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Everything posted by MitGas

  1. If I was an Aelves fan, I'd be angry right now. Just give them a single proper image of the new Aelves, GW.
  2. What baffles me most is how they didn‘t do anything worthwhile with screamers...
  3. It's sad that we don't get good synergy with S2D units but maybe there's some nice thing in there. Cause we're still squishy and our killer units are now nerfed.
  4. Yeah, my FLG has them.... and despite being angry I ordered them already. But why can't they produce enough for once?
  5. Well, their loss then. Pretty stupid of them to be honest. It's free money and I won't pay scalpers.
  6. Enlightened on disc cost 20 points more, apart from that absolutely nothing changed.
  7. Great, the whole kit with dice is no longer available. Great job, GW. Dolts.
  8. I guess that's like a video of a guy showing the new battletome? Either way, sounds great! But I'm really hyped (and impatient), like a little kid.
  9. I don't wanna complain but that faction focus made waiting like 5 times harder. Can't wait to see the new warscrolls and stuff....
  10. Hmmm tentacles are pretty much the easiest thing to model there is. Not sure they'd even try to find some toy or kit with suitably large tentacles for the custom terrain. The Mutalith's tentacles are quite small for terrain... but maybe the Dark Aelves hydra kit (the alternate build option, Charybdis or something?) got used for some of the heads/ends.
  11. Aren't the Vanguard Hunters pretty much AoS' version of Space Wolves anyways?
  12. Not gonna lie, I'd love to see more stuff for my army (my only army in AOS) but I'd be surprised if something outside of the new Magister came our way. I'd love a new Curseling though, could even look the same.... but we're one of the most complete armies at this point, so "complaining" would be kinda childish. Edit: I do hope to see the battletome preview soon though. Already sitting on needles!
  13. And I applaud for sticking to the rules. If I had a say, I'd love to see more Skaven (even voted for them!). They're something pretty unique that in my mind is fully linked to Warhammer, more than most other factions, yes-yes! (sorry for that) And I'd love to see how good a new plastic kit would look like now (same goes for Seraphon). As much as I love Fimir, I didn't vote for them. Totally love their look but other factions are in more dire need...
  14. Could very well be but then again those that do not collect them could've also voted for them, it's all about satiation I guess. Like I said, it's not scientific but I think it's an interesting look at things and helpful in a way - I for one didn't know that Aelves (all kinds) were so beloved.
  15. Very interesting so far, thanks for taking the time and voting. Looks like when GW teases a faction, they better follow suit. Doesn't matter if it's Aelves, Vampires, Dwarfs or Giants. Interesting that Skaven got so few votes; I thought they'd be way higher - and Chaos Duardin are higher up than IO expected! In no way is such a small sample size representative but it looks like almost all of Chaos and Stormcast are now at a point where they could go for very few new releases and fans wouldn't riot. Especially Nurgle and Khorne!
  16. Fitting as Tzeentch is superior to his degenerate brothers in almost every way!
  17. Yours would be a very smart solution - although I do love getting my Enlightened back but if our internal balance gets better, we might not need to rely on them as much.
  18. That is so true it made me smile - if GW links those tow units becoming battleline to the new Magister model, it would be a tremendous oversight. That poor Shaman's feelings.
  19. Well, then good it's not the Curseling I want as I won't get the box. I got lots of Tzaangors and Screamers and want nothing to do with Dwarfs! Sucks that they don't bring out the special chars for so long though, I thought they followed like half a year later usually.
  20. Well, they'll release him in a few months for sure by himself.
  21. It's a sure bet Screamers will suck lesss now - which is nice. Not really thrilled for a flying Magister (I really,really wanted a Curseling I like the old sculpt but hate Finecast so much) but he does remind me of Cobra Commander from that old GI Joe cartoon movie. Which is always a plus in my book (not that horrible movie but good old Cobra Commander/Chris Latta).
  22. This sucks - such a sympathetic guy and the vids with him were great. Best of luck to him but it's sad to see him go.
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