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Everything posted by Revan123

  1. As for discussion I played this day with Daughters of Khaine. I attacked fully buffed Witches unit or how they called with fully buffed squad of letters with Crimson crown behind. It was 47 mortal wounds. And 7 failed saves in addion. 26 from 29 girls died. And three of them just buried nine letters during counter attack. Now the questions. Why do we even needed priests with Killing frenzy now? How are going to AT LEAST try to deal with Daughters? Or Nighthaunts? Or Fyreslayers? Not only math will say that it is impossible to get through their saves and FNP and not to get damage that will wipe out the half of the unit in return. At least they can't nerf Nurgle more, than meta did to him. I want my unmodified six at least on blightkings, if letters are gone. As for khorne, our hope no in blobs of 30 chaos warriors with glaives - 120 attacks with aspiring champion and secrator, +3 to their saves with priests and FNP from mortal wounds. It is the best thing I can come up with. Or blobs of blood warriors with same buffs.
  2. Such a wonderful news! And I am just finished those guys! And 90! letters! Well, they still good at 40k though
  3. Models yes, rules are not so good. Too expensive for what they do
  4. Not against Nighthaunts, Bonesplitters, Daughters of Khaine, Fyreslayers Bullgors do like a 1/4 of the damage, that bloodletters could do without buffs You don't need to move your bloodthrister faster, than your letters, if you don't have Crimson Crown on him. The list is ok though, good screen capacity against deepstrike and holding an enemy
  5. I was a bit dissapointed with Daemon Prince with a sword, not so many times you can actually use him. It will not kill Nagash rather than Nagash have a chance to kill him with his own FNP. Other than that it is hard to get to heroes that are important, especially with a lot of screen. If it was 40k, where you can stand within 1 inch, not 3 inches, it is possible to make a charge above the screen. If in your meta a lot of large things that fly towards you, then SoJ is great. Otherwise not so good. AS for me I don't take the second unit of reavers and just take herald of nurgle and chromatic cogs. You will get a chance to boost your movement a lot (good against shooting armies, I had problems to reach them), artefact for + 1 to run and charge, so letters are going to run 14 inches and get +6 to charge. And I am going to have as well 3 command points at the start of my turn.
  6. Funny thing, that only Blightkings would win after that, but everyone else will lose. Daemonettes, Bloodletters, Chaos Chosen, Archaon, Varanguards with daemon blades, Chaos Marauders. And I don't know any faction, who will lose more, than Chaos in that case. We already have struggling with lots of things to do our armies competative. And many units depend on boosting of their abilities. Skyfires are dead already becouse of unmodified. 1 shot from each... ONE SHOT! For 200 points. And here you have Daughters of Khain with rerollable FNP, fearless and 120 attacks with potential reroll to wound. We have 40 skeletons with potential 240 attacks. We have ghosts, who don't care about rend and have 4 save unmodified (one time Archaon wasn't able to kill TEN models with all his attacks for TWO phases and you can't counter it at all, saving for mortal wounds spam). We have shooty army and Khorne, Slaanesh and even Nurgle are struggle to get to them and at least TRY to do something. Or Fyreslayers, who have deepstrike and units with 4+ FNP. Everyone keep telling me, that Chaos still is able to get on top. But then I look at the Meta of Tournament. Well, in our meta such Chaos armies will be wiped out easily. I tried 4 bloodthirsters a lot in different setups. They don't do that amount of damage for their points and die rather fast. So, letters are still the only option to get competative, but not to get on top, because each shooty army will be almost certain death.
  7. I played on the tournament recently and came accross the problem, that I can't stand against shooty Stormcasts, jumping all around the field and Haradrons. Only if I am going to get a double turn, which I got only once, when it was too late. I started to think that I even should drop gore piligrims and take 90 letters instead, because my forces can't stand that shooting properly. Get cogs, herald of nurgle and hope to cast it as well as use the blessing. And I don't know what I can do against fyreslayers with their dropping shooters and fighters. Not telling that because a hole in the rules they can took a batalion which can give them pluses to initiative role despite the fact that core book states clearly that it can't be changed. But there is no FAQ about this batallion, so it still can be used at least in our meta it is allowed,
  8. I tried Vorgaroth recently (of course, it was just a piece of paper, but still) against Nighthaunts. I took 3 priests with bronzed flesh and one killing frenzy, all in gore piligrim batallion (it was 2010 points, but still). Well, he took out most of the army, only 7 models left on board before he was bringed down. If they didn't have their unmodified save, I would kill a lot more. We played without objectives, in that case I would probably lost. It was really fun, bronzed flesh gave him a good protection, but the lack of ingoring mortal wounds is making him really vulnarable
  9. I don't think that with this wording they cannot shoot if they ran. Because they can't shoot in their shooting phase after advance, but we are speaking about charge phase. At least in 40k a unit can overwatch despite his movement or advance
  10. Well, they actually do nothing. I would take another squad of mongers or another 5 warriors and 10 bloodreavers for more bloodpoints This is the list of some guy from tournament, I don't know, why he wrote glaives in his list, but I didn't consider them in my game
  11. I tried this list, base on summoning and counter attacks with mongers. It was a lot of fun. You have a lot of units you don't care to lose, most valuable one your can hide behind tons of screen. Tough units that will come to you are going to suffer a lot from mongers. Especially it was fun, when Nagash is actually capable to kill himself. But zombie dragon with 3++ is not so easy target even for himself.
  12. 30-man blob of blood warriors and three priests with Bronzed flesh will make this squad unkillable for slaanesh
  13. Actully yes, it does. Because Slaanesh is the same glass cannon. With -1 to hit axes even knights are going to have bad times with 120 attacks from reavers. The only problem that they are on 32 mm instead of 25 mm like marouders, so mostly 40 attacks per phase mostly. That is why I rejected tactics with them, choosing blood warriors instead and make them tanky
  14. They don't stuck. There is still a word "any" in the rule about these Banners. Any means "one or more", so no stacking around here. So there is answer to your question how to beat them. 30 letters with 2 Killing Frenzy on them. Even with -1 to hit, two squads of them will be dead for sure. You just kill, die, summon more letters, not giving him to get his summoning points he needed, because models must stay alive for that
  15. What provides these multiple minus to hit? And who are those units with high rend?
  16. Change Rotigus for normal Great Unclean one (traits and relics are more suitable for him), in lot of ways he is a lot better. Glaives are better on knights, because of damage output and the fact that with their speed under buffs and trees they are able to outmanevr your enemy and charge first. Drop a sorcerer, change the other one with Festus (Great unclean are going to heal with him on 2D3 in your hero phase or you can take for the rest of points to take Balewind Wortex and cast his debuffs far away with +1)
  17. I made a joke, that now I need to find a reason, why Archaon is still grandmarchal of apocalypse?
  18. I don't reject that, but it is not going to be easy to get monger close enough to get fifth attack, not saying that they have short per model aura. not unit. Wrathmongers probably will be needed in another place at the same time. I know that even hit bloodwarriors are not that good with their returning of mortal wounds. But regardless, I think 20man blob of with 2+ save will be a problem for three turns for the opponent rather than one or two. And now they have a point to give them +1 to wound, because there are not so many command points to play this combo each turn this is why any good positioning of the troops can neutralize easy opportunity to do something good around it. Enemy is free to choose, when one of the core term of victory is making as much worse situation for enemy as possible. Here an enemy will have more opportunites for that in my opinion. Mongers are slow, Thirsters can fly and fly far away. I love this unit, but no as a monster hunter, my tactic is to force an enemy to make moves that will going to have bad conciquences for him. If you will be allowed to get to that heavy armor. And they can't do anything to Zombie Dragon with 3++ invulnarable
  19. 16 inches range and 4+ rerollable. And random D6. I don't say that it is bad, it is just not good enough to use as your main tool. Especially when you can get countercharge from Morhgasts or Drakkots or how this thing is called Without Asparing Deathbringer they lose anoher attack. No respite is good, no doubt, but blobs, that in this list are not going to kill 40 skeletons or 30 ghosts. And they will do what exactly? They still need to geet 9 inch charge, they charge at the same time a blob of infantry, one of them strike, they counter attack and another squads of letters are wiped. The problem is that you can't buff your guys, unless you summon them for 8 bloodtides. Because you summon then in the end of your movement phase, so no killing frenzy for this guys. I think even killing frenzy is not that good for this list. I would take Bronze flesh for warriors to make them actually survivable or sacrifasing models from units to get bloodtide. Because what would I do, if I play against such army: 1. As khorne I would just charge them with my letters first turn and kill a lot of these guys. 2. As nurgle I would use a blight cyst and they are forced to throw 5 save and die because amount of attacks from blightkings. Or even better, they are going to stuck in blobs of plaguebearers forever. 3. Daughters of Khaine... just witches and medusas. And morathi they are not able to kill like it all, and she is much more capable to kill them instead. 4. Fyreslayers - just berzerkes and deepstrinking shooters 5. Death - blobs of cheep infantry, who is still capable to kill lot of unbuffed khorne guys. 6. Destraction - first turn of Ironjaws can be really devastating. This is just a few examples
  20. Warshrine is not reliable with rolling dice for cast. And you need to be wholly without to make buffs work. And khorne need to charge badly. Second, you don't have enough power with blood warriors and skullreapers. They will stack, fighting stormcasts with their good save and decent damage output. As well as you don't have enough speed, not big enough blobs, your units will be wiped out one by one. Yes, you will get blood points, but it will be too late when you will be able to summon something decent, because your troops only are going to die, not your enemy.
  21. What do you think about Sidney's list of Nurgle with 40 blightknings?
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