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Everything posted by Rachmani

  1. And should it be IRL just don’t overdo it with the sentinels and slowly ease them in. Really shouldn’t be that much of a problem at the table. If the other guys don’t go all out competition on you, you don’t have to teclis sentinel them. The game is so much more fun now anyway when both play a somewhat diverse army. I really like it & LRL have an abundance of units to chose from.
  2. We never took that for granted! It’s exactly like your graph says. The order makes no difference. Only when the order gets changed or steps left out it does. Like with mortal wounds on 6+. Here hit is better than wound.
  3. From what I read here we should probably agree on "common semantics" here. Because I think I get what you're trying to say, but stuff like "better value" is very confusing because it's statistically untrue. You're however safer from anomalies the well, lower the number. Basically it's like this (I'll just use saves but that's true for every dice roll in the game): Going from 6+ down to 5+ to 4+ etc. your additional success value goes down with every step. 6+ to 5+ is a 50% gain in saves. 5+ to 4+ only 33% etc. So the first step is the most valuable in that regard (statistically speaking). However, if you you come from the perspective of failure it's the other way round. The lower you get the less likely (percentage wise) it becomes to fail. 3+ to 2+ means 50% less failures. 4+ to 3+ you go from a 50% fail chance to a 33% chance to fail. 3+ to 2+ it's 33% to 17,5%. So, while that looks like it's the same it's actually not. If you take variance into account and accept that you don't necessarily roll according to statistics you can stretch the odds quite a bit. Rule of thumb is: The higher the number of dice the better it is to go for bigger successes. The lower the number of dice the more important it is to avoid failure. In combat & particularly with saves you also have to account for wounds but the general idea stays the same, it just gets another layer.
  4. Exactly, upstream/downstream only becomes a thing when certain outcomes allow you to bypass of the normal order. MW on a 6+ to hit are better than MW on a 6+ to wound, but that's about it.
  5. I was being humorous. no need to defend the Oldcast
  6. It's really easy! Just make each & every STORMCAST except the new ones BAD in the upcoming book. Mid third edition we get the revised edition that phases out all the old STORMCAST. Done! >.<
  7. My guess would be that they'll slowly cycle out the old stuff - either completely or via resculpts. The latter would be my idea. They create the new Thundersomethingsomething and the next wave will bring updated Liberators etc. that now *also* have thunder something armor. And frankly, the old ones look pretty bad compared to the new ones, so please, update to your hearts content =D.
  8. They certainly don't need more units (although SCE got more, too x) ), but desperately need new rules. So I agree!
  9. That's the even cooler part. The Kruleboyz are superb, but the Stormcast hold their ground and actually look good opposite to them. I'm super happy with the models in the Dominion box and plan to expand both armies to reasonable size.
  10. I would agree if it weren't for the models shown, that in my opinion are just excellent. SC and Kruleboyz alike.
  11. My independent seller has his stock (and my box) ready to collect. I'd strongly advise to give TPS a go. My experience with them is just way better (as soon as you've built an inch of trust aka bought *something* there)
  12. If you want "native 2+" you'd have to use the new guys. But as soon as rend comes into play things will even out quickly.
  13. Looks like our Battleline will actually be properly different. I'm intrigued. (Although much will change with the new book I guess).
  14. The good thing is, it'll probably also be a very loose interpretation of a "hawk" for the Mouth of Mork or whoever rides that thing. So we don't have to fear it looking like the old High Elf Phoenix =D . I don't wanna say vulture (because that's what I would have expected, but the rumors keep calling it hawk) but maybe something crazy. A bat-bird of prey maybe x)
  15. Knowing GW it'll probably be a very loose interpretation of a Gator. But if it looks anything as good as the beast that boss is riding it will be amazing.
  16. Well, I do think they want to create a more AoS look for every faction & "just" updating old sculpts wouldn't do much in terms of new visuals. There is ofc. always the chance of Ogres being Soulblight. But even there they brought in new vampire types that look very different from the rest.
  17. In all honesty, I think the mawtribes will get a battle tome in the style of the orruk warclans. Meaning we will see the finecast units go, sure, but then the new big thing will be what the Kruleboys are to the Warclans. Something new that's still a part of the tribes. My guess would be that it has something to do with the fire belly and an expansion of that particular breed of ogres. (I got you, @KingBrodd. Confirmation through exclusion. ).
  18. And as a bonus "regular dwarf players" could quickly develop a fancy new grudge because "even Chorfs got their new army book sooner than Dispossessed their remake!" I call that a win for everyone.
  19. At first I was strictly against Dwarf Soup (except from the ogor pov), mainly for how much the KO are their own thing. But then I realised that we don’t know how the heirs of the dispossessed will look like. So imo it will 100% depend on that. If they pair up well (visually) the rest will come together. If not, it’ll be a major letdown.
  20. Exactly. And in addition, if they use their own faces to scare their enemies, why not use the monster in the room for the same purpose.
  21. I‘m a bit baffled how old army books, written for 2.0 are used as an argument to determine if 3.0 is good or bad. If anything there is an argument to be made what old stuff should be FAQd on day one.
  22. I sadly believe that as well. But then again, either is fine. What I personally can’t stand are „mandatory“ units with bad sculpts.
  23. Me neither. But I kinda don’t accept to believe that there is no greater (or just some kind of) plan in the works. He‘s super detached from the rest if the forces, but it’s necessary to integrate him somehow. And as soon as that happens (and he’s maybe shown to have half a brain after all), the whole perception changes. He‘s basically Khal Drogo & the Dothraki five minutes into GoT. A nondescript savage of a vanished people of maybe savages. As soon as his people are shown to be „rescued“ by Sigmar (save in Azyr or put away in a vault as usual) his whole existence gets purpose. Maybe he‘s our Conan after all!
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