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Everything posted by lord_blackfang

  1. Royal Family looks meh to me. Essentially it reads "if you take 3 GK, you pay 10 points for an artifact and +1 on Courtiers' returning abilities". Looks like a good deal except you now have massively redundant spellcasting and summoning on an otherwise unimpressive model. Unless you're using realm spells, you'll be forced to cast shield / bolt with two of these guys, and are you really using 3 rounds' worth of command points on Man-at-Arms? Probably only if you're not even fielding a GKoTG/GKoZD.
  2. Coach and push-fit Chainrasps will be on preorder on Saturday https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/07/22/coming-next-week/
  3. He could have just targeted something else. It's not like it's an army-wide ability like in 40k.
  4. My guess is they just didn't want to clutter up the release schedule even more with something that's already flooding ebay anyway. The first Nighthaunt wave was already too big to all be released before Kill Team.
  5. Just as a thought experiment (for now), how would one get into this army? About... 3x Start Collecting box? It literally has all the models in the allegiance, right?
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