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Dead Scribe

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Everything posted by Dead Scribe

  1. Daughters, Flesh Eater Courts, and now slaanesh. I run them because they are usually the most powerful builds and give me the best chance of being the overall winner.
  2. I don't think those get played very much.
  3. I can speak with some experience in this area in stating that this statement is 100% inaccurate.
  4. I don't like the double turn and would rather it went away.
  5. Thats great, hopefully its just a novelty game that people collect but never really play, like the Silver Tower and other things GW have released.
  6. I don't see how that matters (that its a "forge world game"). Horus Heresy has players too and those players tend to not want to play normal 40k, and our HH group is like 20 strong.
  7. In my area people like to focus on one game. Talking about promoting multiple games is essentially tallking about creating multiple small groups. I don't want a small group. I play GW games because it has the biggest group I can get, which means the biggest tournament attendance thats possible. So things like the warhammer announcement hurt someone in my position because people want to only focus on one game and they are going to pick and choose, which is going to remove people from my AOS group (it already has started).
  8. Its probably the equivalent of a local rock band getting signed to a major label, or a football player getting drafted into the NFL, but it is possible. The thing with wanting to game dev is that there are 100,000 other people who also want to game dev and that makes standing out incredibly difficult without a lot of contacts or resources of your own.
  9. If we're playing both games, we aren't growing our tournament attendance for aos. Thats my primary goal.
  10. There is another whfb meetup this weekend and they already have more people than we ever did in AOS. Thats pretty frustrating. (a lot of my play group is also going to play instead of practicing for an upcoming tournament) I don't understand how they have so many people. I was told no one played or cared about whfb so it was scrapped.
  11. If its a FW game, then I think that would also be ok. More like a specialist thing. Less people would leave AOS for a specialist game.
  12. There are several stores competing for players. I couldn't put a number on it.
  13. Half of our aos group is still half of our aos group. You can't do meaningful tournaments with half of your population. Six or eight man tournaments are not something that I care for at all. Especially if you are trying to make some money off of livestreaming or tournament endorsement awards etc. This cuts into the ability to generate revenue for competitive tournament events. If magic the gathering tournaments only had a handful of people showing up, no one would bother playing it. It is because you can go into pretty much any store and see 100 people playing at a tournament that people care to be a part of it. Same with 40k. For AOS to succeed as a financially driven tournament game, it requires a higher level of attendance, and this just seems to knee cap that.
  14. I have never seen anyone play Lord of the Rings or even know it exists other than as a banner on their website.
  15. The difference is that 40k is not fantasy. AOS is fantasy. Our fantasy community plays AOS. With this we have ANOTHER fantasy game coming out that is going to split us up. I don't want there to be multiple supported fantasy games from GW. I never would have played in the first place if they had more than one fantasy system vying for each others' attention.
  16. The people here that play more than one system are not common, so this talk about how people are going to play AOS and this new WHFB version does not apply to my community. They tend to find a game and stick with it. The only exception is 40k. Everyone plays 40k because everyone plays 40k. My AOS group will literally split in half. Those players that are wanting to split off don't want to play AOS if they had a WHFB version to play. They are only going to focus on the WHFB version. Hell the way it looked last weekend, there were MORE whfb players than AOS players. Which is why I hope that its nothing more than campaign books using the AOS rules. That way we are all still playing the same rules and the group doesn't split in half and lower our tournament attendance.
  17. No. I am gutted because I'm watching my group get splintered and made smaller, and thats not why I chose to play a GW game. I chose a GW game because it was promised that it had the largest play group to facilitate competitive gaming.
  18. I'm gutted. Some of our older players set up a WHFB 8th edition game day yesterday. The amount of interest really kicked me in the gut. There were so many people that showed up for it yesterday, I had no idea that that many people wanted WHFB back. I haven't even seen a lot of the guys that showed up before in my life. Its really going to tear my community apart and endanger our AOS group.
  19. It is my hope that if thety are going to do this that they do NOT (absolutely NOT) create a different ruleset and leave it the AOS ruleset and then just make background books for the old world. That way our communities aren't divided up, the whining cranky minority that GW is trying to appease can get their background back, but most of the competitive people like me don't really care about background anyway. If everyone has to use the same ruleset, there won't be any dividing up my community and making my player base smaller. Thats all I really care about. I know people have said lots will play both but thats just not true here in my reality. People will abandon AOS to play WHFB if they are given a WHFB ruleset, and that would leave things dead for me because my group would be halved in number and I'm playing BECAUSE of the GW community promising a large pool of players, not dividing us up into small little cells. Write all the campaign books you want and set them in the old world. Thats great. That has no impact on my group because none of us care about campaign books, but keep the ruleset the same please!!!
  20. I don't have anything against fantasy players nor have I seen anything from fantasy players that I don't see from, well, pretty much every games' players. Our fantasy players have said that fantasy didn't do well because no one wanted to paint a bunch of normal troops and the way AOS got rid of restrictions is why AOS is doing so well, being able to take basically whatever you want and not have to paint a bunch of models. But those fantasy players are wanting to go back to whfb now that they think its coming back and thats like half of my store.
  21. Yes but why do we need two fantasy systems? Why do we want to divide the community up like this? Why do we have to pull in people that hate AOS and just let them play kings of war or whatever is being played instead? My AOS group has people that are going to be leaving AOS for this and it sucks.
  22. I'm pretty disappointed by this. The entire reason I had for choosing AOS as a fantasy game to get into was the community. All this is doing right now is splitting my community up. Its great people are excited about it, but its not so great that my AOS community is going to be half the size soon. That doesn't make for a very fun competitive environment. They should have just left warhammer dead and let the players that like those type of games move on to the other alternatives, not try to create two different fan bases that are going to be competing against each other for players now.
  23. Me either. So I can't say I will miss them. I didn't even know they were part of the game legit.
  24. May be time to sell the slaanesh army while they are still hot so I can invest in this army now.
  25. Welp if they ever nerf my slaanesh army, this may be the army I go to next for tournament play.
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