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Everything posted by Rachmani

  1. Was the Summer King mentioned somewhere in more detail? Because when I read „Summer King“ & empty settlements on the Hammerhaml Gyhra side, *and* reminded myself that woodelves will not be in the new army book… . I instantly thought of the return of Kurnoth.
  2. Haven’t played or even mathed out anything really. But from what I read here it appears to be a phenomenal book. Deep pockets, no obvious duds, super fun mechanics. Can’t wait!
  3. I like it the twins from a lore perspective. They’re like little baby godlings, were born just yesterday. They need to experience the world, learn from it, get a power up in 4.0 and get rereleased in their war forms in a couple of years when they‘ve fully developed.
  4. I‘m baffled, that the thunderer rifles are still on 4+ wound >.< Also, I agree on both the Arkanauts & some sort of Defense on the balloners. Although I think I‘d prefer 3+ to 3 wounds, from a lore perspective. They aren‘t paladin size.
  5. Barak Nar still gets battleline thunderers. Many other skyports get something, too. So, all in all, our Battlelines will heavily depend on the type of army we will want to play.
  6. Looks „good enough“, and so fare all of the „good enough“ books turned out better than initially thought.
  7. Urbaz with two articles is interesting, too. Anti Deathstar & 4+ rally ain‘t bad.
  8. I‘d have no problem losing to certain armies, if a hybrid build was „good enough“. My vision is that of an all flying KO force that doesn’t just shoot but raid and board stuff, too. So something like an Ironclad, a Frigate, a Gunhauler and some dudes. I have high hopes for the new and improved Skywardens and would love for Riggers to be small utility units. Admiral. Another Char or two. Thunderers. 1-2x Arkanauts. 3 Rigger. 6 Wardens. ironclad. frigate. gunhauler. Everything fits into or on a ship, hopefully enough dudes to actually play AoS, and all in all a colourful range of models.
  9. I would hope, that we could play a hybrid (and not totally suck doing so). The Ironclad + Frigate dream, so to speak. I‘m waiting for that since, well since forever!
  10. Oh-kay! That was good! Really good even. Never thought I‘d consider playing Seraphon, but here we are. Really well done! Warcry Box is a winner, too. They really don’t hold back there. Somewhat liked the Killteam stuff, too. Rest was okay, but who cares with such a show of AoS force.
  11. I think my gripes with it come down to their inability to just make „normal“ units work. The meta works to reign in the biggest tarpits and such, but the quasi removal of the simple infantry is an overwhelming main- or side effect.
  12. I think we can all agree that the Gally meta is a failure. It weakened something that wasn’t strong to begin with.
  13. I‘ve become a big fan of 1000 point games for the same reason. Smaller, faster, just as much fun. Especially if all players are of the same spirit - in our case, we want to have fun, tell stories through our games and be mildly competitive while doing so. So. What I would love, is something akin to the feeling I had with my first orcs & goblins or empire army. Small battle bands, that just looked awesome - even though the game definitely had its problem.
  14. Another pair of legs would have been it! Other than that, where do I find those leaks?
  15. Kruleboys will need some point drops, but that will be band aids. As of now they just throw too many dice to maybe get some effects. A lot of streamlining is needed. Maybe even a 3.1. battle tome. But all in all they’re quite fixable, although they might need a second wave for that.
  16. To be fair, they designed themselves into a corner, when the made ogors and SoB Orc clones (in charakter). Nothing would have stopped them to put emphasis on let’s say, how clever and reasonable ogors actually were if they wouldn’t be overwhelmed by streaks of intense hunger. There was room for nuance. Somewhat civilised brutes with streaks of ravaging hunger.
  17. Early and somewhat measured approach. Very well done, it seems. The auto 6 was just too much and way too hard to balance. Such a force multiplier. Now we‘re talking!
  18. I think "classic monsters" from vampire adjacent lore & stories are a good, almost perfect way to give the soul blight their own twist while keeping the classical vibes. Gives GW a possible way of expanding the army without much hassle. Only the Grave Guard and Black Knights need new models (if I'm not mistaken), so any form of possible expansion (apart from character models ) could be a good way forward. Ofc vampire infantry is still on the table.
  19. That‘s super unexpected but boy, do *both* warbands look amazing!
  20. Space Marines showing Stormcase how it’s done!!
  21. That is amazing news. That is what I want to sew from CoS. Many races (the main three plus some rare exotics) under one banner. Some light animosities, but also common goals and beliefs. So cool! Thanks for sharing.
  22. There is always the possibility, that the firsr print run got lost or has problems with the cut outs. The latter would be super rare, but not impossible. Where do they print atm?
  23. So, you‘re saying you’re with Tzeentch now? LRL are one week late, one week (!) and you ditch them for the bird men? Teclis is disappointed!
  24. I just had an epiphany. Let‘s say, and I strongly assume that’s right, the dawnbringer stuff will be humans for CoS. Whar stops GW from doing the same - but separate (and smaller in size) to dwarfs & elves? Creating a somewhat unified look without just souping them (visually). So, as the whole dawnbringer crusades go on, over the next couple of years we‘ll get a cities update every year, each year with a different race. What, if Grungi never meant for the dwarfs to break away from Sigmars vision, but to see themselves as a true and equal part of it. No longer Dispossessed but as, let’s say Reclaimers. Following the same logic, the Wanderers become Menders or something like that, no longer uprooted but mending what was destroyed by Chaos (and regaining Alarielle‘s Blessing by doing so).
  25. It’s no purple sun, no. In fact, as you have to target him first or do damage to him you know exactly what you’re getting which is very anti NPE. As someone wrote above, a good chunk of npe comes from the lack of interaction.
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