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Everything posted by Unit1126PLL

  1. Just for those talking about Pretenders vs Invaders: A pretenders KOS with Sliverslash is worse than an Invaders KOS striking twice with their Command Ability. Who has the most Command Point generation? invaders.
  2. Fair enough on the Helbane pronouns. As for the Tri-Keepers you just make them Supreme Sybarites and run them together, and pick only 1 general. Invaders says you can have up to 3 generals not you must have 3 generals . So take invaders for the great artefacts, but just take one general and run a 3 keeper (or 2 keeper and Helbane) posse.
  3. Don't forget, guys, if you're having trouble with support heroes, Shalaxi Helbane as one of a Keeper three-girl hit-squad can pull support heroes out from behind their screens, especially if she is positioned correctly.
  4. I tried Sliverslash last night. Much less impressive when the enemy screens it away and spells/shoots the keeper down to like 2 wounds lol
  5. Yeah but for the price of Herald + Fiends you get Shalaxi Helbane, who locuses better than the herald, does more damage than the herald (quite possibly more than the Fiends as well against hero-monsters, which are common), has greater durability than the Herald and fiends, and is a better spellcaster than the Herald.
  6. The problem I am having bringing Fiends is how not helpful they are. The Keeper of Secrets is an excellent monster hunter, and you want a HERO to hunt monsters anyways because you get Depravity Points and monsters typically have multiple wounds. The fiends are good monster hunters, but don't generate Depravity and don't earn it when they get hurt back by the baddies. The fiends aren't so great horde hunters. The fiends are cheaper monster hunters than a Keeper, but not cheap enough to actually be a cheap unit. I struggle to think of what role the fiends would provide in my army. Even dicking with wizards is better served by the Epitome and/or the Enrapturess. The Fiends are a solution without a problem imo.
  7. Tonight UK time you mean. I am at work. Sad to miss it live (send help).
  8. I did. 3 Keepers is a load of spells. The spell that makes DP (Song of Secrets) was denied or failed to go off literally every time I cast it. I guess my Keepers of Secrets don't actually have that many to keep. The healing spells are hilarious. I got a 10+ to cast on Progeny of Damnation both times I tried it (that's the keeper level one that heals d6 wounds) and the lesser one, Born of Damnation, once (for d3). Between the Sinoustrous Hand and the spells, I felt like all my -1's to hit from pre-Battletome were completely replaced with healing; I ended up rather easily repairing damage I would've had to avoid before the tome. As for how Keepers play now: they feel a lot sturdier. 14 wounds rather than 10 is a massive difference, and I am far more comfortable throwing them under the bus, because there's a not-insignificant chance that between Locus of Disruption, Euphoric Killers, and Delicate Precision that the Keeper will take the bus, slice it to ribbons, and then devour the passenger's souls. They're very swingy, but unlike the old 10-wound keeper, I feel much less protective of them. Similarly, with how cheap they are to summon (and how cheap they are points wise) compared to the old EKoS, I feel like being far more risky than I would with an old Exalted Keeper, which gives them a chance to flop horribly if they roll badly, or a chance to do wondrous, almost terrifying amounts of damage if they roll well. I had a full health Keeper do 6 wounds to an Engine of the Gods in the same turn a 2-wound Keeper completely annihilated one without double attacking. They're incredibly swingy, but with how cheap they are to summon that's mostly the opponent's problem. In the Seraphon game, I would have cycled in 3 additional keepers by Turn 4 while one of my original 3 would've been alive still. That, plus the potential damage output if they swing well, terrified my opponent into giving up a game that they actually probably would've won, in honesty.
  9. That literally never came up in my Invaders game. I think this is too territory dependent. The mission we played was one with a super weird deployment - Total Conquest, I think. A large portion of the battlefield wasn't anyone's territory, so I never generated any Depravity from the Allegiance Ability at all - at least not until after I'd already utterly annihilated anything of value with the posse of keepers. Oh, and one reason to run the posse of keepers instead of just 1 is you can shut down 3 units attacking your General, not just one. One question that did come up: Can you tempt a Hero 3 times if you have 3 Keepers? Do they take D3 mortal wounds each time they decline? If they accept all of them, would you get 3 attempts at the 4+ to kill them at the start of the next combat phase? In my game against the Seraphon, I found the "Hysterical Frenzy" spell cast by one of my Keepers to be utterly invaluable for this. It essentially evaporated ~10-15 skinks each hero phase if I fired it at a 30 man unit. And yes, the Enrapturess was good. Not much chance to shut down Magic (seraphon put their spells into summoning typically) and her shooting completely whiffed in the Pretenders game I used her in, but even literally doing nothing else she gave me 6 Depravity just by existing next to the Fane for 3 turns. She also provided a mid-ish field anchor for my summoning as I cycled keepers out. (lol).
  10. Perhaps. I think Invaders is the way ahead, though. Even if you're me and pick only one General so you can romp around in a posse of spook, the Invaders allegiance is pretty good. I'd probably run the Supreme Sybarites battalion with 5 Heroes (an Enrapturess, a Viceleader, 3 KOS), the Fane, and 2x20 Daemonettes with 1x5 Hellstriders for running out to poke objectives. That gives you 2 Artefacts (Icon of Infinite Excess and Rod of Misrule), a command ability on a keeper (probably Skintaker for durability), and a buttload of wizards. It also gives you the Faneratpuress combo for generating auto-DP, 40 Daemonettes as a very punchy screen, loads of CP, and a powerful one-shot Artefact to throw in the fane if you want.
  11. Take it to the Dispossessed thread if you're only going to have 420 points of Ironweld . Take a Master Gunner instead of a Cogsmith and buff the list to 2k and you'd have a Dispossessed allegiance with Ironweld Arsenal allies lol.
  12. I want Pretenders to be good, honestly. I used to run Pretenders when my Exalted Keeper was on the field. Honestly, though, after 2 games, I gotta love Invaders. You can still pick one general if you want, so they stay within 12" of each-other. That seems like a silly idea -after all, you're basically giving up the allegiance trait - but honestly, the Pretenders allegiance trait isn't much better. I look at the command traits for pretenders and I'm like "2 is cool, but ..." and I definitely think Invaders have the best relics. Sliverslash is cool, but that's about it for Pretenders. Meanwhile, I can't get enough of the Invaders stuff. Best of the Best combos well with Icon of Infinite Excess, which can then be thrown into the fane. Skintaker lets you replicate the effects of the Sinoustrous Hand, either doubling the number of wounds healed or allowing you to give your General a whip or ritual knife without losing healing. Delusions if Infallibility makes your general more durable than any Pretender. Rod of Misrule gets you a load of command points, and combos much better with the Supreme Sybarites battalion, which for pretenders is basically a joke. Icon of Infinite Excess is ****** awesome for obvious reasons. Beguiling Gem gives you higher durability than the Monarch of Lies pretender command trait. Ironically, the best argument I can see for pretenders is the re-rolling 1s on giganto blobs of Daemonettes, which is neato, but hardly what I was looking for when I picked the "one strong general" allegiance. I feel like you can make one strong general stronger in the Invaders allegiance with the cool artefacts and command traits, and the ability to posse up with other Keepers of Secrets and generate a TON more command points for the sweet-sweet double attacking is a godsend. I struggled to attack twice often in my Pretenders game, while I could attack twice with almost every single keeper in my Invaders game. The damage output earned from that alone far exceeds anything Pretenders can output. I am thinking my Exalted Keeper (turned regular-keeper-with-pretenders-buffs) will stay at home and send out her Handmaidens to attack other places in her name (using the Invaders rules).
  13. Yeah. Cannons are a mess, which is why the switch to Celestar. I'm not really sure what to make of it; right now the Slaanesh release has me playing my other army.
  14. I just played a test game tonight as Pretenders. Definitely like Invaders better for the tri-Keeper build. Vs. Seraphon with 3 engines, Slaan, skink priest, and 70 skinks, an astrolith bearer, 6 of the flyboys on pterodactyls, and ofc. summoning. I had 3 Keepers (1 Pretender General in the Supreme Sybarite battalion for the +1 CP), 60 'Nettes, and 1 Enrapturess + Fane combo. Deployed one keeper behind each Daemonette squad within ~1.5 inches of the 'nettes. Got 76 depravity by the top of Turn 3: - killed 6 of the pterodactyl after Locus of Disrupting them when they charged the 'nettes. Used my BN CP for 2 attacks with the keeper = 12 Depravity - Bottom of Turn 1 (went second) got 2 from the Fane Sacrifice + Enrapturess, her shooting missed. Moved forwards and killed a load of skinks with Keepers and daemonettes. - Top of 2 (didn't double turn) took 1 keeper worth of wounds (13 more depravity for 25) from the Engines, lost 1 on another keeper from skinks shooting, and a summoned bastilodon did 12 to my General (total of 38) - Bottom of 2 got 2 again from Fane + Enrapturess, for 40. Summoned 1 Keeper and 10 Daemonettes for 39. General (with +d3 Damage and +1 DMG vs monsters traits, plus Sliverslash relic for +2 attacks from claws) made the charge and wiped out an Engine (9 more for 47), then the summoned Keeper made a charge and double-attacked for another dead engine (56). Attacks back from the other Engine did 8 to my Keeper (64). - Top of 3 (double turned!) I got 2 more from the Enrapturess + Fane (66), then wiped out the Skink Priest with a round-the-base pile-in from the double-attacking wounded Keeper (3 more, 69), and 3 more summoned Pterodactlys (75). Attacks back did 1 wound to my wounded keeper, making it 76, with 37 in the bank, my opponent was looking at killing off all 3 of my keepers (4 more depravity from the General, 5 more from the wounded keeper, and 12 more from the other keeper for 58 in the bank) plus the 2 from the Fane + Enrapturess combo would give me 60 flat at the top of my next turn, letting me use the Enrapturess + Fane to bring in two more keepers with 2d3 refunded Depravity points. It was now that we called it, and he said that Slaanesh had better summoning than Seraphon. 🤣
  15. Well, yes, but if Dave and Bob are static objects permanently glued to eachother and had a sign that said HERO at the bottom, people might decide that "that object" is a hero... this is getting increasingly tortured, but I think others have explained it really well.
  16. Where's the logical leap from "these are mounts" to "these aren't part of the hero keyword"? There's an implied logical leap there that I don't understand.
  17. Does the datasheet have the Hero keyword? (it does) Therefore, all the attacks on that datasheet generate depravity.
  18. So, lots of good talk about the monster-mash list. Pretenders or Invaders??? I did a test game with Invaders, but picked only 1 General (so that I could have the heroes within 12" of each-other) and 3 Keepers. I still put all 3 in the Battalion (so not pretenders) and took the command point relic (Rod of Misrule), the healy brooch thingy (+d3 wounds healed in the hero phase) and then the Icon of Infinite Excess (OPG +1 to-hit). My other Battalion (opening up the third relic) was the Seekers one, with 1 Hellstriders and 1 Seekers. I also ran 2x20 Daemonettes. This army did very well, and probably all I would change as pretenders is have the battalion have only 1 Keeper in it, increasing my drops by 2 and dramatically decreasing the battalions effectiveness. I would of course alter my Command Traits and artefacts around, and whatnot. Which is better? I could drop the KOS Battalion entirely and go with the Epicurean Revellers on the Daemonettes, but I don't actually like that BN too much. Mortal wounds on 6's to-wound instead of normal damage isn't that great for 180 points. If it was in addition I'd have the opposite opinion. Without the battalion, my Daemonettes still lawnmowered everything they touch.
  19. Does anyone have a compendium of the known rules? Like the post above, but for everything and all in one place.
  20. It says "units of Daemonettes" in the Revellers battalion - does that mean a Herald counts, having the Daemonette keyword, or does that wording really mean units of daemonettes?
  21. Is it possible to give artefacts to Unique units? Never having had one before (except the Masque) has me confused. Can Soulpiercer become Sliverslash?
  22. That was my plan. 4 Keepers + 2 min battleline is 1770 if you use Daemonettes and not Hellstriders. Hmmmhm... Also, I suppose it's best not to take the Supreme Sybarites battalion if I am running Pretenders. Drat.
  23. Well, the part I'm struggling with is I used to run 1 Exalted Keeper and 3 lesser Keepers as a Pretenders army, because the Exalted Keeper was in charge, lol. Now? Without an Exalted Keeper? I have no idea.
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