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Everything posted by Xil

  1. Yes, i wanna know how this plays out. Also i am still waiting for some more units for DoK (Cavalary, shadowy Beasts like Drukharii Beast units). Maybe one big Battletome of the Shadowkin Umbraneth which includes Morathi and Malerion elves.
  2. yep, never was a fan of it in older editions and i still don't like it. Moreover...there is still that "lone operative" rule that leaves your character unattached.
  3. I use mouse and I use the hotkeys. BUT...as I don't know the ability hotkeys yet and was in the middle of a fight, needing to activate it I miss clicked. I selected the unit by number and clicked where I expected the ability to be...aaaand retreated by accident. Noticing the unit doesn't have the ability and instead the retreat button was exactly on that spot :/
  4. Ok, my quick review: World feels great for someone who knows AoS. Trees with mouthes that want to eat you in Ghur and all those details are nice. Armys feel like i expected them to The gameplay is still a little wonky and gets a bit stale after a few games. Also i miss the unit bar that shows all units even when not selected. Abilities are cool but are confusing to use...i retreated my units a few times by accident because the retreat button changes position depending on the amount of unit abilities. Even tho i played a LOT of DoW2, and considering those games are similiar, i don't get the same rewarding feeling in RoR. The map is not as engaging as there is no cover mechanic. Only those 'mud' patches that slow units.
  5. I will finish my Drycha, finally! But what else...? I wanted to spray some Nighthaunts, but i probably attend a tournament in January with my Sylvaneth and still have some units to do. So...everything after Drycha is a surprise for now Edit: List of to Do's for Drycha: Claws, Insects, Leaves, Base and metalic charms and jewelery
  6. Ok here is the promised picture... i am still not finished. So i will work on her in November too. Haven't decided on what i do afterwards yet.
  7. hey guys, i am a little late, probably post my picture tomorrow. Some details are still missing.
  8. Instead of making a retreat, implies that you are NOT making a retreat because you do something else. Either my understanding of language is retarded or English is retarded If i say instead of flying to GW Headquarters I can walk. Then I walk and don't fly, also I don't count as flying as I was walking. These rules discussions are getting out of hand lately for the sake of stupid discussions...
  9. Yes, every players Charge Phase at the end. Yes, fly gets hit too.
  10. Because it's specifically stated for KO as a restriction.
  11. I like the colors going from yellow to blue. Its something i have in mind for my Harlequin vehicles.
  12. I pledge to finish my Drycha this month. As a bonus i throw in some Nighthaunt models if progress on Drycha is going well.
  13. As mentioned, i was short on time this month. Here is what i said: a start on Drycha. I basically just applied the basecolours.
  14. I don't know if i have the time to spare this month. So i will not pledge anything. But i try to get as far as possible with my Drycha. I have already started some work on the base colours.
  15. Sure. And thanks Dark Parts are: Dryad Bark > Earthshade > Gorthon Brown > Baneblade Brown > Edge Higlight with Rakarth Flesh Light Parts for the bigger models for joints and the like are: Rakarth Flesh > Sepia Wash > Ushtabi Bone Highlight Orange Hair: Squig Orange faded towards Ungor Flesh towards Bone Cloaks: Same as Fingers (see below) hit with a good amount of different washes like Bieltan green, lamenters yellow to give them some hue. you can use new Contrasts here. Edit: i might add that the "fingers" are baically Codex Grey Highlighted with Celestra Grey and Ulthuan Grey. Then you hit it with some green and brown washes to fade them into the brown. also you can pull the edge highlights from the brown bark a little into the grey and vice versa. Leave it grey towards the end tho.
  16. Stalkers and Morathi are always a good combo. For Prayers in Hag Narr i would go for Blessing of Khaine and Sacrament
  17. what colours did you use? I really like this
  18. I just found out about this Contract thread and i think it can be a great motivation. I might also try this, as i am a not painting often and when i do i am really slow I should set a low goal of 12 Dryads and a Hive Swarm Endless Spell
  19. Units like Archeron and Gotrek seem way more unkillable than Morathi nowadays. Morathi cant be oneshot, but she isn't as tanky as those and she can't heal up. Maybe Archeron and Gotrek shouldn't be able to heal as well?
  20. TW gets a bit stale after a while imo. I would prefer a DoW2 styled game for AoS
  21. i much disagree. i would love and really hope that malerion and kurnothi merge with DoK/Sylvaneth.
  22. yes, my gaming buddy and i designed Slaaneshii lists that can tank a lot of damage to 'farm' depravity points and in return can chip multiple units. Its not about destroying enemy units wholly counter to the usual approach of list. In the games we played he had always enought points for summons for each round and chose Demonettes to flood the table. Its actually disgusting.
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