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Everything posted by madmac

  1. They were already repackaged for AoS, so most likely. OTOH, this happened a few months ago and they came back. Either way I don't think they have much of a future, archers are an easy enough unit to replace and they're out of scale with the rest of the range.
  2. It's surprising given the greater lore prominence given to Teclis/Tyrion/Malerion, but in retrospect, it makes a certain amount of sense. Wanderers are at least a coherent faction with decent lore, a unit line that's already almost fully reboxed, and GHB abilities. Fixing them is a lot easier to do than the old High Elves/Dark Elves and they've proven decently popular already for a non-battletome army. Not in a competitive sense, but they definitely seem like the sell better than the other left-over elves. The Free Cities book is going to be very interesting because it's pretty much the first big culling/rework for old order models, and will probably give a decent idea what GW plans are for Hysh/Ulgu Aelves and Dispossessed in the long run.
  3. I think Wanderers are looking very safe right now. Not only were their units prominently displayed for the free cities book, but the new Underworlds teaser has what looks like Centaur/Satyr Aelves with Wild Rider/Wardancer styling. That said, odds are at least a few of the metal/finecast hero kits are likely to be retired, and I wouldn't put much faith in Glade Guard either.
  4. On the BCR side of things, just adding an underworld warband that was a Hunter+kitties would almost solve their finecast problems in one go, and be a cool Warband to boot! I think there's actually a rumor about something like that this season... Right, that was it: It's +1/-1 so far, Wanderers looks correct, but Beastmen not mentioned, but still it's something.
  5. The only models shown in the video, other than the new Tyrant, are Ogors, (Bulls) Leadbelchers, and Ironblasters. All plastic kits, probably the contents of the vs box, and all certainly going to stay. In terms of finecast, Ogors have a lot, but it's almost entirely hero options. Tyrant, Butcher, Butcher with Cauldron, Maneaters, Firebelly, Hunter, Frost Sabers, Gorgor, Yhetti, are all finecast models. I don't particularly expect any of the finecast models to go away except the ones replaced with plastic kits, so fingers crossed we get more than just the amazing Tyrant model.
  6. It's in this thread somewhere, IIRC the gist of it was reworked "Tomb Kings" with constructs, heavy ranged focus, ect. I didn't put much stuck in the rumor by itself but I remember that same week both of the Warhammer Weekly guys saying the rumor was legit, Tomb Kings are coming back in some form, ect.
  7. Yes, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the books that was announced today goes on next weeks pre-order tomorrow. They pushed out a whole glut of stuff to make room for Warcry, so I'm not aware of anything for 40k that could be releasing in that time frame.
  8. I love love the Tyrant, I've got my 90% painted Ogre army ready to go, was honestly just waiting for plastic hero kits because I don't like the finecast Tyrant/Butcher ect. I also like the Free Cities book, after my initial disappointment because ultimately it's a book basically anyone who plays Order can find a use for, and it gives like 90 models some kind of army support for the first time in one swoop. I voted for the Underworlds teaser though, because new Centaur Aelves was something I was not even slightly suspecting, and I've coincidentally been quietly pulling together some Wanderers over the last few months to slake my Aelf thirst, so that just bowled me over altogether.
  9. Nah, Centigors don't look like Wild Riders, and these outlines do. There definitely is going to be Beastmen, but those Centaurs are Elves.
  10. I meant dropping them from a hypothetical new Wanderer army, not from the game entirely. I do think it's unlikely though.
  11. Before DoK had a book, you didn't have witches with bat wings or snake tails, either. The Witches/Sisters/Cauldron/Medusa/Hag and Doomfire Warlocks were all old dark elf models, they added the Melusai, Khenerai, and Morathi and ta da, new faction. This looks to me like a similar thing for Wanderers, taking the Wild Rider/Wardancer aesthetic and pushing it to the next level. I suspect they'll include at least most of the current Wanderer range just because the similarity is too obvious to overlook. If I had to guess probably dropping the Glade Guard (old) most of the finecast/metal Heroes, and maaaybe Sisters of the Watch.
  12. New Death trailer screams TK to me. The bones, the accent, the music, the architecture, I don't see anything there that suggests Krell at all. We've had a Tomb Kings rumor for a while now, so it's not exactly shocking news. That said, not convinced it's Settra. It certainly could be, a lot of these old world Gods/characters have convenient amnesia problems, but there isn't much that points to him specifically.
  13. That one, probably, but the other outline doesn't look anything like an existing model. Horse Hooves, bladed tail thing, very Centaur looking.
  14. I'm putting my money on this. The rumor we got a few months ago of a Ogors vs Wanderers box was actually more like "Ogors vs Wood Elves" "Uh, Sylvaneth already have a box?" "Er, Ogors vs Elves, just elves." So that would actually fit the rumor suspiciously well. New, kinda Wood Aelf looking but not tied to the old model lines Aelves. That said, some of those outlines are so Wanderers looking I'd be shocked if at least some of the range wasn't incorporated. No reason they can't be a new faction and also part of the free cities, I guess?
  15. Based on those images, I'm thinking Wanderers vs Beastmen, which is a pretty crazy matchup I would not have guessed. The Centaur looking thing doesn't appear to be a beastman, though.... Edit: It's funny to me that the one event GW put almost no hype into is the one that's delivering cool announcements hand over fist.
  16. There is still that rumor of an Ogor vs Wanderers box a while back, as well as the recent rumor engines. Might explain why they made Wanderer models so prominent in the Free Cities displays at least.
  17. That is a gorgeous Tyrant. Hopefully we get a replacement for the Butcher also though, it's the worst Hero model available for Ogors, hands down.
  18. I understand the reasons for soup tomes, but I will continue not liking them very much, especially when they're as overbroad as the Free Cities one-it's effectively just the new Grand Alliance-Order. Nevertheless, Ogors will 100% get a combined book also at this rate. In terms of 2.0 books remaining: Order: KO, Seraphon Death: Unknown New Death Faction Chaos: Slaves to Darkness, Tzeentch Destruction: Ogors So six books after these two, which is definitely very doable by mid-2020. Whether we get any surprise new factions other than Death remains to be seen, but I'm not feeling optimistic on that front.
  19. Yeah, I'm not thrilled with the Free Peoples soup. Just rolling together 90+ unit listings from what were at least 5 different armies in old warhammer is excessive even compared to any prior combined battletome, and more or less kills any chance those factions/models had of developing any interesting flavor.
  20. It's a list of boxes/kits not units, so no reason to think Bounders are not allowed. I don't doubt Eels will be very expensive, and I get that Idoneth have only two unit options otherwise, it's just odd to me that some factions get Cav and others don't.
  21. From a flavor perspective, I can see Vanguard Rangers being the only Stormcast infiltrating around All-Points or whatever, but man that's a boring list for the faction with the largest roster in the game, not to mention conveniently the units most people don't have. (Personally I can swing it, but I haven't bothered painting any Gryph Hounds, so meh.) It's also weird that Idoneth get access to their very powerful Eel Calvary and Gits can bring their squig riders, but Bonesplittas can't bring boars? I won't say that list can't be real, but it's disappointing if so.
  22. Yeah, rules are interesting. It looks like instead of the "glancing wound" mechanics of Kill Team, we have larger HP pools, variable weapon damage, strength, and toughness. Faction ability sheet gives a list of all possible abilities, while the fighter gets icons to indicate which ones he has. The damage/damage is from what I hear a crit mechanic, natural sixes maybe? Also for all the talk of lack of variety, I'm seeing a fair number of weapon builds from the preview. It does seem like it's mostly the grunt troops who get build options though. Edit: Now that I think about it, even though they added toughness, there's no WS equivalent that I can see. So probably flat to hit results (maybe with crits) and then strength vs toughness for wound rolls? No armor save either, apparently. It also doesn't specify if a model can use both weapons simultaneously or if it's an either/or proposition. I would guess the later, just because 8 attacks/turn seem a bit much for what looks like a mid-level duder, and the two weapons balance against themselves fairly well.
  23. Honestly I'm pretty sure most of the battletomes we got this year were never announced formally for an event. Gloomspite Gits were announced through holiday website trickery, skaven and FEC were sudden and unexpected, lets not talk about Sylvaneth...Really only Fyreslayers, Khorne, and Slaanesh were announced during formal event previews, IIRC. Which is especially weird given that we had roughly a billion event previews this year with no battletome announcements, but there you go.
  24. Pretty sure they'll announce the next starter set, which will give us the first two teams at least.
  25. You're not wrong, but relative to the number of playable factions, Order is in more of a squeeze. You can play all of the currently released Death Factions, all of the Destruction factions except Ogors, or a small fraction of available Order factions. In the long run, I'm sure we'll get more card packs or boxes or however they plan to add additional factions to the game, but out the gate you're going to see the most complaints from Order players.
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