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Everything posted by Sleboda

  1. Honestly, they don't need to say/confirm it. As of now, the rules in our book are clear. Bonereapers cannot use Command Points. Nothing about a new edition of the main rules changes that. All the new command abilities require Command Points to activate. Bonereapers can't use Command Points. Simple. Stinks a ton, but simple.
  2. And yet their officially published, in the magazine, from their most veteran rules dude word is "play with the rules as they are in the text, not what you, personally, think they should be.
  3. Miscast, eh? OK as long a single miscast doesn't stop a 900 point Nagash, who surely pays a premium for all his plusses to cast and ability to cast eight works spells, from casting more spells. What's that you say? Oh. Well, hmm, maybe it's ok as long as there is also Total Power to make it fair. What's that you say? Oh. Ah well, I guess they figure that they sold as many Nagash models as they thought that could, so if he is neutered, all those who bought him will need to fill those points with new stuff.
  4. Depends on your definition of "legally payable." Open is just as valid as Matched. You could quite easily play "this half vs. that half" with the box "legally."
  5. All I know is that if the 1500 copies are for a global market, and markets open for sales on a rolling basis, the odds of a single copy even making it to being available in my time zone are insanely small. Considering it's the only "must have" for me in the initial wave, if it's gone before I am even allowed to place an order for it, I think I'm looking at a back breaking event in terms of me sticking with the game. I would love to love this edition, but Super Fantasy Brawl, Armada, Zombicide, Arcadia Quest, Mansions of Madness, Blood Bowl, the local gentlemens' club, and many others can fill my hobby and game time just fine without AoS.
  6. The Bonereapers article from yesterday had me nervous. Just about the only thing we learned about the rules that will still specifically impact the army is that they kept the Discipline points and are excluded from command points. With the new edition being so focused on using actual command points as a key way to enjoy the game and have armies work, it seems like they will need to have one heck of a Day One FAQ to make them work. Either that or "the following command abilities can be executed with Discipline on a point for point basis." Yikes!
  7. Certainly yes, but narrative players are a special (not in a bad way) and relatively small group. I mean, I suppose I'm narrative when I play with @TwiceIfILikeIt, the only gamer I've played Warhammer with in over a year ('cuz she's awesome and lives with me). We do what we do, tell a bit of a story, drink a ton, and get on with it. I'm talking about matched/competitive play where you would expect that the rules that *all* players own, learn, and gain experience with are used from game to game, table to table, event to event, and so on. I mean, what's the point of learning tactics based on a universally shared set of rules if those tactics won't apply to games with new people (pick ups, tournaments, or just the new player who moved to your town)? Why force the need to unlearn or to keep several variations of the same thing in your head when there is a standard set to which all players are initially exposed and to which all players have access? Even if (and that's a ginormous if) some guy in Topeka has created the perfect "fix" for a rule, it's just his, or his group's. Nobody else knows it. Nobody else uses it. Then the lady in Harrisburg also comes up with a perfect (different) "fix" that is equally localized. They, and a third person, show up at an event to play and all parties are on different pages about how to play. It's just plain divisive, and that's counter to the idea of community. in other words, well-intentioned actions end up creating divisions.
  8. I'd be all in favor of that, for sure. Also you said* : "I think they need to stop giving special rules to specific warscrolls and instead homogenize them across armies. Much like they are doing with monsters, but more generally." I agree with that as well, especially since they put out those designer insight articles a while back about how they have a bank of terms and rules meant to accomplish just that. *Can anybody, somebody, please for the love of Sigmar tell me how to go back into a post and add the equivalent of HTML tags? I love this forum, but the lack of ability to add quote tags like I have been able to do in every other forum I've ever used is frustrating.
  9. Man, I really wish I could see into alternate timelines, too. Comp is garbage. It's ego. It's fear and stubbornness masquerading as insight and intelligence. Comp is just about the most certain way to divide a global community into factions - pockets of people who, each in their own group, think they have found the One True Way to play. Comp is a disease in search of a weak-willed host. Do you really want build your strategies based on one set of rules only to find that in the next town other over they play by different rules that ****** up your understanding of the game? Comp does exactly that and has for decades. It is maddening to have to learn 10 different sets of the supposedly same rules just because 10 different tournament organizers or 10 different gaming groups each feel they have "fixed" the game but each in different ways.
  10. Thoughts? How about "any community that thinks it knows more about the game than the people who wrote it, any community that changes rules rather than learn how to play with them, any community that thinks about changing rules before they have even played one single game using them, is a community that needs to be nuked into oblivion and stop crying." That's my thought. Rules comp is one of the Unholy Octet of Warhammer Evils.
  11. I get that, but I had not seen the actual use of "ward save" until that bit to which I was referring. It is, as far as I can tell, a new term for AoS, and it wasn't just a misguided player slang term. It was in print from GW. If I see it again, I'll point to it.
  12. First off, the concept of "the community" acting as if it were a single mind is as off as when people say "the fans" could lower ticket prices for football games if they would just stop going. Not only can you not get millions of people to act as one, even if you get many to do so, there are millions (or thousands or whatever) more ready to swoop in and do the thing you don't want them to do. I listen to a lot of sports talk radio, and every time I hear a caller talk about how "the fans" should do something, I twitch and my eyes roll. "The community" is not an acting body. It's hundreds of thousands of individuals with individual wants and desires. We really can't base any course of action on the assumption that "the community" is some sort of cohesive body. Secondly, if GW ever drops physical books, I'm out. There is just something ... real ... about a book. The smell. The sound of a turning page. The lack of glow straining the eyes. The fact that it doesn't go *poof* when the power runs out. No, give me physical books as a vital part of my hobby experience. This is a physical hobby, with WYSIWYG physical models, physical dice, physically applied colors, physically present opponents, and physical books. I also love video games. Heck, I play more Hearthstone than pretty much any other game currently - physical games included, but this hobby of ours is different and it would be worse off for the loss of any of its physical elements.
  13. 🎶 Did you ever know that you're my heeeeero? 🎵
  14. Somewhere in the recent rules releases, maybe even here on this forum, there was a reference to "ward saves." It looks like Invulnerable Saves are coming to AoS.
  15. It's either a pile of FAQs or tell us all our books are junk. They did the latter once years ago. It did not go well.
  16. Yeah. Humor. Reducing the creative efforts of a team of people who work hard to bring us joy to nothing more than an offhand slang that insults people in the real world. Got it. Humor.
  17. 1. What are "fat men?" 2. I'll reiterate my suggestion that this forum add a glossary with mouseover for terms that people seem inclined to use despite the confusion they create. If we can't get folks to embrace clear communication, can we at least offer those not in the "in" crowd a way to self serve knowledge?
  18. Say it with me now ... We don't need better terrain rules. Gamers just need better terrain. The rules are fine when players use good terrain.
  19. This concept, and others like it, should be tattooed on the foreheads of all gamers. Realism (as in connecting sci-fi or fantasy game rules to anything at all from our actual world) is, or should be, almost entirely meaningless and left undiscussed.
  20. Me too. I didn't know that was coming. I had planned to get one or two copies of Dominion. Now, after seeing that awesome limited edition separate book*, I'm buying that and maybe ... maybe ... one copy of Dominion. Of course, given the sheer volume of GW WTFery around limited books, chances are very, very low that by the time the preorder window opens for Central time customers, it will be sold out entirely. I swear, if they can't make it last for at least 15 minutes in my time zone, I just might be done with any "special" items from GW. *I mean, seriously, just look at the glorious limited version of the old Warhammer rules (photos attached). Who wouldn't want something that cool? I really don't want to miss out on the new one.
  21. I would prefer that producers get the rules right in the first place, but yeah.
  22. I dislike it immensely in 40K, and think I'll like it even less in AoS. I really love Warcry and Kill Team skirmishes. The small boards work nicely there as they are, well, skirmishes. In my army games, though, I want armies to battle, and that means 4' x 8' tables with hundreds of models. The move to 4 x 6 and small clouds of models as "regiments" was tough, but I adapted. Going smaller and with fewer models? Yikes.
  23. Dear gosh no. Physical books are a hot, and a big part of what I like in my hobby. Offer digital options, sure, but keep books.
  24. Better yet, improved scenery. The rules are, and we're in even in 1.0, perfectly suitable for giving protections and creating interesting tabletop interactions. It's players using twigs and soda cans as terrain that makes things less than stellar.
  25. Or these guys. I still have 6 blister packs of them, made from good old lead. I miss those days. If the Chaos Dwarfs ever return, that will be my sign that it's time to open the packs and paint them. Now, can we please have Tomb Kings (or Undying Legions of Eternal Eternity or whatever silly rebranding they want to apply) back?
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