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Everything posted by FireAbend

  1. Dunno if someone posted already. But from reddit: brighted up pic to see the mount
  2. Hey folks, so i watched the last view days some of the reviews out there and saw a good mix of opinions from different content producers. Just wanted to chat (while waiting for the game) about some rules i could see be a bit problematic. Ahead of the following things, i'm aware that nobody can have a "real review" currently, cause alsmost nobody finished the game completly. And all my knowledge is based on this reviews (i've no copy, sadly ^^ ). Rules i want to hear some opinions about: Enemy groups seems to spawn always at the furthest portal from the heroes (would'n be a ambush table or something be cool) This allows a lot of easy killing the enemies cause the players have a lot of time to plan and prepare. No range attacks from the enemies (except torgilius) Kiting the enemys Stun abilities from the heroes (e.g. Zeitengale) In some reviews i saw that they're stunning the enemies (is based on a role, so not guaranteed) was also easy even for the big guys. Thought it would be cooler if the big baddies e.g. ogres, Halgrim, ... also get an additional "defence-role" agains things like this? "Treasure" missions give you +influence and +fear: the idea is to go there for cool items while you let down the citizens and baddies, so you lose something. You remove a lot of the "realmstone" cards from the item cards and can go for them. But the reviewers said it feels like wasted time, cause the players can only carry one item per hero. Sure you can always drop a "bad" item for a "better" but this seems to feel verry grindy, for maybe 4 good items after ~1-2 hours. Good thing is, that this is "optional" so you don't need to do this missions iirc. In all reviews the first 3 missions seems to be really easy, which i think they ment to be easy, right? But what makes me curious is that a lot of reviewers seems to be bored after only 2-3 missions and feeling the grind already. We'll see. I'm totally neutral, cause i ordered it already, so no regretting, just want to chat about the game
  3. So i watched the playthrough videos from Guerrilla Miniature Games (nice work from Ash) but was a bit worried about the difficulty (like BSF). Details in Spoiler section:
  4. Think so too, GW love to give us the standard nighthaunt models in all forms (side-games, mortal-realms-magazine, soul-wars starter-set, ....). Like they did it with the death guard guys in BSF. What i would love to see, Kharadron zombies expansion for the Skyport-location! (We can dream, right?) As a lot of people mentioned, a werewolf expansion with new models would be great too.
  5. So the connection is there with his keys and animals to this roumour engines:
  6. Had the same thought. GW always try to mislead with this hints like "eternal". We'll see, hopefully soon.
  7. Had the same thought (a man can dream?!), maybe more info on the preview. It'll be interesting to see if there are 'minions' for every bad guy (like the skeletons for Captain Halgrim). If that's the case maybe some zombies for the gravekepper, some vampires for the long-hair-red-armor dude, werewolfs for the boss and animals for the dude with the candle and the cat. Also there's the 'Gheistgale' on the map = nighthaunt? The 'Clot' + 'Crypt-halls' = Flesh-Eater? The 'Hangman's Copse' = Bats? Would also love to see some duardin zombies for the 'Alten Skydocks'.
  8. IIRC they confirmed coop mode in the reveal stream and they also compared it in their first article with Silver-Tower and BSF. They didn't mention Shadows over Hammerhal, what also indicates coop.
  9. Good catch there. The skeleton companions of Halgrim also look fantastic. They mentioned in the article a weekly News till release, so with 7 heroes and 3 overlords left, maybe we could see a release in early march.
  10. Nothing offical yet, but i think so too. Someone said they mentioned a solo mode in the reveal stream (dunno if true). so it make sens for GW trying to release it as fast as possible and give it a higher prio like a battletome or codex looking at the current global situation. But who knows maybe they want wait for the new ‚business year‘ Numbers (july?). That said i think the next two weeks will give us hints. If they continue to share more news of cursed city on the Community page, release can‘t be far away. I think the game is already in the Warehouse and it‘s just a matter of Business/Release strategy.
  11. They referred the 'boss' as 'wulf' at the end of the trailer. So my guess would be, that the endboss could be kind of Vampire-Model shape shifting in werewolf or bat (multiple models like Morathi). Combining the rumour engine pics of the werewolfy leg and the bat-thing.
  12. Yeah it's interesting that the most heroes have a 'old world' feeling. The Witchhunter obviously, the spell caster looks like old 'sisters of sigmar', the sylvaneth looks more like a wood elve with horned helmet and the 'human' officer looks like a mix of empire General and Stormcast. (Maybe hint to new AoS human faction?) Only the KO is really AoS like. The 'Orc/Ogor' no idea. For the last two heroes maybe something like DoK, melee glas cannon and a 'alchemist' as support character? Also Seraphon, Lumineth or IDK possible if we stay in GA Order.
  13. Maybe the crypthunter game, was some kind of 'middle ground' or field testing. Never played it, but i've heard you get a basic 'starting' room (based on sightline from the starting squares) and add new random squares when you reach a corner or door.
  14. @Greasygeek I've never played BSF myself but watched some reviews and they mentioned 'minigames' like rolling dice and stacking them in specific order in 20 seconds (to simulate defusing a bomb) and things like that. BSF also got an 'activation bar' to determine in which order players and enemies activate which gives new strategic depth to the game. So it could be mixed like Enemy 1, Player A, Enemy2, Player B .... which could be modified by skills, this was not the case in SoH iirc. It will also be interesting to see if they stick to the hexagon style boards (i think so) or come up with something new.
  15. Totaly hyped for a new AoS WH Quest. As already mentioned, the 'boss' enemies are allocated to specific city-map areas, which gives a 'open world' feeling where the players can choose which dungeon they raid: 'let's go to the corpse-gardens to defeat Gorslav Gravekeeper'. Please give us cool boss fights with different mechanics like, debuffs, AreaOfEffect spells (fire-markers on the squares) and so on. Just thinking loud: For the 'Wulf' endboss maybe we get two models, like they did with morathi in AoS. In the rumour engine we saw his wulf pelt, so maybe phase one, take human model. After he took x damage, replace him with werewulf model (there were also werewolfy pics in the rumour engine). Will be interesting to see if there are 'between dungeon' mechanics like in hammerhal and BSF. In the rumour engine pics, we got the crow and rat with key models. Maybe you need to hunt/find those in the outer city parts to unlock the inner city dungeons? What you guys think about a release date? My hope is, that they buildin an solo campaign and try to release it as fasst as possible due to the global situiation with lockdowns and so on.
  16. Warhammer Quest: i'm hoping that it comes with a solo play variant and GW is trying to push it as fast as possible cause of the current global situation. But yeah they've already got a lot to release for the next months, we'll see. The map on the homepage, with the different locations and the fact that there are 5 'boss' enemies, gives me a feeling of some kind of X different dungeons to explore. So maybe we can choose as players "let's go to the Corpse-gardens to kill the Gravekeeper, for a specific item", kind of Diablo Boss-Farm runs. I'm hyped, loved Silver Tower and Hammerhal, so go GW bring it on! And as someone mentioned, think the designers played a lot of darkes dungeon ^^ (dd board game already ordered, thinking of ways to combine these 2 games).
  17. The old dwarf organ gun guys, got a normal hammer like this (at least a not so fancy hammer) and leather gloves.
  18. yeah, i could see a multiple of the images are one 40k model: the arm with books the staff the back with bag the holstered pistol the scrolls and the fancy boots (matching the back with bag symbols and same skull as on the holstered pistol)
  19. The old Corpse Cart has also bottle hanging on it and same wood, metal style + obviousily corpse parts. ^^
  20. Please give us 'Devoted of Sigmar' mortal warband/army whatever
  21. Sry, this is the 'GW Pricing' thread you need to go to rules section. just kidding Think could be amazing for the gloomspite players. The army has a lot of potential for different playstyles with a huge model range, hope this will help the troggoths. Troggoths vs Giants will be cool looking table.
  22. Terrain design looks related to the one rumour engine pic with the crow and key
  23. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/09/20/sunday-preview-crusading-into-the-nexus-and-tactical-terrain/ ‚...as well as having a giant look at the Sons of Behemat.‘
  24. Have seen a live stream of white dwarf 456 and the page headline for the CoS Warband Warcry rules is "Hammerhal" . So i think thats the reason for the dwarf and freeguild heavy setup and there's a chance we get a warband rules for each city.
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