can’t believe I forgot it. Had 3 versions of the list I want to test before Saturday. The other 2 were allocated properly but this one I just changed my mind on too many times to fit the mangler in. Good reminder to all when fidgeting over lists on the app. 


    Just wanted to give a quick battle report with a "Beta" strike list I practiced with against stormcast last night. It absolutely mopped up. Using it next weekend at a tourney. Tested it specifically against stormcast because they are the most common tough match up for a fully buffed Mangler Loonboss. Either Evocators + Spirit Flasks mortals outside of weapons in combat phase, or buffed up shooting balista list. Other shooties like Seraphon, Bonesplittas, Kharadron and Skaven would be tough but less common in my area. Of course the deleters like Nagash are a problem... idk

    Mangler on Loonboss (General) - Fight another Day + Doppelganger

    Skragrott Loonking (Hand of Gork)

    60 Stabbas + 40 Stabbas + 20 Stabbas

    10 Loonsmashas + 10 Loonsmashas

    Skullmob Horde Battalion

    Super easy and gets right up in the opponents face. 3 Drop Army so typically T1. Played scorched earth. 60 stabbas covering 2 objectives bubble wrapping skragrott and wholly within Loonshrine for no battleshock. Smaller units of stabbas positioned on 3rd objective.  Mangler on the front line dropped last on front line.

    T1 go first. Messed up deployment with skragrott in pre-measurement. Ended up being 29 1/2" away from Lord Aquilar, rolled an 8 on HoG but got unbound. This is key to the T1 strategy so remember not to mess it up like I did. Mangler easily got over and deleted Lord Aquilar and a 3 man unit of Raptors. But Aquilar drops 3 spirit flasks. Mangler at 9W. No one can attack back.  Moves 8" away. 

    T1 Stormcast drops 15x & 5x Evocators (no G. Surecharge) but 5x Evocators land 9" charge on Mangler. Evocators can't attack but drop 5 MW.  Also shot him with castigators at 3W, Mangler down to 2W. Mangler deletes 5x Evocators, moves 9" onto right objective held by 5 Retributors.

    T2 go first. Skragrott HoG 20 Stabbas  9" from left objective held by 5 Retributors. 10 fanatics pop out 6" away. Delete 5 Retributors and burn objective. 10 fanatics in 60 stabbas pop out in front of 15 evocators. Kill 9 evocators, so middle objective relatively open. Mangler on right objective easily deletes 5 retributors, burns second objective, only one left in middle.

    Called the game there at 10-3.  Stormcast player could mathematically win, but 120W of stabbas still on the board and 10 fanatics ready to fight again. Stormcast middle objective would have been a walk through for HoG in T3 + 10 fanatics about 12" and he wasn't going to move 100 grots off of my 3 objectives.

    Didn't have to use it, but Skullmob Horde is more important for the 1 drop Stabbas. Bonus if the luck goes the other way and your 20 or 40 stabbas get deleted by T3 you have a 50% chance to pop the full unit back up on your defensive objectives next to Skragrott. Your pick to stay defensive or HoG them again.

    NOTE: This list  is not fun to play with and not fun for your opponents unless they bring a competitive list. I wouldn't play this for much enjoyment as its really boring and tedious to move 120 grots around. Also, before screaming about how dumb it is to take Skragrott while not using him as a general, his purpose is to get HoG off with the highest probability of success. Only wizard in the army with +1 to cast. He is your best shot at getting HoG off so that Fanatics can pop out in T1. Bonus +1 to cast for 2nd round of Fanatics in T2/3 if the moon goes your way (67% chance).

    • Thanks 1
  7. Does anyone know if you can take Loonboss on Mangler within Squig Rider Stampede? The battalion states 0-1 Mangler Squigs and the Loonboss on Mangler has “mangler squig” as a separate keyword on the warscroll and Loonboss on the warscroll. My first interpretation is you can’t because the Squigalanche battalion breaks him out as Loon boss on Mangler squig. But I don’t want to dock myself if i can?

  8. 59 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    Played against @Skeekrit today on shifting objectives with 48 squigs and 120 stabbas, basically impossible to shift and the squig damage output is pretty hefty.

    Did you feel the squigs outperformed the stabbas? Were you buffing the stabbas with stab em good or sneeky snufflers?

  9. On 2/27/2019 at 11:15 AM, Satyrical Sophist said:

    I love squig herd honestly. They have done really well for me. With a moon clan general (so unless you are troggoth based or spider based, pretty likely) they represent your cheapest battleline by far.

    Plus I just love the reroll run and charges.

    Totally agree they have a purpose in most lists, especially at the 70pts per 6. That is where I use them in 6 man or 12 man, really handy on hand of gork when flanking because of the reroll charge at 9". What I was getting at is bumping up your wounds totals for a meatier battle line, something important when thinking about competitive lists. While the bounderz/hopperz can get into battleline with a squig general, your gonna have a tough time staying in the game if you don't get more wounds on the table. So I prefer farming that out of stabbas vs. squig herd. IMO 60 stabbas at 360 is going to serve you better than 24 squigs at 280 with the free loonshrine and the mortal wounds from Stab 'em good. Better yet, using both strengths I find a battle line of 60 stabbas, 2x6 squigs a good balance. However, I am trying out 60 stabbas, 6 squigs, 20 stabba (+5 fanatics hidden) next Saturday to hand of gork squigs onto an objective T1 and then the stabba + fanatics behind enemy in T2 to regen, inevitably getting wiped out and hoping for 10 models back (loonshrine) on my objectives in Focal Point and Better Part of Valor (2/3 missions next Saturday).

  10. 3 hours ago, TheWilddog said:

    Hey all:

    Quick question for all you Gitz experts. Long time player and poster with several other armies, I have picked up some of the new models and am putting a Gitz army together.  I am mostly a casual player but I do go to about 2-3 tourneys a year.  I am drawn to the new squig models and am leaning toward a squig based list.  However, just a quick glance at the book and the online discussions gives me the impression that the better/competitive lists all center around hoards of Stabbas or Spiders. Not all that concerned, will probably still go squig heavy, just trying to get a feel for what I am getting into before I commit too much more hobby cash/time.  

    You can do well with a squig list, but IMO you need to balance it out a bit to really benefit from all the gloomspite shenanigans. I’m trying 70% squig and 30% moonclan next weekend. I really like adding a 60 stabba unit with Loonboss to every list I am making with the various factions.  The horde tarpit + mortal wounds really lets your squig cavalry do its job and have some fun. I’m not a huge fan of the squig herd, so I’m putting the stabbas + 2x6 of squig in battle line and focusing on bounderz, hoppers and 2 manglers as the core of the army. Just my opinion but I think you need around 30% of another faction to get more balanced, trogoths could work too if your not taking manglers.

    • Like 2
  11. I second this ^. I bought some of those circular wood trays that do 10 and 20 in horizontal rows, but because they are 10 wide its literally impossible to move 60 man unit across the board with terrain. probably better off using like an old fantasy square tray so I can keep them piled in like a ball but still no idea. Also would love a recommendation.

  12. On 2/20/2019 at 3:55 PM, RaritanAnon said:

    So I'm in a bit of a pickle. This is my list so far. I'm missing a hero to put an artifact on, and 370 points. 

    I like Loonboss on Cave Squig if you have an extra slot on this type of list because he can add 3” to your rerollable moves. He is out of stock (as always 😪) but wasn’t for a couple days this week so I got lucky.

    He’s good here because that +3” on a re-rollable 3D6 on the hoppers gives you a really good chance at leaping over units that are locked in through multiple turns.

    Not the best model to give artefacts to but you could throw on Clammy Cowl for -1 to hit if your going all in on leaping the hoppers to keep him alive or throw on Rock Jaw since your in Ghur to give him an 8” shot. He’s running up the table will probably hit that range if alive on T2.

    What I think he’s most useful for though is inspiring presence. He can keep up with a hopper/bounder charge on one side of the table so you can split up the cavalry with the Loonboss on Mangler directed at another objective and effectively mitigate against battelshock. Otherwise you have to keep everything around the Loonboss mangler in the center or just say ****** it to battleshock if you split since none of the other hero’s can catch up.

    Definitely add another caster for the unbind alone, you’re gonna run into magic heavy no matter what. I agree with you on the Mighty Mork and Itchy Nuisance. I would even go so far as adding 2 wizards so you can hand of gork the herds onto objectives and keep your cavalry focused on battleline. But Itchy Nuissance is more helpful for this list. Might as well make one of them another Fungoid if you have the 10 points for 2x chance at extra CP. You’re gonna need it for all the battle shock.

  13. On 2/19/2019 at 12:18 PM, Professor Clio said:

    40 x Stabbas (260)
    - Pokin Spears & Moon Shields
    24 x Squig Herd (280)
    5 x Loonsmasha Fanatics (140)

    I like it! But something you should think about is the 9” hand of gork distance. If I am taking squigs-only the herd is the best for the job because they can reroll charge. However, re-rolling for a 9 is still pretty tough. What I am trying out this week (not proven) is sending over 20 stabbas with the fanatics hidden. 9” out on movement, but in the charge phase the fanatics get 3” deployment from the stabbas, making your charge roll only 6”. I think I would take a 6” charge over re rollable 9”. Especially if the army is not snooty, because even if you fail the 6” charge they still get to fight first if opponents not shooty (your dead next turn otherwise). Both combos cost 280 points and are pretty similar in damage output, but I think the dice gods would favor the fanatic approach for getting a +7 spell and a 6” charge off on the same unit in the same turn.

    That being said the type of unit your going after factors in. If your going for a mid wound count hero/general in the 7 wound range, the 5 fanatics will definitely get the job done if they make it in T1. Then they will all die. If your going after a monster or mount, the 24 squigs at 48 wounds is probably a better bet because they can widdle it down and hit mortals on flees without damaging your units. 

    Another thing to mention is those tiny 25mm bases help get 24 models (48 wounds) inside of the 24” range if you were moving them around in T1/T2 Because you missed the +7 cast. A lot easier corral than the 40 stabbas (40 wounds) which would take up twice the space. Definitely doable but less flexible. The 20 stabbas / fanatics combo would be just as easy as the squigs, but you don’t have the luxury of moving them forward after some missed casts because you really don’t want to risk losing the fanatics.

    • Like 1
  14. 6 minutes ago, williegoat said:

    Snufflers can’t move and the splattas can.  That was my justification.  And 9/10 they are in the back of the unit hiding.  

    My god I didn’t read the snufflers correctly.  So glad I didn’t prioritize painting them up this week. Thank you! Yeah totally aligned on hiding splattas in the back. Big ups man

  15. Has anyone actually regenerated a 60 stabbas with the loonshrine? Maybe 40?

    I feel like the buffs are too great to justify less than 60, but over the last year of playing grots under destruction I have never fully lost a 60 man tarpit. Especially now that regen is a thing with them, I doubt my opponent will do their best to expunge the unit.

    Planning on using a unit of 20 to hand of gork some fanatics and have both units Kamikaze on elites in the back. Regen doesn’t really matter for 10 back but maybe it would if a unit of 40 got knocked out, I could bring back 20 and hopefully hand of gork them again around T4/T5 to contest an objective.

  16. 2 minutes ago, williegoat said:

    I felt like I had plenty of CP.   there’s not a lot of punch in the list but I still like it.   


    The sporeolatta help the grots and snuggles can put their buff on the bounders.

    Yeah I get the break out, so your keeping the splattas  behind the unit for the +1 attacks? For 140 I feel like I have to keep them uprfront so they can use the screening ability. But then they just get shot off by T1/T2 with a 6+ save 1 wound. Assume it would be cheaper to just use 2x snufflers for the same buff purpose.

  17. On 2/13/2019 at 1:01 PM, Killacat said:

    I have a game against flesh eater courts and 1000 points this Saturday and was hoping for some feedback on my list. Also not sure which artifact to take. 


    loonboss on mangler -300 points

     -fight another day

    Fungoid cave shaman- 90 points


    cave squigs (x12) - 140 points

    cave squigs (x6) - 70 points

    other units- 

    bounderz (x10) - 200 points

    bounderz (x10) - 200 points


    I feel inclined as you do to take Fight Another Day with Loonboss on Mangler for the CT. It is just so strong on him. However, the models so tall he is an easy line of sight wherever he is. So if your feigned retreat is 2D6 your definitely getting shot at, perfect target for <18” power houses like Ballistas. I really feel like you have to take Clammy Cowl on him -1 to all hits for your artifact. Now FEC doesn’t have shooting, but I have to bet that they take a terrorghiest who is going to flap down on you. With only 2 hero’s and your fungoid held back generating command points, you really want to do what you can to keep the mangler alive while staying offensive. He isn’t going to remove a full unit of crypt ghouls on first try so they are regenerating. Your goal to be to hit the terrorgheist hard and weather his inevitable T2 hit back. Trying it out next week but the Facehammer guys really pounded that one into my head. If you do, I think you try your best to get him falling back towards and obejective and replacing the target with bounderz on the charge. My list for a tournament on the 9th puts hand of gork on the wizard so I can get my cave squigs to that objective too. Then you can use the Loonboss Manglers Bite Da Moon for +1 to wound and you should have 2-3 squig units within 18”. 

  18. On 2/13/2019 at 11:36 AM, williegoat said:

    70pts        Loonboss
    70pts        Loonboss (Aetherquartz brooch)
    90pts        Fungoid Cave Shaman    Spell:  Itchy Nuisance
    220 pts    Skragrott The Loonking  GENERAL Spell: Hand of Gork

    70pts        6 model Squig herd
    360pts    60 Stabbas(pokin spears)
    360pts    60 Stabbas(pokin spears)

    Other Units:
    200pts    10 Boingrot Bounders
    140pts    5 Loonsmasha Fanatics
    140pts    5 Loonsmasha Fanatics
    120pts    5 Sporesplatta  Fanatics
    70pts      6 Sneaky snufflers

    Endless Spells:
    40pts     Geminids

    1950 pts 

    I really love this list! Well rounded.

    Did you feel like you benefitted from the extra CP or had enough from Skragrott and Fungoid?

    I really want to justify bringing in Sneaky Snufflers and Sporesplattas because I love their abilities, but I’m worried about how they hold up. Only example I have seen with Sporespallats is MWG  easily out in T1. How did the 2 do with longevity for you? 

  19. Putting together a Squig/Moonclan list with emphasis on Squigs (played moonclan/spiderfang/gitmob under destruction before the drop). I love the fun of squigs and my opponents have fun against them, but I also want to be competitive enough for local tournaments. Basically a list that is enjoyable for a friendly (on both sides) but if played to the best of my abilities can place above average in a mid-tier tourney. Competitive HA! An unfamiliar possibility for destruction players before the new battle tome. I have a 1000pt. Spider Fang unit, and while I personally believe they are the most competitive faction in the grouping, they are a bore to play with and have wrecked a lot of the friendly games I have played either with standalone spider or coupled with moonclan horde spam. Not interested in using any realm artefacts, keeping it to battle tome. Also, want to avoid endless spells, but could consider Morks Mighty Mushroom. These are just personal preferences, to each his own.

    So here's what I am thinking for a 70% Squig 30% Moonclan List:


    300pts Loonboss on Mangler Squigs GENERAL

    • Command Ability: Fight Another Day (2D6 Move post Attack)
    • Artefact: The Clammy Cowl (-1 Hit Rolls)

    70pts Loonboss

    • Artefact: Spiteful Prodder (D3 Mortal on +5 Shooting)

    80pts Madcap Shaman

    • Spell: Great Green Spite (D6 Mortal from +20 Models)

    90pts Fungoid Cave Shaman

    • Spell: Hand of Gork (Teleport 9" from enemy)


    360pts 60x Grots

    140pts 12x Squig Herd

    180pts 10x Squig Hoppers BATTALION


    240pts Mangler Squigs BATTALION

    Other Units:

    200pts 10x Boingrot Bounderz BATTALION

    200pts 10x Boingrot Bounderz BATTALION


    140pts Squig Rider Stampede (Re-roll Move)

    2000 Point Total


    Strategy on Paper:

    Loonboss on Mangler: Bull rush flank (hopefully elite unit), attack and feigned retreat with Fight Another Day, hopefully getting back towards objective. Clammy cowl debuffing shooting post retreat. Bite da Moon used to buff squigs discussed below.

    Squig Rider Battalion: Bull rush opposite flank. Throw mangler squigs in first towards middle. Line up Hoppers in front of Bounderz running both on turn 1. Hopefully positioned to jump hoppers over enemy (re-roll movement) in turn 2 and charge Bounderz locking enemy in. That way the Mangler & Bounderz can create a sandwich for hoppers to jump back and forth in movement through turns 3-5. Wondering why no one is talking about this sandwich strategy between Bounderz charge mortals and hoppers constant move mortals? Maybe looks better on paper but I think it could work with even 2 units of five each for smaller lists which I am trying this weekend.

    Loonboss + Madcap + 60 Grots: Tar pit in the middle with TONS of mortals. Madcaps +7 Spite on 20 models dealing out D6 mortals and +5 shooting D3 Mortals with Prodder will happen once or twice by turn 4. Biggest component is the 70pt Loonboss cost for Stab em Good, 6 wound roll Mortals on 20-30 attacks on average (Spears line in 3s across 10-15 models).

    Fungoid Cave Shaman + 12 Squigs: Shaman sitting back +4 for 1 command point generator, casting hand or gork to teleport 12 squigs onto objective closest to Loonboss Mangler buffing up with Bite da Moon +1 wound rolls to hold objective. Spending command point on Inspiring Presence for 12 squigs to prevent fleeing mortal wounds. If I can't get hand of gork to go off until turn 3, will be running grots towards it and teleport the squigs behind enemy lines to flee on hero/wizards.

    Command Points: +2 to start with battalion +2-3 more extra from shaman giving 9-10 per game. 5 going to battleshock and 4-5 going to Stab em Good and Bite da Moon.


    Major Issues with Strategy:

    1.) Loonboss on Mangler is only buffing wounds to squig herd, not rider battalion. Also making the Loonboss Mangler and any other hero too far away from battalion for inspiring presence. May need to clump all Squig strategy to one side and all Grot strategy to another side. Less fun but more practical.

    2.) Madcap Shaman + Loonboss both need to be visible for their mortal wound output. Easy sniping target with low wounds characteristics. May need to hide the Loonboss inside Grots without artefact to guarantee Stab em Good and buff the Madcap with Spiteshroom Artefact instead (-1 to Hits within 3") and hope he doesn't get shot.

    3.) Outflank/Teleport is going to be tough against this if I can't get the Squig group engaged fast enough. Not worried at all about the Grots, they can just retreat forward and keep losing models. An advanced player would teleport behind the Bounderz and lock them in before charge. My hope is that the regular mangler is scary enough to prevent this. If not, the mangler can intervene and let the Bounderz retreat forward.

    4.) 7 Drop army with Battalion. Maybe add in Squigalanche to make it a 5 drop army with Moonclan but I am not benefitting enough from the extra artefacts and the -2 to drop isn't enough. Only way I could see using mega battalion is to list full squigs for the 1 drop but still won't have enough hero's in that case to benefit from the artefacts. Kind of stuck with a 5-10 drop list if I want to play all these awesome units.

    Did I give enough detail :) What do you guys think?

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