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Everything posted by Coyote

  1. Axes vs Fists, can we choose each different combat? Or does the choice have to be all game? Say I charge a chaff unit and decide to use double axes, finish that combat, am out of combat completely- and then am charged by an elite unit. Can I switch to Fists then?
  2. That chance of multiple shots from the Cannon is going to be FAQd. I can’t believe the Rules as intended made for multiple shots from the (glass) Cannon.
  3. Clearly having operator error - Does anyone have the update on the WH AOS App? My app says updated with BoK, but I don’t see any changes.
  4. Crossing fingers, hoping Murderhost can have 1+ hero’s in battalion, not just 1...
  5. Please, Make Bloodletters Great Again! Kidding, don’t need the Bloodletter bomb again, but please make it easier to field Bloodletters for the points - maybe a chance to Run an Charge, a ward save like old WHFB, a much easier way to replenish Bloodletters besides rolling a 1 for Bravery (I’ve never had that happen). i am not complaining, just hoping for something for my little plastic best friends.
  6. Quick game for you- We’re starting an Ecscalation league this Saturday.... Vote for best/most fun 500 pt army - Rules min 1 Character for General, 1 Battleline This weekend I’m pretty sure I’m fielding 1 Grey Seer 1 Clawleader (General) 1 Unit of x40 Clanrats (Battleline) 1 Unit x5 Gutter Runners What would you field at 500?
  7. Question- in Azur How does (Verminus - Mighty Warlords) work- How do I give my multiple Clawlords Command Traits?
  8. Skaventide isn’t in my list (yet) when try to forge new list, pretty sure App is updated too. Probably another Skaven preventing me from achieving my plan !
  9. Confused - so he book is downloadable on Azur but the updates aren’t on the Azur or Warscroll Builder yet?
  10. Another question- anyone play regularly without using any Battalions? I’m looking to establish my stastically reliable baseline for unit performance.
  11. I’m looking at running a unit of 3+ Khorgoraths - Has anybody done this? Any success? Im having to order Khorgoraths from EBay - have #2 and #3 on the way.
  12. I’m still a newer AoS player but played WHFB since 2002. I want to ask a different question- What is our current - UNBUFFED - Unit deleter? UNBUFFED meaning a unit engaging without a Priest prayer, without Command Abilty, without Battalion ability etc. What unit are we putting on the table that can square up with nearly every other unit in the game and consistently win combats, and Delete other units? i don’t see one right now that - and that’s ok mind you - without having 1 - 3 other variables we have to add to unit to raise Close Combat phase win percentage. (Buffs, terrain or environmental factors, and sheer tactics mismatch) Without a strong unit deleter - we are a tactical army (much like the old Wood Elves, minus shooting and magic - ok nothing like the old WE 🙂 ) that needs to maximize the Maneuver phase of Warfare (see vin Clausewitz). But again, i don’t see a unit (without Buffs) we can just move forward and engage with confidence against most enemy units and win most of the time.
  13. No word yet when the new release may happen? Been looking online, but likely too soon. Hoping I missed something.
  14. Stormfiends - Best ranged weapon? Or best equipment to model? Hey there - starting an escalation league (starts at 500 pts) putting together my Stormfeinds - I’m going to model Warpfire projectors - is this a mistake for a 500 pts game?
  15. Not worried about my comfort - I have a ton of models from WHFB - So 1 vote for Warlord with 2x units of clanrats
  16. Hello - Squeek Squeek - Starting 500 pt escalation league - What would *you* bring in your list? Requirements- Min 1 Character (General) Min 1 Battleline 1 2 3 Go!
  17. At 1000 points, with the Gore Pilgrams I was able to bring out Kara (my Bloodthirster) by turn 3. There are other things to use the Blood Tithe for, but by the time I had 6, I might as well wait for 8.., i think 2 of my Slaughterpriests killed the third one to get the final points that day.
  18. I’m lucky, I have a lot of Bloodletters, so I am making Bloodletter Skullreapers with Skulls instead of Bloodletter heads. With the Daemon swords, they’re essentially 3 Wound Mortal Bloodletters anyway - mortals on 6+ not the natural 6. Wrathmongers, I’m making from modded Warriors.
  19. What do you want your list to do? I’d pick a list closer to #1 and drop Karanak unless you wan him to Dispel Magic. - Are you able to run Blood Pilgrams - that clicks in at under 1000 and is very competitive. - Karanak - My jury is out right now, 160 pts is too expensive for me unless he’s working with a couple units and a Warscroll- also do you have Flesh Hounds? He really earns his points if he’s able to summon, if you field him but aren’t able to bring models out he’s a Overcost for what he brings. - Are you able to proxy any *Slaughterpriests*? They’ll add to options making a Hero phase more useful. - Khorgorath - Is like to hear how this does- I have not fielded yet, I only have 1 right now. I’d like to see if I can get another couple (or 5!) and field in a larger unit and go stomping Sylvaneth Wildwoods.
  20. Staying with what we have (rules wise ) *right now* - 1. One book with all the Clans, roles, Warscrolls, in one spot, Make easier to put lists together on Azur. 2. Need a Clan Skaven, or Verminous Uber Clan - with Clanrats as Battleline (Core) and Storm Vermin as Battline If a Grey Seer is General. 2.5 Bring back the miscast Irresistible force for the Grey Seer 3. Put other scrolls in Book too - Skaven Slaves and Battle Standard Bearer
  21. Lurker here, last summer there was mention of “Mulriple Verminlord” list ideas, but at the time no one had run any.., My next major undertaking for 2019 will be running a 3-4 Verminlord list. (Caveat - AFTER I finish acquiring, assembling and paint the rest of my Bloodthirster Council) Which builds would you bring into a 2000 list? I’m thinking if only 1 - probably the Warpseer? if 2 eshin and Corruptor or Eshin and Warbringer? What are your thoughts?
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