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Everything posted by willange

  1. I actually think another wave of lumineth models in roughly another year is super likely. The 2nd wave being air models was obvious to see coming and it was a nice surprise to see a bunch of scinari/vanari with it, but the Lumineth Battletome still makes a lot of very "model-specific" hints at new units. I get that every battletome has some hinting at more stuff but usually in a more general way (like a logister chamber, or sun-worshipping grots, or strange shadow demons), so that's where the Lumineth book is different in my mind. I'll have to go re-read that section, but my fuzzy memory recalls water temple having something that sounded like swordmasters (but since we have bladelords that are Vanari idk anymore), some kind of cav, wizards of course and then the great pachyderm sages (which I assume are their aelementors). The pachyderm sages were even brough up in the January White Dwarf Flashpoint, so they obviously have some rather specific ideas on them. The water temple is especially interesting since they're supposedly the most populous of the temples. Then you've got Zenith temple which is likely going to be just 1 or 2 units max and likely includes an "ascended aelf" or something along those lines. Seems to me they mostly covered Vanari, but I'm sure they could still fit a few models in there. Honestly just in that 1 or 2 pages of battletome there's still enough for 2 releases if they want to stretch it that way. I also want them to update armies like Skaven (I've held off buying any Eshin models in anticipation of an update) and Fyreslayers, but I also recognize that some armies inevitably are going to get more "models love" than others. I for one am totally okay with it being Lumineth for a few years. But this brings up a larger point, what does the current state of army model updates actually look like? Not worrying about rules, I mainly look at when their last substantive update was and how they currently are on model diversity (not visually just in terms of how many different warscrolls are there). SCE - Great Diversity, No Significant Recent Updates. Last major wave was in 2018, they've had the odd event model and now Gardus, but nothing major in a long time. CoS - Great Diversity, Some Moderate Updates Incoming/Here. Finally getting some new models with Cursed City, and apparently witch hunters soon. Maybe more who knows? Fyreslayers - Poor Diversity, No Significant Updates. Got a minor update I think in 2019 with terrain/invocations + doomseeker even further back. We all know they need more. KO - Okay Diversity, No Significant Updates. Had 1 new model with Aether War but beyond that it's only been the odd model in a boxed game or event. Their initial wave wasn't too bad, so they don't feel as bad as Fyreslayers, but honestly they haven't seen much since their release in 2017. Lumineth - Great Diversity, Recent Updates. Small initial release, but the follow-up release this year has them in a good spot model-wise. Sylvaneth - Okay Diversity, No Significant Updates (maybe soon). Got the Arch Revenant and now are getting the Warsong Revenant. They also got new terrain and spells. Honestly the biggest sticking point with them is they could maybe use 1 or 2 new non-hero units... maybe a monster, but these guys are close to being what I would think of as "model diverse". Obviously Kurnothi may or may not go a long way here. Idoneth - Okay Diversity, No Updates. Absolutely no new models since launch. There will be a WHU warband, but that doesn't really count for AoS proper. DoK - Good Diversity, Few Updates. Haven't seen much since release. New hero, spells and that's it. Oh yeah, and Shadowstalkers! BoK - Great Diversity, Recent Update. Big wave of models with AoS launch and mid-sized wave in 2019 (I think it was 2019) which updated some demons and gave judgements and terrain. Nurgle - Great Diversity, No Recent Updates. Big wave in end times iirc. I think that was the last update, but I think feculent Gnarlmaw was kinda recent? DoT - Great Diversity, No Recent Significant Updates. Big wave of new stuff with AoS 1st edition battletome, but since then only a some new spells and a hero. Slaanesh - Great Diversity, Recent Updates. Big update in 2019 then another big one this year. Model-wise these guys are doing great with more on the way. BoC - Great Diversity, No Significant Updates. AoS battletome came with spells and terrain and that's it. Skaven - Great Diversity, No Significant Updates. AoS battletome came with spells and terran plus a hero. S2D - Great Diversity, Semi-Significant Updates. A few new sculpts at the end of 2019 that were only in a SC box. Spells too. Also Warcry which is weird because a lot of the models aren't really ever used in AoS but a decent number actually are. Warclans - Good Diversity as Whole (Poor as either subfaction), No Recent Updates. Saw new stuff with Ironjawz release, but that's it outside boxed games. Gloomspite Gitz - Great Diversity, Recent Updates. Big old update with 2019. Huge model variety right now, so hard to complain. Ogor Mawtribes - Great Diversity as Whole (Okay as Gutbuster and Poor as Beastclaw), No Significant Updates. Just terrain and a new hero. Sons of Behemat - Poor Diversity, Recent Update. Brand new army. Small release, but it's clear it's not meant to be much more than it is. LoN/SBGL - Great Diversity, Update Incoming. Getting a huge update. OBR - Okay Diversity, No Updates Since Release. Mid-sized release in 2019, but nothing else since. Nighthaunt - Good Diversity, No Significant Updates. Big fat relase in 2018, but only 1 hero since. FEC - Poor Diversity, No Significant Updates. Small update with 2nd ed battletome, but that was only 1 hero plus spells and terrain. So looking at things as a whole, yeah, Lumineth will be receiving special treatment. However until a likely 3rd wave, it hasn't really gone much farther than getting them to a point where I think everyone would like their army to be.
  2. Yeah 100% Sylvaneth. Those are the exact dangly bits the revenants have. My guess is Lady of Vines is getting a model!
  3. Exactly. Plus a lot of current list building sort of relies on battalions to a certain extent. Specifically the unique and flavorful rules of battalions. My spider riding grots do much better with some of their battalions (including those introduced in the white dwarf). My BoC lists rely on desolating beastheard. Gore Pilgrims is a huge boon to my mortals based Khorne. I'll feel super silly owning 5 bloodthirsters for Tyrants of Blood without them. Again, I get that balance on battalions needed to happen, but a HUGE number of my purchases over the years have been influenced by battalions. I made those purchases in the knowledge that the battalions (and the units themselves of course) could change, so I'm not opposed to change necessarily.. I'm just concerned that a lot of the things that currently make lists work at all are based in the battalions and it's hard to imagine how certain armies will function without them. What I really dread is having to wait an entire year or 2 for some of my armies to finally get new books to fix issues introduced in a new edition. I mean, I own a lot of armies, so I'll just play whatever works best at the time, but waiting on new books to fix armies broken by a new edition is always annoying.
  4. I would imagine BoC would "eventually" get some rule update to make something like that work.
  5. Honestly the charge reactions thing sounds cool to me especially in tandem with potential command point changes. I do dislike basically removing battalions from matched play. I mean I agree they needed a lot of balance work, but I would have rather seen the rebalance than removal.
  6. Those giant green earrings don’t seem very BoC to me BoC eschew adornments and jewelry. I’m thinking he’s likely a part of the “life resurgence” allarielle warned about, so probably order aligned.
  7. My last was a Wrathmonger... so he'll at least do a mortal wound on the way out
  8. K guys, I know I've talked about it before, but seeing our latest witch hunters really gives me hope for "Order of Azyr" as either a subfaction of CoS of a full-on faction of its own. There's a bunch of rumor engine pics (which I believe are unsolved) that support my theory as well. I think they'll more or less replace "Devoted of Sigmar". They'll get, New Flagellants (the crazy poker stick and club) Crossbows that are like baby witch hunters, lesser witch hunters, not hunters of infantile witches (the arrows) Some type of lesser priest or deacon (the arm carrying books and scrolls which I'm interpreting to be some form of scripture) Various inquisition and priest-type heroes (the holy water, pierced hand, candles) Some kind of elite melee assassin squad (the dagger) I could be totally off-base and wrong, but this isn't the "Accurate Assessment of Facts Thread" now is it?
  9. Honestly this is the first time I'm ever hearing that horrors wouldn't split during battleshock. We've always played that way and no one's ever thought anything of it. Huh. Our local Tzeentch player hasn't ever really dominated specifically because of horrors though.
  10. The new Hurakan rules are really creative and cool. Not sure why some people are all up in arms about it. Like sure, they can run away from fights, but we've seen stuff like this before in old skinks. In skinks it was mostly just strong because they were so cheap and spammable and made it difficult to get them fully off of objectives. With the kangaroos, their bases are large and they're likely going to cost 150+ points (assuming they have 3-4 wounds and 2-3 shots each on the bows), so I don't think it's going to be a major issue since the model count will be lower/more expensive. Of course, it all comes down to points in the end. If they have 3 wounds, shoot 3 times and then only cost 120, then obviously they'll be a problem. Same statline at 200 and they'll probably lean more toward the "bad" end.
  11. Duol box of soulblight vs cities of sigmar. The damnation and the faith. Alongside a reveal of the "Order of Azyr" which will likely just slot into cities (or at least ally with them). Could use the new witch hunter and nightingale lady. I know, I know. This isn't what's going to happen, but it's my wishlist, okay?
  12. We've been doing in-person games with masks and distancing for most of the pandemic (though we did take a few months off). KO has been pretty powerful locally, but I won a minor local tournament with Khorne and we've seen SCE do well too. Seems more like the "pilots" matter more than the armies in general. I've seen people suck with OBR and I've seen others dominate. I guess that's just how it is in a more casual scene.
  13. I agree with you mostly, but my nitpicky counterpoint was that for me the visual appeal of AOS was immediate. It took no more than one look to get hooked. Lots of games do the first-look well, but I really feel AOS does it the best from packaging to minis or entry points. I realize this is an anecdote of just one person (me), but I've never looked at the whole package of Warmachine and thought, "Dang I want that". I think some of their stuff looks cool, but the packaging and entry points are all wrong to me. I got into Star Wars Legion because it also does well on entry points, packaging and (nowadays) models. Same with Song of Ice and Fire. They're all super appealing and I'm sucker for a good initial presentation (as I believe many are). Where AOS really stood out from the crowd to me and kept me interested was that the depth of the game was to the right point (not so ridiculous that my wife was intimidated, but deep enough to really get into) and it's been excellently supported for as long as I've played it, which is 2018 to now. On the other hand, I've always had a harder time with 40k because the presentation and packaging wasn't nearly as good. With 9th edition they did get a lot better at the entry points though and I love Necrons so I picked up a few of those. I haven't really tried the gameplay as much though and haven't bought nearly as much because my wife's chosen army (Thousand Sons) doesn't have a new book yet and my friends that play would all rather play AOS which I'm totally happy with!
  14. WHFB is cool and I like the total war incarnation of it, but I ignored Warhammer for years based on how generic and uncreative it seemed. My brother tried to get me into it many times, but I just didn't dig "regular ol' elves" or "regular ol' goblins". In 2018 though I took another (probably 20th) look into it and found that there were these cool "sea elves" and airships filled with steampunk dwarves and so forth. It really caught my eye! Funnily enough, my first AOS faction was Beasts of Chaos which is basically just WHFB, but I never even looked into them because I was so turned off by some of the other things I had seen. Over time, I've even come to like some of the things I found off-putting for so long (I actually love Cities of Sigmar nowadays). I guess what I mean with all this is that AOS did a way better job of selling the idea of Warhammer to me than WHFB ever did, so there's something to be said for its aesthetics and cool ideas.
  15. It's mostly stuff like Hellstriders going up by 50% that just puzzle me. Maybe the warscrolls on the site right now are lacking some update that will actually be in the book? I doubt it though.
  16. That's the only reason I can think that they did that. But if they're really concerned about the summoning, then why not just making summoning require more depravity points? Raising the points cost just guts them as allies and as "wider" units in things like Legion of Chaos Ascendant and so forth. In a perfect world, the allegiance ability power should be roughly equal across factions and then warscrolls are worth their points all on their own. (I know that's not how it is, but it's how it SHOULD be, so it irks me to see this type of design in a modern battletome).
  17. Man, Slaanesh really got hit hard with points increases. Seekers went up like 30 points, hellstriders are up too. The new units are all quite pricey. I'm wondering if they just didn't overcost the whole book? It's not like the new allegiance abilities are crazy compared to what they used to be. I'm not trying to be a "doomsayer" or anything here. Rather, I'm inviting people to share their opinions of it now that we can see everything. Any hot takes? EDIT: The new Blissbarb seeker guys are great though. That's my hot take. 20 wounds at 14" movement, good attacks and only 180 points? Yes, please!
  18. Yeah that still doesn't make much sense to me. It'll take some playing to figure out if DP farming can be good or not. Obviously your opponent will try to deny that wherever possible, but it's tough to know how people will react to that once they're used to it.
  19. Did I hear wrong that blisbarb archers (foot) are 160? They really don't seem worth that much reading through their warscroll on the NZ site. Like, they seems way overcosted (as do painbringers though by not as much and then of course slaangors).
  20. One definition of the word "pretend" is "lay claim to (a quality or title)". Previously, the pretenders laid claim to the title of godhood, but perhaps now they'll have to settle for laying claim to the spot of "Slannesh's Favored Scion" or something like that.
  21. Against a 4+ save, 4 ballistas with an ordinator do a LOT more damage than 9 V-Rs with Longstrikes. (It's roughly 15.5 wounds to 10 wounds, so not even close). GRANTED, in Anvils, using the CA is much more efficient so if you have lots of CPs to burn then you're probably correct to go V-Rs, thought it is notable that Ballistas are also far more durable than V-Rs. There are lots of other trade-offs as well of course.
  22. *Screeches in Grotbag Scuttlers* I know people think that the Scuttlers are nothing more than a possible starting point for cool conversions, but I really do believe they'll be a real army eventually. They show up in the lore CONSTANTLY (way more often than Malerion or his people) and there's obvious design-space (ruleswise) for another sky ship army. They could be made to be very mechanically (and visually) distinct from KO. My dream is for a mixed-race destruction faction with strong pirate motifs and and a play-style that's more fast and melee happy than KO. Also, there's a lot of space in the CoS-area to break out a new faction or two. The Order of Azyr is regularly referenced and could easily be a new and more inquisitorial take on Devoted of Sigmar. The Ironweld Arsenal honestly deserves to be its own faction with a cogfort mini or two as well as some mechanically enhanced infantry. There are of course approximately 1.21 gagillion more factions referenced in the odd battletome here and there, but I don't put much stock into those without more references. Then again, stuff like Sons of Behemat sorta comes out of nowhere sometimes. I mean, obviously Behemat was a character, but the first references to them being a faction in the game were all in warhammer community videos and articles (with the exception of sky titans I guess, but those were technically a different civilization).
  23. That would actually be so fun! Imagine her book bringing them into an expanded Sylvaneth faction! I mean, I could definitely see the argument for them being their own thing, but Sylvaneth isn't a huge faction and expanding it with non-trees could be really fun. What's the lore on how Kurnothi are created? Would this be her somehow stepping in to help stabilize Slaanesh and getting souls of her own? Surely not as that hasn't happened yet and Kurnothi already exist. I assume they're basically wanderers who undergo some type of transformation, but I'm not sure if that's correct. Anyone know?
  24. So here's a thought on the Broken Realms storylines (which most of you have probably already considered), what if Broken Realms mostly refers to control of the realms being broken up? I know it sounds obvious and dumb, but hear me out. In Morathi, we saw Morathi tighten her grip Ulgu and Aqshy while simultaneously weakening the Sigmar's grip on Aqshy and Archaon's grip on the Eightpoints. Also, she forced a re-opening of the All-gate to Ghyran which is probably going to factor into the Alarielle book at some point. In Teclis it seems probable that we're going to see the Nagash's grip on Shyish weakened, but that in turn will lead to the Lumineth's control of Hysh being loosened. You'll presumably see Nurgle making a play there as well. So then what? Maybe a BR:Alarielle sees a shake-up in Ghyran? BR:Gordrakk see's the greatest shake-up of all by breaking into Azyr? Obviously that's all speculation, but I suspect the dominating theme of each book is to "break up" the status quo and current power structure wether that be by greating gods, re-distributing power in the realms, or introducing new characters and factions. Given that, I think it's safe to say that something relatively significant will happen in each book even if it is something relatively simple like, "Teclis weakens Nagash just enough for the vampires to gain independence and CoS to get more sub-allegiances." Ultimately, I'm just happy to have any new story/rules content at all. I just eat this stuff up.
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