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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. The last metal Grot Warboss Model is sold out online. All hail the Old Grots! Da Moon bless you!
  2. If your general is going to be Skragrott, I think your best option is to play with the Jawz of Mork subfaction. You aren't going to lose anything, the small battalion is better than my other and your Squigs are going to move better.
  3. It is a confirmation of the expected release of SoB the October 10th to me.
  4. A lot of stuff for the next three months and it seems the next week will be another weak week.
  5. I can't post here... Sorry, I don't want to have any problem.
  6. Glogg Megamob is the White Dwarf next month preview. And the image is a Troggoth artwork. Always the image of the backsheet cover is a reference of the next month preview.
  7. White Dwarf's next Month: Glogg's Megamob It sounds a very very gargant name to me. But... I think it will be troggoths... EDIT: Ok, the backsheet cover is an image of a Troggoth artwork... so... as always is the next theme month issue.
  8. The announcement of new aircrafts for Aeronautica Imperialis is a bad signal for our Gargants.
  9. Well, It could be a new miniature that it will be released with a Broken Realms book as it happened with PA this year.
  10. My predictions is: Next Sunday they will show Warcry Catacombs and if they show the SoB the next week after, then the release date will two Saturdays after that date. Exactly the Saturday 10-Oct, the release day of the audiobook.
  11. Well, we have other two weeks of potential releases... I'm gonna enumerate all the thing we are going to have in the next months for all the games Underworlds: Next season is in December Warcry: Without a release date. AoS: Broken Realms date is in November 40k: The big releases are in October, and the next Codex are for the 4Q. Necromunda: Orlocks are for the 4Q (October-November-December) Titanicus: I think the season is over. Aeronautica Imperialis: I think the season is over. Blood Bowl: The Necromancer team and the new edition don't have any release date, but the rumours said that the next season will be an end of the year release. So, the things that could be announced in the next two weeks are: Sons of Behemat Necromancer Team Warcry Catacombs. Also, sorry if my English is not enough good or clear.
  12. Another week without Gargants... and this week the content is very disappointing.
  13. I think it is the first option. The rule says that you declare the unit is going to run instead to move, so if you roll the dices to move you declared the unit is going to move and you can't say after that you are going to run.
  14. Me: - "Oh, a new article about Lumineth and allies... fine... let's go to read it... " * Bundt Whalebiter appears * Me: *micro hearth attack*
  15. It looks good in big blobs like Grots or Skavens, but in Ogors, Ardboyz they look like a rave. I hate the "special weapon in the leader of the unit because the rules don't say anything..." For my, a Moonclan Stabba Boss with a net or a Stormcast leader with a huge hammer looks awful and antiaesthetic.
  16. I think our best matchups are the lists that requires short ranged shooting to destroy us but they haven't got enough screens to stop your little boingy-boyz, very slow armies or lists with few wounds and very low armour... Our worst matchups are defensive lists or longshot armies. Jaws of Mork don't need to destroy your opponent to win, we are crazy fast. I win a few games because I captured all the objectives during two rounds and my opponent can't get enough points when my army was almost destroyed in the two last rounds.
  17. Jaws of Mork is a competitive suballiance that improves the squig lists and makes better the mixed armies, but the mixed armies are two steps below the average lists of other armies. The problem with Jaws of Mork is the same you have with the old squigalanche armies, you have very poor matchups that you can't afford, so it is an army for a 4-1 in the best of the tournaments. Although, squigs continue to have very favourable matchups so Jaws of Mork is a very good list in team tournaments. Another point, are the grot lists, they are the more balanced options we have to go to a solo tournament, but we haven't got any good matchups so all the games are very hard to win.
  18. I dreamed today that the Sons of Behemat will be launched with the second wave of Lumineth.
  19. Skragott is your general. - The Jaws of Work command trait is not asigned to anyone because the named characters can't have one. - The artefact must be asigned to a none named character as always, so other one of your heroes must have it. -The Loonshirne rules are the olds one because Skragrott don't have the Squig Keyword.
  20. Wow!, a lot of new info in one piece of art.
  21. I usually send a lot of comments, problems, bugs or erratas. This patch, it's very poor and not even include all the content of the GHB20, I'm a programmer and it's very hard to defend a patch with this content.
  22. Well... "updated", none of the bugs or erratas were fixed, the realm artifacts are the Malign Sorcery artifacts. It's a mess.
  23. None of the bugs were fixed, the realm artifacts are the Malign Sorcery artifacts... The patch is a disaster,
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