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Everything posted by Sleboda

  1. Here are my Undead and Stormcast, with a preview of the Khorne fellows.
  2. I am of of the same opinion. I have won three games specifically because of that card - going through an enemy and landing on an objective. If you could not end on an objective, I'd never include it.
  3. Is there a definition of an empty hex? There is an undead card that lets you move through other fighters but stipulates you must end in an empty hex. To me, this is just a way to reiterate that you cannot end your move sharing a hex with another fighter. Tokens and the like don't make a hex non-empty, right?
  4. It's a superskinkchampionoforder who throws bolts of starstuff.
  5. Btw, just finished (in a drunken haze) my band. Shoot. Sorry! Meant to put this in another thread. Mods, feel free to delete.
  6. Nope. The model is removed and all tokens on it (wound) are as well. He comes back only as per the rules on the Warden's card or the one other card that resurrects models. It's not auto.
  7. Dear gawd please no. A real strength of AoS has been it's creative spins on things. Copying the 40k path would be lame.
  8. Hmm. I LOVE Arcadia Quest and Black Plague, so maybe that explains a thing or two.
  9. Except that, you know, I gave examples (common ones) that are true. Also, just as an example, the Numinous Ocuthingie blocks Los nicely, as does the archway (for hiding a key single character- incidentally addressing the common moan of characters being too easy to kill). I get that AoS frustrates you in its differences from Old School Real Wargames (tm), but I think that frustration is leading you to gloss over some valid counterpoints or dismiss rules applications as pedantic when if we just take those rules that are there and understand that they are for AoS and not trying to recreate any OSRW (tm) then the happiness quotient would be much higher. TLDR - AoS is its own system and it's fun.
  10. Then that's a problem with the players, to be blunt. Curious, why would walls "exist as an area?" A wall is just about the most straightforward bit of terrain (with rules handled completely in the 4-pager) I can think of on the table.
  11. So not so much rules for terrain, which we already have, but stealth ways to step the simplicity of the system back to old WFB complications? (Area terrain -does- block Los ... If it actually does.) Also, terrain already does hinder movement. You pay the inches to move around a tree. A large enough model cannot fit between two trees in a citadel wood and thus must not only go around, but cannot end movement there. 1" tall walls take 2" of move plus their width to cross. The rules in the 4-pager provide. It's just that players are sometimes inclined to ignore them.
  12. You're probably not alone, but given the luxury/premium nature of hobby wargaming, it always strikes me as odd when I see fussing over such relatively small amounts needed to spend on the basics of an army. I'm not wealthy by any means, but $100 for a few units of dudes? Seems fair to me.
  13. I have concerns in general about the number of things that do things in phases that are not normally for that thing. The more that happens, the less it feels like a structured game and more like a gotchya!-fest. I'll try it with an open mind though !
  14. Easy solutions: 1) "No Shadespire characters." Or, better 2) Don't sweat it. MP is not the be all end all.
  15. Here is what I worked on today. My first Arcadia Quest model (still have to do the base) and a drone.
  16. Why? What possible tournament-oriented (ie. competion) reaon is there to jettison swaths of models and hundreds (thousands?) of peoples' collections from use as long as they are pointed the same way as current retail armies? Older =/= bad. I know this debate has been done to death, but man, as long as there are current MP rules, I see no reason to tell players they can't use the stuff.
  17. Put them in WD and free download on web until next ghb. They would also be in scrollbuilder.
  18. A good reason to keep point values out of the Battletomes.
  19. Agreed. This little guy needs to hit the table again.
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