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Everything posted by Gotz

  1. A second warscroll for the necromancer would be really nice. Recover again the Master Necromancer figure, the Liche or even both... That would give the flexibility to have armies lead by a necromancer. Its kind of weird that this option wasn't available on Legions of Nagash book, were it made more sense than in a vampire book, were it makes more sense to have them as sideckicks so the focus on vampires isn't lost
  2. on GW site they just have the bands from current and last season (Direchasm&Beastgrave) previous seasons only have the models on sale.
  3. nope, no art for grave guard or archers. Skeleton Art is the one from Cursed City skeletons.
  4. that would be really cool! they made up the Blood Palanquin for LoN battletome, so I wouldn't discard a renamig of the posible configurations of the kit (originally was a double kit, not triple).
  5. Graveguard are on Soulbound bestiary, but also skeleton archers... so I'm betting for new graveguard models. btw full list on the bestiary is: necromancer, deadwalker zombie, dire wolfs, fell bats, grave guard, deathrattle skeleton, wight king, vampire lord
  6. Just got my cursed city box, so I've built one skeleton and taken several comparison shots with other ones from different "generations"
  7. There is not much space for centerpiece models, but a Sigvald/Guilliman sized model would be nice
  8. same. I'll wait some time to get them. But it has surprised me that got sold out.
  9. hype is real. Underworlds vampire warband is also out of stock.
  10. It wouldn't be the first time. Remember that 7th edition Vampire Counts despite the name was von Carsteins army book
  11. Regarding minis size, I'm curious how will look the new skeletons next to the wight king on foot. I don't have that mini, so I don't know how big it is
  12. For sure we know that faction rules are going to change and we don't know how the new battletome is going to treat subfactions, so depending on what they do here we might see major or minor changes on warscrolls. It doesn't have to be something bad that the warscrolls remain unchanged, but how they work within the new rules.
  13. They already have uploaded 3 painting guides for Cursed City, so release can't be really that far.
  14. they've basically showed the new stuff that is mostly linked to Cursed City. Since there is some kind of rat flavour in the army and there are rat swarms in cursed city, maybe bat swarms are being dropped in favour of those... There is a dire wolf on the cover so new dire wolfs would be really nice. Zombie Dragon is probably not going anywhere and if its somewhat compatible with blood knights that would be really nice for variety. And as for Cursed City, the Vargskyr has stats, so it could be introduced into the battletome https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/03/19/you-can-use-all-of-the-cursed-city-models-in-warhammer-age-of-sigmar/ As previously said, I believe main the main unknown stuff that remains is: - what's going to happen with graveguard? - what happens with Ossiarch and Nighthaunt units (specially the ones on the battletome, morghast, legion black coach, etc) - Mortis engine / Bloodseeker Palanquin / Coven Throne - wich of the (quite old sculps) units that were not shown are getting dropped or renewed (Bat Swarm, Dire Wolfs)
  15. aren't they based on this stuff https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mari_Lwyd
  16. I'm not sure the zombies are going to be replaced. Cursed City models look too thematically linked to the game. You could use the new models, but the old ones could be still in print. I don't think CC zombies are going to be packaged into a unit for AOS. The same feeling I have for skelletons. Soulblight keyword gives us: - Mannfred (stays as it is) - Neferata (stays as it is) - VloZD / ZD / Terrorgheist (stays as it is) - Blood Knights (New Model) - Vargheists (stays as it is) -Bat Swarms (New Model from CC) - Fell Bats (I'm tempted to say that is phased out/merged with bat swarms... but some rumor engines could prove me wrong) - Vampire Lord (we already now at least 1 is coming. If we don't count the Underworlds warband) - Palanquin/Coven Throne (Stays) Plus we should add the rest of the band, since Wight King is confirmed to be soulblight- - Wight King / mounted WK (stays/new) - Black Knights (stays as it is) - Grave Guard (I think it will stay, but we could have news here) - Skeleton Warriors (stays as it is) - Zombies (stays as it is) - Wolves (Maybe new sculpts?) - Necromancer (stays as it is) - Corpse Cart (stays as it is) I think in order to get new units we could see some of the existing ones being phased to get a balanced rooster, but since we are talking about around 20 warscrolls adding more without substracting could also be done.
  17. Makes sense that ossiarch are Nagash skeletons and normal skeletons are Soulblight skeletons
  18. so a bunch of rumor engines could be potentially solved this weekend
  19. remember as it has been said before, this kind of products are to be sold in general bookstores, malls, etc. Not in speciallised stores. We tend to think that entry point means that you buy some game and you can repurpose part of the contents into "bigger" ones. But generally speaking, entry point means that you get something that is easy to use and peak your interest to then invest into something more complex. We tend always to think from the insider side and forget that this products are for a totally different kind of people.
  20. I hope compatible stats/basic rules. Silvertower was no DM and random map, Hammerhal was DM and fixed map... I don't really know what to expect here in the dungeon crawling aspect. Maybe we should look at Blackstone Fortress looking for cues.
  21. Fantasy rules stated that a character couldn't cast spells if it wore armor, so since vampires were wizards it didnt make much sense for them to wear armor. When blood dragons were introduced in 5th edition, they were made the exception and could cast spells and wear heavy armor. And as you say the new vampire models for 7th edition (Vlad, Konrad and Mannfred) wore all heavy armor and all were allowed to cast spells.
  22. makes sense about what has been talked here before, that soulblight are not there in the narrative to fight in shyish against Teclis armies, but they rise as a consequence. So it makes sense that Soulblight Gravelords make their appearence after Broken Realms Teclis... if the clampack image is real (we know the mini is) that really hints a Battletome release somewhere in the future
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