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Everything posted by marke

  1. I plan on buying 3x Sc boxes to get bestigors. A bit intrigued going full boc while I'm at it, but do I really need like 150 models? That honestly sounds like a horrible gaming experience, but I like goatmen quite a bit.. what do people play in boc? Cygors/Ghorgons don't look good in game. I also hate tzaangors. Had them, they ugly.
  2. In M3E there are pass tokens to solve the "activation spam" problem. To be honest the core mechanics of the game made it less of a problem in M2E as well. Malifaux is an excellent and well polished game by the way, and should be played by everyone. 😁 Most modern skirmish games have some solution to activation problem. Warcry doesn't seem to have one. However, imo the challenges Warcry's ruleset is facing is keeping the game meaningful while lacking player interaction, resource manipulation and multiple win conditions. Walking to bash face and letting only the dice (or stats) decide the outcome of the game isn't going to be very interesting for very long. The game is still very new and has potential to grow. These things take time, and I hope it sells well enough for GW to care about it and add more depth.
  3. I didn't say one doesn't make those decisions in Warcry. However, those tactical decisions for deployment, movement, activations etc. are included in every skirmish miniature game.
  4. Game is a game when there are meaningful and impactful decisions to be made. Throwing dice to see what happens is more akin to a (non-hollywood) movie you've never seen before. Not saying it can't be enjoyed, but it is what it is.
  5. Keeper of Secrets. Well.. that's probably the best looking model GW has ever made. Army starter if I ever saw one. So much flavor and style! They've truly come out with something special, and honestly the model makes the rest of the greaters look like circus clowns. I think it might be the pose, or the face, or the lack of GW's main sin: details. All of the above and more? I'm so glad they didn't cheapen this out with the usual kazillion meaningless hanging bits or clunky spell effects/smoke etc. I guess many people like those details, but they sometimes make it impossible to focus one's eye. IMO the details should have meaning, not be everything "cool" they can think of to slap onto a single model.. and contrast, contrast, contrast; if everything is detailed, nothing is detailed.
  6. Doesn't it bother anyone else the sheer amount of models you need when taking multiple pink units? There's always 20+20 models to be assembled, cleaned, puttied, based and painted in addition to every 10 pinks.. I get their gameplay benefit, but this just has to be a factor for someone else as well :D?
  7. According to warscroll builder, Tzaangors are battleline. They used to be with Shaman general in BoC, but now seem to be just battleline. What problems I would have with the following list? I'd like to have a low model count list, as I hate transporting and playing with a ton of models, but I kinda would like few comments before assembling for example 9 skyfires. Allegiance: TzeentchLeadersGaunt Summoner (180)Lord Of Change (380)The Changeling (200)Battleline10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (200)10 x Tzaangors (180)10 x Tzaangors (180)Units9 x Tzaangor Skyfires (600)Endless SpellsBalewind Vortex (40)Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (40)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 110
  8. Thinking the same thing with LoC, as I've to build and paint one soon, but maybe I'll go with just the staff for aesthetic reasons. If wysiwyg is not an isssue idk, looks come first for me.
  9. Speaking of Enlightened there doesn't seem to be much discussion about discs vs hooves. I haven't played my Tzeentch yet, but hooves look so much better with the reduced cost. What am I missing here?
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