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Everything posted by zombiepiratexxx

  1. If we follow the pattern of what happened with the Nighthaunt after 2.0 our second Swampcaller model will probably be a limited edition given away in a manner that the only resort will be eBay scalpers.
  2. Went to the local GW to pick up my pre-ordered Dominion, GHB, then went back to the friends who I'd split the box with, cracked it open, dribbled over the lovely models, then had Beef short ribs off the BBQ while playing our first games of Warcry.
  3. What are people's opinions on the Killaboss from Dominion? Sheild or spikey ball of death? Considering the push fit nature it wouldn't be hard to be able to use either of from battle to battle.
  4. I do kind of like the idea that Slaanesh stays under the radar, that we can actually have a strong book, that performs decently for us without someone doing a return to 2019 of screaming how OP everything is. If it can be a sleeper army that does well for what it is, in and out of tourneys I'm not that bothered about as long as we can just have fun games and don't get roflstomped every time. No-one will be jumping on the Slaanesh bandwagon just to get an OP army that wins them games easy. If we have to work for it a little more, enjoy the army and the amazing models we have, I think that's a good place to be in.
  5. So was trying to pin the tiny parts that they had. Amazing range though, sad how they're gone.
  6. I think Depravity would be much cooler if, rather than summoning, or getting buffs it would allow us to debuff the opponent some. However, that's much harder to balance so I understand why they don't go down that route. I just love the idea of the enemy army being overcome by the excesses of battle as the Slaanesh army goes on doing more damage and causing more carnage that all the depravity and exultation erodes their senses and the lure to abandon themselves and join in builds and builds.
  7. I keep coming back to Fiendbloods going up.......... that's all the proof you need that when it comes to HoS they have no clue as to what this faction needs.
  8. At least we got a little space in our list now we're no longer taking Seeker Cavalcadde right? Right? Guys........
  9. Can't even mentioned how disappointing this is, I mean, of all things, Fiendbloods now cost MORE!!!! I was getting hyped that Slaanesh may be in a better place with 3.0 if the points didn't change, but now..... OOF. And apparently it's Destruction that GW don't like......
  10. Wondering if they want to (at least in matched play) keep armies to one battletome to make the game easier to balance. Outside of allies if you have to consider how each book interacts with units that it can take in the main part of the army that must make planning for balance a pain and you have way more stuff to test (and we're already not sure just how good their playtesting is, especially in what makes it into final production). While it may be less fluffy in terms of who would fight together I can certainly understand their reasons for wanting to keep stuff separate.
  11. Also, Seeker Cavalcade is officially dead in Matched Play from today's article, no warscroll battalions in the Core Book or GHB 2021 battlepacks.
  12. Considering all the other spellcasters HoS has access too it'd be cool if they decided to rework the Shardspeaker into a Priest! At least in my head, although that may be more down to the fact that the Mortal spells are not all that great.
  13. Latest article on WarCom that lists the factions getting their AOS3.0 article lists Warclans and not Kruleboyz so it seems a definite now that the swampy boyz will NOT have their own book.
  14. You take a Morale test (D6 + numbers of model destroyed this turn vs Leadership), if you fail it 1 model from the units flees, then you roll a dice for all other models in the unit, extra -1 if the unit is below half strength, for every 1 you roll, another model flees.
  15. I wonder if it will be a copy of the 40k rules for Combat Attrition?
  16. Interesting article, but I wonder if anyone approves it before publishing, Chromatic and Chronomantic Cogs together and Kieran the playtester becomes Chuck very quickly.....
  17. Very hyped for this release when I was really just expecting for the rules to be the thing I picked up. Have a friend that wants to share so he can start SCE so this is looking like a really great time for our little corner of AoS.
  18. One of the things I really like about AoS is a setting is that this isn't the Old World, where things like Kragnos can be added into the game without the pre-amble because the realms are so massive, have existed for a huge amount of time already and a lot of the Age of Myth disappeared into the Age of Chaos yet now we're in the Age of Sigmar these ancient godbeasts, demi-gods and other critters that were sealed away during the Age of Myth can make a comeback because they've been forgotten. It's taken GW a long time to really get a handle on the lore for AoS compared to the decades of stuff they had for WHFB yet they're really hitting their stride now in my opinion and I like that they're doing things differently. We just don't have an omnipotent view of the Mortal Realms, there's an almost infinite space for them to create in now and I love that. Are we going to love all of it, probably not, but having their hands untied to be creative, that's worth an awful lot I think.
  19. Would be annoying if we didn't get Battalions in matched play as that's where my focus is, I'm not ever going to take anything to a tournament so I'm not focussed there which may be what they're thinking about by potentially removing them from that version of the game.
  20. I don't think they're going to replace army specific battalions, I imagine there'll be more choice, not less, as there will be generic ones, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  21. Trying to finally make a decision about whether to play DoK or FEC, this is more than likely going to be playing against Nurgle or OBR predominantly. We're not competitive players but I want an army that's fun to play and doesn't stomp or get stomped. Both the DoK and FEC seem like fast armies that are fragile and that fits with me nicely. List I have designed is here for feedback on any of the points I've mentioned. AoS is just way harder to choose an army for compared to 40k as I like so much of the stuff, but enjoy the fact that it seems far more casual and more "fun". Allegiance: Flesh Eater Courts- Grand Court: BlisterskinLeadersAbhorrant Archregent (240)- General- Command Trait: Hellish Orator- Artefact: The Dermal Robe- Lore of Madness: Blood FeastAbhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (420)- Artefact: Eye of Hysh- Lore of Madness: Spectral Host- Mount Trait: Gruesome BiteAbhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon (440)- Lore of Madness: Monstrous Vigour- Mount Trait: Necrotic FangsBattleline6 x Crypt Flayers (340)20 x Crypt Ghouls (200)10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)Units3 x Crypt Horrors (130)BattalionsRoyal Mordants (120)Total: 1990 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 101 It's based off 2 Start Collecting Sets and the new BR box. Yes, more models needed for Summoning, especially a Varghulf.
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