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Agent of Chaos

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Everything posted by Agent of Chaos

  1. The concept of using Belakor is fine. He doesnt synergise with the rest of the army but he does his own thing so it can work. However if you try to cast a spell he will be effected by the skull altar, bloodsecrator and/or hexgorger skulls so be mindful that he is out of range of those or dont bother casting. Also note that when taking a Slaugherhost (Goretide in your case) you have to take the command trait and artifact from that host. So your General must take Hew the Foe and the first artifact you take on a hero must be Thronebreakers Torc. As you have a battalion you can then take a 2nd artifact from the tables such as Talisman of Burning Blood. Also the Banners of Khorne count as an artifact so the bloodsecrator cant have one of those and an artifact, its one or other.
  2. The rules for that endless spell do my head in.
  3. The Holy Trinity! Never leave home without them. Sometimes, if running a slaves contingent such as some chaos knights, I even add a Warshrine and take Resanguination as a 4th prayer.
  4. Yes, a hero can use any command ability on multiple units as long as you have enough CP
  5. @LordRhulak thanks for sharing. Do we know how legit this guy is? The changes he discusses all seem viable to me.
  6. @Judicator very solid start for a 1K list and a good way to learn the game and skill up from there. Only suggestion for your list would be to split the knights into 2 x 5. Yes you cant buff up a super unit however its hard to get more than 5 into melee range most times and in a 1K game I think you will get more out of having an extra unit.
  7. @Sharklone its pretty messed up and has me feeling there is no point bringing khorne to a tournament I'm attending in a few months. Best guess for handling Lumineth is an anti magic army. Wraith of Khorne bloodthirster as the general of a Reapers of Vengeance army gives you 2 unbinding rolls at +2 so maybe a chance of unbinding one of teclis' autocast on 10 spells (if the natural 8 comes up, all the better). Fill your battleline with flesh hounds and take 3 x slaughterpriests so you at least have heaps of unbinding attempts. Hexgorger skulls are an absolute must to get amongst their lines given they have so many wizards. The reapers artifact is great for making at least one hero near impossible to kill with magic. If you can work a battalion in there then a daemon hero could take Crimson Crown so at least one command ability can go off without needing CP. Of course none of this does anything against their archers who dont need line of sight. At least with all your unbinds you might prevent them from casting the spell to do mortals on 5+ to hit.
  8. @LordRhulak I really like the double warshrine in Morten's list. +1 to hit and save from the bloodfuelled prayers and then the warshrine buffs on top. Seeing as Archaon is getting reroll wounds from the stoker, do you know which warshrine prayers were being chosen? My guess would be khorne prayer for reroll hits and charges with tzeentch prayer for reroll saves, although Nurgle prayer to give him a 1+ save looks tasty 🙂
  9. I did not. League ended there. Still keen to try a 2K Idolator list but havnt had the chance yet 😞
  10. @Zamik I really like that idea. Makes it possible to have 8 heroes in a 2K list and you know Khorne loves that!
  11. @Charleston @Battlefury Biggest change I want to see is being able to bank unspent bloodtithe. No other summoning army's resource is used up in that way. No other army uses the same resource to choose between summoning and allegiance abilities. In addition, I would like to see a little more bloodtithe generated so it feels like we have allegiance abilities available all game, instead of at 2 or 3 key moments. Something like; enemy heroes and monsters generate 2 bloodtithe when slain, signifying the additional worthiness of their skulls to Khorne. I agree that Khorne should have some more inbuilt battleshock protection, if not outright ignore OBR style, and our heroes could do with some melee buffs/reliable damage. Skullreapers and Bloodwarriors to have rend -1 (happy for Bloodreavers to lose that option), Bloodwarriors to wound on 3+, Bloodthirsters to have a 5+ FNP. I would not support our Priests being limited to one prayer per turn like DOK, unless their points go down and/or our prayers became easier to cast. You make those minor changes and you have gone a long way to fixing Khorne. As for the "dont pick them" units; those need a warscroll re-write to be saved.
  12. Trying to understand something RE Stormkeep and the Shield of Civilisation ability. If I go first and use translocation to set up my liberators 9" from the enemy, I understand they dont get the +1 to hit and save buff as they were set up in my turn. However once its my opponent's turn, are the liberators now buffed because they didnt move that turn? OR can they only get that buff once they havnt moved/been set up in my turn? As in, I would have to wait until my next turn and not move them in order to get the buffs? Also, it appears if they dont move in my turn the buff activates, and will stay up even if I make a charge later in the same turn. Is that correct?
  13. Agreed. Karkadrak and Daemon Prince can both get stronger in khorne allegiance through better trait and artifact choices, although lose access to +1 to wound and have limited access to reroll 1's to hit which is a shame.
  14. Khorne lord on Karkadrak is probably the best bet. In Ravagers the Eternal Vendetta Trait goes well. Unfortunately none of the artifacts do much in melee; maybe the realm of fire artifact on the axe for exploding 6's? Ally in a bloodsecrator and/or wrathmongers for an extra attack. Whatever you do he will never be a mawcrusher or terrorgheist.
  15. @kahadin Mask of Darkness is great but also unreliable. Half the time it fails to cast, and when you cast it half the time your opponent unbinds it. Much prefer 3 bloodtithe for a hero phase move. That gets the knights 20" before they charge which should get them where you need them. Warshrines are absolutely better in khorne. They are great for keeping judgements around as its easier to stay wholly within 8" with the big base and tendency to move forward and support your slaves units. It also loves extra attacks with its damage 2 profiles.
  16. @Souleater Knights are great in khorne. Pros: +1 to hit from killing frenzy & +1 save from bronzed flesh (fairly reliable with the altar rerolls), guaranteed bonus attacks, guaranteed extra movement and reroll wounds from bloodstoker, opportunity to use bloodtithe for bonus move/attack in the hero phase. Can get reroll 1's to hit in Skullfiend Tribe, reroll 1's to wound in Goretide or permanent +1 save in Flayed Ones (by meeting the relative criteria). Lord on Daemonic Mount or Karkadrak can also be included for their excellent command ability (+1 to hit & reroll charges). With this combo you can have knights with glaives hitting on 2+, rerolling wounds with extra attacks, +4" to charge with a reroll, all in addition to any bonus from your sub-faction (with Bronzed Flesh and Flayed Ones they could be on a 2+ save!). Can also include a khorne warshrine for the 6+ ward save and the reroll hits/wounds prayer which will get a reroll from the altar making it very reliable. Cons: The only battalion they fit in is Bloodmarked. Therefore if you are running knights you are likely to be high drops and often won't have choice over who goes first. Obviously khorne marked knights are good in slaves too. Pros: can get reroll 1's to hit and +1 to wound if they are wholly within 12" of the khorne general (sometimes hard to pull off). Can also get reroll saves easily, and reroll hits/wounds with a spell (can also be hard to pull off at times) or warshrine prayer. Can fit in many battalions, the best being Ruinbringers for D3 mortal wounds on the charge (on a 2+). Cons: No access +1 save, very limited access to bonus attacks, no bonus movement (other than a pre-game move in certain Despoilers builds), no hero phase shenanigans. Easy to move/charge outside hero aura range and therefore get no buffs from the allegiance abilities. Basically get no direct buffs from any of the sub-factions. Based on the above I think I would argue knights are actually better in Khorne allegiance. The only thing they dont have access to which they can get in slaves is +1 to wound and D3 mortal wounds on the charge.
  17. @Archion89 looks great! It does hurt taking a battalion and not being able to grab another artifact however Ive used that trait/artifact combo on my khorne Idolator Lord and he can put in some work. Between all the Lords and Deathbringer you will still be CP hungry so will be about using them at the right time. Would be very interested to hear how you go with it.
  18. I think the list is looking pretty good but some things you might consider are: -the bloodsecrator will make your sorcerer reroll casts. If extra attacks are really important you could look at an Aspiring Deathbringer (needs CP though) or a unit of Wrathmongers (will need to find some extra points ). -a good alternative ally would be a bloodstoker. Great to use on chariots as it's +6" when they run and charge and +3" to their charge roll for greater chance of mortal wounds. The reroll wounds is a nice bonus and goes well on knights too. -As you are always looking for the charge, consider running at least one unit of knights with glaives. - you might consider running this as an Idolators legion as you can upgrade one of the chariots in the battalion to an Idolator Lord for an extra khorne aura and easy 2+ prayer for a unit to reroll hits (great on knights with glaives). That also means you can spend your CP on giving +1 to hit/reroll charges to knights and chariots.
  19. @whispersofblood you have to be a wizard to perform the ritual so you'll have to make the sorcerer lord general. Otherwise looks a solid list
  20. Game 5 of our 1250 point League yesterday, with my Idolators against Cabalists in Blades Edge. Pretty relevant given the recent chat on here regarding Cabalists. It was a solid win for the Idolators. Score was 15-11 however I tabled him by bottom of Round 4. Score was close as he double turned me twice so was able to retreat onto some objectives before I could wipe him. His list included Thedra and her mob for sacrificing, sorcerer on foot and on manticore, Chaos Lord, 10 x knights, 5x warriors, 10x hounds & 6x Raptoryx. The fully buffed knights got into me with the double turn from 1 into 2 but I had my screen far forward enough that the double pile in only cost me 5 warriors and a sorcerer. The marauders and Idolator Lord went in and did work and then he rolled a 6 for battleshock so no more knights. After that it was a matter of clearing the hounds/raptoryx and when I double turned from 2 into 3 it was well and truly game over. He double turned from 3 into 4 which enabled him to retreat onto 2 objectives but I then tabled him bottom of 4. All up I only lost 5 warriors, a sorcerer and about 12 or so Marauders. Idolator Lord put in work, killing the chaos lord and finishing off the manticore for 2 eye of the gods rolls! first roll gave me +1 save which came in handy when fighting the Manticore later. 2nd roll was the ignore spell on 4+ but game was over then anyway. My poor opponent only had 2 chances to perform the ritual for bonuses to cast and failed both. However in fairness and I failed my 2+ prayers from the shrine and lord 5 times throughout the game. Failing the ritual mattered little as the inherent problems with Cablaists were there to see; investing heavily in sorcerers leaves you weak in combat and slaves do not have enough damage dealing spells with decent range to magically dominate a game. I'm now 3-2 with my Idolators in this league which definitely exceeded my expectations. If it goes ahead the last game will be against Ogres including a unit of 12 x Gluttons. Think I will have to throw everything at that unit as if it goes down I'm in with a chance.
  21. On Chim? I assume you mean Manticore and yes, he is very worthwhile. Awesome spell, same auto reroll save, good movement and can do some work in combat if need be.
  22. @grimgold you are pretty spot on with how it all works and the hero choices, although I would run a second sorcerer over an exalted hero. You would get far more out of extra magic, auto reroll saves as well as a hero aura.
  23. @BaronBanana I think you are on the right track with this list. Its still 880 points of wizards but at least the marauders represent a true melee threat and 15 warriors can hold an objective. One issue is; which unit are you going to sacrifice for the ritual? You dont want to hit marauders and lose the -1 rend bonus for 20 models, and killing 1-3 chaos warriors hurts at 2 wounds each. If you can find 10 points somewhere (maybe swap out the pendulum for a 40 point endless spell) then you can bring a warcry unit to sacrifice.
  24. That would be the strictest interpretation of WYSIWYG I have ever heard of and cant see it being a problem anywhere. I don't think its ever been established that any of the bloodthirster heads represent a specific ability or artifact so go with rule of cool. End of the day its still a bloodthirster and anyone who gave you grief over which head you use is not worth playing.
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