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Everything posted by JPjr

  1. Paint more (obviously), but now I've got a few models under my belt I want to at least start thinking about conversions too. Nothing major to start with but I've got a spare Neferata from the Mortarch set that I reckon could, without too much difficulty, re-purpose as a standalone flying vampire type, so that's high on my list to do. Play more (even more obviously), whilst it's occupied most of my hobby headspace I've barely played AoS, so getting a couple of nice small armies together, some scenery and even if it's just skirmish level games getting more in. Writing more, both fiction and editorial. Big hopes/plans for that in 2019. And also working on my photography. More home-brew stuff, whether that's messing around creating some fun extras for AoS, Blackstone Fortress etc or actually knocking up some little games of my own, something I used to love doing and haven't for ages (totally thinking of using BSF as the basis for a homemade Dredd game).
  2. Couple more finished. Super unoriginal paint schemes as I’m still very much an absolute beginner here but happy enough to put these down on the table now (cue me doing minute touch ups and additions to them until they look properly ******).
  3. I've only read a couple of BL books but certainly what I found 'interesting' was, in say for example Soul Wars, how sidelined the characters that ostensibly came with the boxset were. yes the warscrolls for the models were for generic heroes but the fluff that come with the box made clear that the Lord Arcanum was Knossus and the Knight Incantor was Zeraphina. They both appear but either just as a cameo or very much a secondary (tertiary even) character. The Knight of Shrouds, Malendrek, gets a bit more time but even then he's still very much just in the background. So I've wondered whether they're purposefully avoiding featuring characters with models too much in the books, as you can't really change or develop them too much, or certainly put them in genuine danger because if you kill them people using them in their armies might, quite literally, throw their toys out of their prams (I mean it's not like wargamers to hilariously overreact or anything). All of which I can imagine as an author being a bit constraining and so given the choice make you more likely to have your Voltunus or Astreia Solbright types pop up in the background and then focus on someone whom you're free to do what you like with. Probably totally wrong but just a thought I had, one that's obviously instantly weakened by stories heavily featuring the mortarchs (though get out clause that they could just be recreated).
  4. I swear somedays we're like the ancient Romans in this community, all gathered around trying to divine the future from some unfortunate creature's entrails.
  5. so, 26,32 and, I guess, 40 wounds (I assume depending on whether you're playing against 1,2, or 3 warbands), and it inspires when it goes under half its total.
  6. Preview of the December issue of White Dwarf is up, and it comes with "A super-sized Chaos Gargant card for Warhammer Underworlds" and rules for "A fun multiplayer game variant for Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault that pits 2-4 players against a formidable Chaos Gargant". So that's a fantastically flimsy excuse to buy a large model that I've had my eye on for a while but has no relation to any army that I currently collect...
  7. looks like a (chaos) lectern with some candles on it.
  8. yeah my only change to it would be instead of head bowed have the man-harp looking to the skies screaming in ecstasy, anyway enough about my browser history.
  9. I hadn't realised the Slaanesh's herald's harp is made from some poor sod on their knees with their arms pulled back, that is truly, wonderfully horrible.
  10. it's old (or at least I'm pretty sure it is). there's several pages online featuring it dating back to at least 2013, titling it 'A willing petitioner approaches Slaanesh's looming Palace of Pleasure' or 'the throne of excess'
  11. that article does reinforce my suspicion that W&R might include a speed freaks/imperial knight:renegade style mini game set in the realms of chaos, with a Nurgle/Tzeentch 'The Lost & The Damned' box to follow.
  12. That video for the Champions game is crazy, mad they can do something that looks that good these days just for a throwaway trailer for a card game.
  13. @Ragnar Alpaca I assume it's Karanak from the upcoming Wrath & Rapture set.
  14. I think in the grand scheme of what kids get up to, trying to score a free tyranid piece by piece in this way is at least quite original, but the kicker is coming up with the scam and then all giving almost identical addresses. It’s the classic kid’s mix of ingenuity and stupidity that I appreciate.
  15. I would imagine where it’s something like this that’s clearly not a one off and is a problem with a whole batch and word is obviously out that they have to be a little more careful. the odd kid trying their luck is one thing (& hats off to the tyranid kids’ hapless it inventive gambit!) but if everyone with access to the internet knows there’s a potential free bit of scenery going they’re going to get slammed
  16. Lord Arcanum Balthus Arum, he's the main character in the Soul Wars novel
  17. only just got the game and still learning so at the moment the best way to describe how I'm approaching my deck would be haphazardly and with of an emphasis on trying things that look fun than with any well thought out strategy at play! won every game with them so far! but then the person I'm playing with is still learning too so I probably can't really provide much worthwhile data! saying that for what it's worth my main tactic so far has been to use Varclav's push action a lot, form a screen of rasps with BQ, EH & V behind with those upgrades and the one that lets BQ do dispels, try to get the rasps inspired and using numbers to circle opponents and then EH or V hitting hard when they're injured and pick them off but as I said still just getting my head round the game as a whole and going for fun so sure once I've played a bit more the above will sound dumb.
  18. Look at the state of that. Considering it was the only realm not to get ROFLstomped by Chaos, Azyr must have ******-poor building regs.
  19. I was literally about to post this. Whoever is responsible for these new/recent Rogue Trader models needs to be locked in a room and not let out until they've created a whole new look for Freeguild/ordinary AOS humans. I'm not sure my wallet could possibly be emptied quicker.
  20. Did a lot of damage my last couple of games with 'Sadistic Strike' (upgrade on Varclav) and 'Strangling Coil' (upgrade on the Ever Hanged). Basic rasps surrounded and did a bit of damage but then at the end these two swooped in and wiped out the remains.
  21. Going by the video they changed a plastic dinosaur’s rend from -2 to -1 and then at some point back to -2. Thank god for citizen journalists and YouTube eh?
  22. I have a horrible feeling you’ll be disappointed. I’m guessing there will be one new ‘chamber’ opened each year or so, tied to whatever ‘bad’ faction is getting some shine that season. So Sacrosanct faced off against Nighthaunt. And the Ruination, Covenant and Logister Chambers will each have a corresponding nemesis that prompted their chamber’s opening (GW shareholders notwithstanding as the ultimate big bads here). id guess one of these will be designed as a specific anti-daemon style chapter and maybe tie into a big chaos release. Has there been any fluff at all about the unopened chambers yet?
  23. Relating to the speculation of which factions will be playable in the 'Anvalor' boardgame... looks like that despite the artwork the pink snake was, reasonably, Order Serpentis not Scourge Privateers... "There are nine playable factions to choose from, ranging from famous Aqshian rivals, the Hammers of Sigmar and the Khornate legions of Khorgos Khul, to the Vorstarg Fyreslayer Lodge and even the Order Serpentis. We’ll be bringing you more information on this game in the future, so keep your eyes peeled." https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/10/26/26th-oct-revealed-at-spielgw-homepage-post-1/
  24. more I think about it the more I suspect the Khorne v Slaanesh box could possibly be a boxset that comes with a standalone game much like Speed Freaks, Imperial Knights: Renegade etc etc. Just some quick fun, flimsy basic rules outlining some kind of event in the realm of chaos, just to offer something to people that aren't building the appropriate armies up. No real follow up or support after that except maybe a Nurgle v. Tzeentch expansion/standalone box to follow. 1st one out this year to hit the 30th anniversary of the original RoC:StD book, with the 2nd on the 30th anniversary of the RoC:LatD book.
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