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Everything posted by Zamik

  1. It looks like the boxes may come with sprues and the character cards too, which would put them in similar price territory with a Necromunda gang and their cards, I think.
  2. Buying piecemeal was the mistake I made with Kill Team--I spent waaaaaay more than the core set just to get two okay faction rosters, the book, and gameplay accessories.
  3. I was kinda hoping they’d drop. But the Bloodsecrator drop evens things out for me, since I seldom take more than 2 MSUs of reavers to use as screens anyway.
  4. Do you have any of the Judgements models? The Wrath-Axe can help shave a few models off the unit and give them a -1 to hit rolls. Some Skullreapers would work well against a block of Tzaangors too, since they get hit rerolls vs units with more than 5 models, and natural 6s generate additional mortal wounds. I don't think Tzaangors are weak at all--they have 2 wounds, and their arcanite shields give them a 6+ after-save. Pair them with a Tzaangor Shaman who keeps replenishing the unit with Boon of Mutation, and it's a hell of a time.
  5. I like my Khorne army because I love the over-the-top bloody barbarian aesthetic; and because in the lore every Khorne hero is trying to outdo or outright kill every other Khorne hero, so it's like a really cutthroat corporate culture, with Mighty Lords having to wrangle a bunch of dudes who hate him and want him dead so they can get his boons from Khorne etc. Playing Khorne just always makes me think of that scene from American Psycho, where they're all showing off their business cards to one-up each other, only in this case they'd be showing off actual skulls!
  6. I think Gitz will give you a lot of diverse and interesting projects. At my game shop there are three Gitz players, and their armies are absolute riots of color, with variegated spiders and vivid fungi. You really can't go wrong with them, unless the general silliness of the army doesn't appeal to you.
  7. Zamik

    Khorne Bloodbound Skullreapers

    These are Skullreapers that I built out of bloodreavers, with bloodletter, blood warrior, gor, Daemon prince, and wrathmonger bits. My first kitbash project, and I’m quite pleased with them!
  8. The Warscroll Builder has no room for Other units in the Main Contigent, though the chart in the GHB lists Other units at 0+ in the Main Body.
  9. I was making a Meeting Engagement list on the Warhammer Community Warscroll Builder, and for some reason it won't let me take Prosecutors in the Main Body of the army--the only dropdown options are Spearhead and Rearguard. Has anyone else run into units that can't be put into a specific contingent even if there is an available slot for their role?
  10. Though one nice thing about the reality-splitting axe is the effect happens at the end of any phase he does damage in, so if you use blood tithe to pile him in in the hero phase, you’ve got a chance to kill them there!
  11. I've been thinking of using a Daemon Prince as a kind of kamikaze fighter, to draw attention away from the skullreapers and khorgoraths--what's the 40k term, Distraction Carnifex? I mean, a Daemon Prince of Khorne gets a +1 to all hit rolls, making his axe and his talons hit naturally on a 3+ or his sword on a 2+. With wings he moves faster than a Bloodthirster, and I'm thinking of running the army as Goretide so he can fire off a screen of Bloodreavers into the unit he wants to attack, then lay into them. And when he dies, it's 160 points gone.
  12. I'm eager to hear your experience subbing Khorgoraths for the BT, because there's a lot of potential. I mean, a 24-wound unit with the same 4+ save, but flinging 15 2-damage attacks--then add Skullfiend rerolls, bloodsecrator, Skulltake battalion so those 6s to wound are 3 damage apiece etc. Yes.
  13. Does anyone here have experience killing Bastiladons? I'm curious what strategies people have used to get around a 3+ unrendable save and a 4+ mortal wound save--also, how to deal with a frickin' laser beam that can do 24 wounds.
  14. Of course, it's definitely more the excitment-apathy axis, as you say. They could have a big reveal at UK Games Expo tomorrow, and the fever would be back on!
  15. This is exactly how I feel about Warcry too. The tease has just been drawn out way too long, with very little to show for it. At this point I'm more excited for the General's Handbook, to be honest. Balanced 1000-pt battleplans and expanded mercenary lists may just satisfy me.
  16. I know the Thermalrider Cloak, an Aqshy artefact, gives a Hero Flying and +4" movement. I used it in my last game so my Bloodsecrator could get to buffing all the runners.
  17. Slaughterborn consists of an Exalted Deathbringer, 2-4 units of Skullreapers, and (I think) 1-3 units of Blood Warriors. It reduces the rend characteristic of enemy melee weapon attacks against these units by 1 (-2 rend becomes -1, -1 becomes 0). The units do not have to be near each other to maintain this benefit (unlike some other battalions). It's 180 points to take, but very useful if you're running a lot of those units anyway.
  18. This weekend I played Three Places of Power with my friend and used Apoplectic Frenzy on some Skullreapers to wipe out a unit of chainrasps in the Hero Phase, then they piled in against the Guardian of Souls holding the objective in the Combat phase and took him out, and meanwhile my Bloodstoker had just happened to walk right up to the objective amid the slaughter!
  19. Going to be getting in a 1500-pt game with a friend soon, and I'm bringing a new friend with me--an Exalted Deathbringer with Impaling Spear!
  20. It depends what you're fighting: if your opponent has a powerful spellcaster or two on the board, skulls make them have to be careful; if you're not worried about your opponent's magic, the skulls will just end up sitting around. The axe can do a fair amount of damage, and it also gives enemies within 3" a -1 to hit, which is probably our best shooting defense!
  21. I'm excited to see how it goes for you! I mean, we're talking about two units, so two blood tithe, for 120 points; a pup that rerolls charges, lets the Fiends reroll charges, and can unbind; a small-footprint unit for the "wholly within" standard for buffs, and TWO weapons with rend -1! They've got a lot going for them in an MSU, pawn-sacrifice army!
  22. I've run my two Khorgies in a single unit before, and it DOES get a lot of attention from the opponent--too much, in fact! I generally prefer to keep them separated so they can both get back a wound from Taker of Heads, and attempt to spread Horrific Predators around; and the 10" orbit of the Skullfiend Tribe's For the Brass Citadel ability isn't hard to squeeze a few into, even spaced out a bit. I get the fewer drops thing though, but in this case it's a difference of one drop.
  23. It looks great! I can just see the action of it, bringing the shield up to block and then swinging the blade down into unguarded flesh!
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