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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. I heard that all the Ogors will be in the army (23 warscrolls)... this includes Maneaters too!!!
  2. The Firebelly and the Butcher model is safe now.
  3. Why the Orc Command Set is in the Warclans subsection if none of the miniatures is valid? Anything changed or was the Faq released and the WB isn't updated?
  4. I think the two principal problems are summoning and the cheap/free attack&not response mechanics...
  5. In my LGS is making more casual tournaments, if one of the very competitive players comes with a "one turn win combo" they'll be banned for all the tournaments... The truth is that competitive players are the ones that waste less money, and this is true in Magic, 40k or AoS... they're the less important players for a good and healthy LGS
  6. What do you think about my first BW list? The Warboss mounts a war boar.
  7. The source is a spanish YouTube channel that showed the mail that he recieved in his last streaming. It's one of the oldest channel in spanish, he don't need to lie to get more views and the theme of the streaming was talk about the new eldars.😕
  8. An upcoming price increase post-Brexit... The White Dwarf suscription for Ireland is gonna be 80€, but for the rest of the EU is gonna be 140€...
  9. No, in Azyr you can only see tags that they are available on the GH19... but Gitmob was removed months ago...
  10. DoK isn't seen... Where did you see an art with a witch?
  11. Grots sons of Icarus. I love the idea of grots trying to reach the sun to dive over their enemies like rays of fire!!!
  12. If that implies that gitmob can't ally with the gloomspite I will get very angry...
  13. The Underworld Nationals in Spain, that isn't a big country, had 100+ players this weekend... Are you saying that Underworlds is a minoritary game?
  14. Gotrek was out of stock during the preorder for a few days...
  15. Could be an Ogor + Grots Mongol Horde theme army? Like Gloomspite Gits are the gloomy style and the Orruk the classic destruction style...
  16. I'm going to die... I've 20 hobgoblins in wolves, and I don't remember the number of the wolf riders.... Please, my money...
  17. The Gorger photo was changed for a round based Gorger.
  18. I think we'll know the release date of both tomes this weekend.
  19. Another day without info about the most important faction: Destruction.
  20. In Spain we call this " fascicle collection", and we're very used to buy this type of collections. Warhammer Conquest is very successful here in term of sales... I hope it was available soon...
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