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Everything posted by Rachmani

  1. I‘ll keep both and actually collect both. I really like the new SCE and well, I wouldn‘T be posting here, if I didn‘t think the Kruleboys weren‘t fantastic. Overall plan is to moderately expand both armies (only new SCE, only Kruleboys with maybe 5 brutes and a IJ Boss) and expand into a dawnbringer crusade - should they become a thing, you know, with miniatures. That would give me a reason to paint a megagargant and two of his smaller brethren or a few gloomspite gitz to keep it even. Ogres would be ok, too. I haven‘t been this invested in AoS since well, forever, I think. Good times, all triggered by Orruks of all people.
  2. Personally I‘ll just paint both sides, build some terrain for Ghur and a new & smaller battlefield. When I‘ve done that, I‘m pretty sure reinforcements will be out and so I‘ll go from there. If not, I‘ll get like 5 brutes and some IJ hero. New stuff should really be announced and out by then.
  3. @yukishiro1 The thing is, though, as of now, the release hasn’t happened. All we‘ve seen is a preview of a book done months ago. I agree, that more communication, as in „we‘ll drop a FAQ on release day“ would be commendable, but that’s kinda it. We can bring the pitchforks when there was no FAQ - or even better, after we‘ve played some games.
  4. The thing about this type of feedback (emotional & conclusive, sometimes mean, not purely informative) is, that it holds little value apart from showing disappointment. Without showing the means of our conclusions & objective evidence, how could GW separate accurate feedback from let’s say not so accurate? In most cases GW doesn’t know who we are & what credibility we have. Now, if you’d ask me, I‘d say the new point values are all over the place and „clearly“ mismatched. But I‘m also the guy who couldn’t play since lockdown first started last march. I get that especially the Slaanesh guys & gals have been more thorough than others and there is a wide variety of feedback given, some undoubtedly very accurate. But give them at least until the GHB and a possible FAQ until you jump to conclusions. And beyond that, show you‘re right through games played. Unfortunately these things take time, and we had a pandemic after all. P.S. hey, no losing on purpose you little slaanesh ******! P.P.S. The censored word was ma-so-chist. Before someone thinks I wrote something less humorous.
  5. I think SCE as well as Orruk Warclans are basically prone to change within another month or so. So expect more changes to the old stuff that will probably put everything in the right context. Right now I like Sequitors and Liberators better than the new guys (rulewise, modelwise I don’t want to play the old bodybuilders) but I‘m pretty sure that will change soon.
  6. Exactly. I have to say I didn’t expect to be excited about Orruks at all. I thought they were pretty much done in terms of Design language etc. So the Kruleboxs are absolutely fantastic in my opinion & I‘ll take what I get.
  7. I look forward to painting them and personally am ok with adding some (as in very few) Ironjaws to the army. I imagine brutes and maybe the GG‘s to look good with Kruleboys if painted right. But ofc. another like 6ish units are a must. A few more would be even better - though as part of Orruk Warclans I doubt we’ll get more than that.
  8. I think they might change it to „Monster“ instead of behemoth thanks to that idea. >.<
  9. I would like a Hobgrot hero, I think. Maybe one that males Slittas battleline without being the general. I agree that they are rather bad, but leaving them with no support, nothing would make their inclusion into the bool even worse. As for cavalry, I‘m torn. I think I‘d like another kruleboy unit first and foremost, but apart from that „wolfriders“ would be an awesome throwback to old fantasy.
  10. If GW was so bad at so many things, pointing, balance etc. how could you make a reasonable argument, that removing army specific battalions would overall only benefit the more powerful armies. According to your logic it should be completely random which army benefits and which doesn’t. Unless your point was actually that a specific army - my guess would be Gloomspite Gitz - could/should/would end up on the weakened side. In that case your actual point would be „I don’t loke it, because it nerfs Gloomspite“, not the overall weakening of weaker & strengthening of stronger armies.
  11. Isn’t a GHB basically upon us, with 3.0 So point changes are imminent.
  12. I think cities will kinda go away but also stay. Right now they’re a pot of old models stuffed into honestly pretty awesome lore. In the near future I see mankind get its crusade army book, elves their three big factions, just like the dwarves will get theirs. Cities, at that point, will only contain new models (including AoS updates to old ones, where they suit the general theme), but on the other hand allow for a wild mix of AoS (not old world) armies to give each city its own flavor.
  13. I could see it as 40k with w standing for witch.
  14. The interesting question about Annihilators will be, if the MW after charge go up when you increase the size of the unit. 3+ with 4 models, 2+ with 5+
  15. To me it's about building a relationship with your store owner(s). Ofc last year was different, but let's say you frequent a shop for a year or two, buy stuff, talk to the people there, maybe play games there (assuming they have a gaming room). You'll form a more personal relationship just by talking to people and spending time there. Very often the store owners are gamers themselves. Maybe you start playing with (against) them. And with minimal effort (that's fun and part of what makes the hobby great anyway) you have new acquaintances maybe even friends. And that's where they'll treat you differently. Why? Because you did so, too. And because it's in their self interest, too. Online shops, without any disrespect, can't do that for you. Maybe there are some, that recognize you when you buy regularly and a lot (or write the nicest emails) but on a general basis, how could they? They've never even seen your face.
  16. I expect 180 points for the three of them. Slaangors (albeit overpriced) cost 140 points and have - to my knowledge - not dropped in price as of yet. If they are a harbinger of the point costs to come, 180 sounds reasonable (meaning well priced).
  17. That's what I do. I've been buy from the same vendor for like 15 years now. I even had pauses in between (but still bought my board games there). So now, when I want something, he'll reserve a copy for me. I know some people just don't have a vendor near them and that sucks. But everyone else should really invest in a good relationship with someone local. It saves you so much hassle. That's something no online shop can do for you. At least none I know of.
  18. Now, if we‘re talking rework, I agree. They desperately need one. The amount of warscrolls is atrocious. As are their earlier models. But hey, that’s what we have BR:Bela‘kor for. Now, that they need new armor to savely return to Azyr, it’s the perfect time to redo all the units & get rid if some.
  19. I disagree. What you describe is a Space Marine. SCE aren‘t SMs. They get reborn at the cost of their humanity, that’s their inherent tragedy but otherwise they’re the last help that actually comes to the rescue. People have seen them. They’re awe inspiring through sacrifice not myths. Inagine talking to a guy you know has dies for you before.
  20. Good thing, that Nagash is dead(ish). Maybe *someone* will come back now!
  21. Quoted to stress this a bit. It's so important. They're modeled after the heroes of classic drama rather than grim dark superman. I'd love to see the human factions explored, but SCE are not the problem here. Their lore is actually worth its salt.
  22. I'm not so sure about that. Deepkin, Nighthaunt & Khorne surely could use an upgrade, but I'd expect them to be upgraded "on the fly" in off months with very little focus on new models. A bit like the DoK update. DoK are also a good example on why that doesn't have to be a bad thing. Nurgle doesn't fit the destruction theme, but we also have Life itself on the rise. So my guess would be that both Nurgle and Sylvaneth are high on the update list. But maybe not high enough to actually be the first ones. After all Alarielle just got her Warscroll update in Broken Realms: Kraglol. So maybe it's a few fresh releases first and then two upgrades. In that case, Nurgle & Sylvaneth.
  23. It's funny that we've had all those different factions and I like quite a few of them, but it's with 3.0, the rumors we've heard so far and the rise of destruction that I instantly feel more at home. It just gives the whole setting that slight vibe of the old world. Cool Orcs sorry Orruks , that actually have a miniature range, were really missing. The Kruelboys, despite the stupid name, might be one of the most important armies of the whole setting. Now they only need to get SCE right and give the CoS some new units. Or just sculpts. Orcs and humans. The base line of Warhammeresque fantasy.
  24. I'm so glad to hear that. They need it & they're far more interesting than Marines. They deserve better.
  25. Nothing. But my answer was just too short to give you the proper context. So here it is: My local gaming store plays with the „standard size“ tables and those tables are in need of a refresh. So when we heard the sizes might change we decided to get new tables - or at least help the store guys build & paint them, once it‘s clear what the „new normal“ would be. Now my office is too small to comfortably fit a bigger table but I have hopes that a smaller one could fit. Now, could I have done that before? Absolutely. But I like to play on the same size my gaming store has & and so I use the dining table as a base - which works, but doesn’t really make my wife happy. So bottom line is: Smaller official table sizes might be just perfect for my specific case In the end this has - in my case - nothing to do with how the games play out on smaller tables but rather the context of my living space.
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