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Everything posted by Maddpainting

  1. Hey, I am still BoC main, which has never had any GW's respect lol. We did get some models updates.. and many others removed as well as our worst unit nerfed even more and our best unit also nerfed.... But HEY! I still love them!
  2. Or bc they are older armies you have more players with them. Cities is called the Old players army for a reason a lot of times lol. Also some older armies broke about like Orks/Goblins, if they would have stayed together they might be much more popular, there is a lot of little factors that could change it for anyone.
  3. Seeing as I've been playing Beastmen/Beasts of Chaos (BoC) for decades i think i'll say them, I do have other armies i play too but I love my beasts.
  4. Basically its the Move after shooting, starting on the table they can move 20" if they are within 22" of any enemy unit, or start off the table, come in 6"/9" shoot something within 12" and move 10". They also work in TE , +1 to charges, +3" to turn 1 move, +1 to turn 1 saves, +1 to atks, you can have a General Run and charge to keep up with them (like a BM on Griffon for that +1atk and +1 to charges) which those are auras, 1 being a Spell so they all stack. I only talk about TE bc thats what I play and thats this topic. You can also give them Fly now. Which means screens are basically pointless against them.
  5. Yeah, cities being such a huge army and it is old world popular with many bad units, it is easy to make a fun list thats not very good for events. And this does happen, if you go to GT's you see many fun lists there. Also serious players will take the "best" not anything good or worst, Fulminators in LC is the best, so if you wanted to win the event why would you just not go to LC and the only thing you need to change is picking up 3 Fulminators kits and maybe a new general. But, while I want to win, I also want to play with my units and doing what I can without go full meta. I like TE and I like MSU, the dragons are adding some needed love to this army (I was thinking of going Har Kuron for a bit to get Morathi, but I am glad I wanted, the dragons are super cool). I am not worried about going 1st at a GT, I just don't want to have a negative play experience is all.
  6. I actually used them to make Drakespawn Knights.... now if they get 25pts cheaper I might use them. IDK what I will do with 20 of them lol.
  7. My Stormdrake Guards should be in soon, Going to use them with my Scourgerunners lol, the idea of a turn 1 charge, and a 2+ save with no buffs on 2 drakes is too fun to pass up. The list idea and what i have is basically (Just trying to modify it to fit into 2 drops and if I want 8 chariots with something else, or 10 chariots, or etc.... so very minor details in the list, I also love Shadow warriors, so might do 8 chariots/30 warriors) Fleetmaster general Hurricanum Mage Hurricanum Mage Freeguild/Dreadspears (Retinue for Fleetmaster) Scourgerunner Chariot Scourgerunner Chariot Scourgerunner Chariot Scourgerunner Chariot Scourgerunner Chariot Scourgerunner Chariot Scourgerunner Chariot Scourgerunner Chariot Stormdrake Guard x2 Optional Scourgerunner Chariot Scourgerunner Chariot Scourgerunner Chariot Shadow Warriors Shadow Warriors Shadow Warriors Battlemage Runelord
  8. Bullgors has +1" to charge and has a leader, so you can +1" with a re-roll. They are a good summoning late game unit to knock a small unit off an objective if you have no other options.
  9. Should be able to google it easily, it is a very common way to play. Basically it is only 1 of each unit unless it is a core/troop/battleline unit and then you can pick a 2nd one as long as you picked another core/troop/battleline already (Caveat if you only have 1 eligible then a max of 3). For league version you normally are not allowed to add any units ether unless you already went through all your units.
  10. Most of GW narrative games already have means in place to kill off or hurt units on your roster and needs to be replaced. There is also Highlander rules in place and has been for many years, you might be interesting in that. Combine them and you basically got what you are asking for.
  11. Bans do not work in Warhammer, you are playing with a collection of things worth 100-1000x more than you would in something like LoL, people already hate events and areas that ban FW and FW has not had any model worst than GW in years. Yeah in Legal a character you might have spent a few dollars on couple get a temp ban, but what about that person with SoB? They could have 4 $200 models, if you banned 1 they need to go buy a different $200 model or 4 smaller giants at the same cost, there is no way that player will play with you or your event. Also some armies are only playable right now bc of Allies and the top armies don't even use allies at all, so a band to allies would actually currently lilt the meta even worst. I do agree that rule changes to often is a bad thing, but a point change 3x a year is not, not at all. Some armies like SoB can't change with points bc how they are set up and will need a minor rules change no matter what, but other armies for sure can use a points change, LrL has a couple units under pointed, heck look at Fulminators, insanely OP but then you have units like Varanguard and they are trash compare, why are their points so similar? One needs to go up and the other needs to go down, there is no reason a unit like Fulminators needs to be that insanely OP. A small points change every 3 months to target problem units is not a bad thing at all and will help the meta bc right now every SCE and CoS series player is bring 4 of them without and its the first unit in their lists.
  12. Its great as long as the ability to have good saves, ignore rend, and ward saves don't stack... which some units it does sadly.
  13. They really do need to make more warscroll changes and honestly the Kragnos books for the most part did that just fine... other than my main army which actually made the warscrolls worst..... Now I have literally zero reasons to take the 2 units that got changed. As already said but want to agree and add. A unit should have a role (a purpose), those roles can be Jack of All, cheap chaff, hard hitters, tanks, it could even just be a menace to deal with, what every that is it needs to do that. It is ok to have units overlaps in roles, this adds flavor as long as they are distinctly different and a unit is not completely over shadowing the others. But also does the army even need that unit or does that unit have synergies with the army and other units and are its synergies bad units? Sometimes the warscroll is fine but the supporting units are terrible, or the army has no need for that unit at all. An example of Sharing the same roles in Beastmen, no matter what in its current state Ungors and Gors are competing for a place, there is no reason to bring both. Both deals little to no damage, both die to everything, both are battleline, and are within 5pts of each other, neither gains any buffs that you want in those units. So we use to go for the cheaper one then they made them about the same cost so now we go for Gors only bc the bases are bigger or a chance to use that +1 to saves the Ungors don't have.
  14. Keeping the enemy slowed down with the Khorne DP and Hailstorm on the Shaggoths helps a bit to try and keep the Tzaangors near the 5 casters to try to kill an extra unit while buffing the Shaggoth in combat. Its honestly very hard to do and you need some good matchups/missions.
  15. Yeah Khorne DP has been a staple ally for us for a bit now. Been using one sense the last StD book (what 1.5yrs? I can't remember now). Shaggoth being good has really help the Khrone CP to be even better. Its how we can hold mid/home objectives much easier. Try it out sometime its really fun.
  16. It wont be a priest at all, Priest in AOS/Fantasy pray to gods, BoC hates the gods.
  17. I honestly still can't believe they made it worst. Before it was a cool mid game threat to potential slow down an army. Now.... with all the changes (very limited hordes, harder to get more models in range bc coherency, less on the table, etc..) it somehow got worst. I hope the current new rules are not going into the new battle tome and was a test, as well as the Beastlord. Bc if those two goes into the new tome, oh boy I am worried for our new book.
  18. You can not stack -2, all final hits/wounds/saves modifiers is max are +/- 1 (other than rend).
  19. And Jabby won't get you bonus VP while giving your opponent bonus VP's... so its worst.
  20. That thing is way to nurgle for me to want it in BoC.
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