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Everything posted by AaronWilson

  1. After speaking to a lot of people at the SCGT last weekend who are in the know, Wyldwoods are 100% going.
  2. Not sure how accurate the current rumour mill is but I hear Sylvaneth slated as the next AoS book release from multiple sources right now
  3. As always it depends on the points cost but the mirror I see most potential in. The death wheels be really good at shredding some back field heroes on a lucky roll.
  4. I have heard June as a date for our new battle tome.
  5. It must be a tough tough world where you don't get the plastic soldiers your heart truly desires. We won't agree on this matter, have a good day my friend.
  6. If only you had a massive range of armoured warriors, unarmoured warriors, armoured knights and skirmish horsemen at your disposal to use All who are mortals
  7. Really don't understand the whining at all. Slaanesh has got the fiends and harpist from WaR box, now a new deamon prince, a new mirror unit, a new greater deamon, a new book, 3 new endless spells, new terrain.... I mean jesus christ what more do you want? When Sylvaneth get a re-release I expect 3 endless spells, 1 terrain feature, a new model and I'll be very happy.
  8. I decided to add all terrain I have and to add more to the sides ,I think this looks fair
  9. Does anyone else have really trouble setting up tables that aren't biased towards you but still allow some room for woods? I really do try to set up tables that are fair, I always try to put terrain in the middle of the table and scatter terrain around so I can't just put my woods where ever I want. Below is a example, thoughts? Do I need more terrain, do I need less, should it be placed in different places etc?
  10. Rather then list every model as it will take too long I have World Eaters, Horus Heresy - 9000 Points Sylvaneth, Age of Sigmar, 5300 Points Death Guard, Warhammer 40k, 4000 points Middle Earth, Gondor + Mordor, 5000 points Around 23,000 points worth of stuff.
  11. Could totally be a aelf release alongside the Slaanesh release.
  12. The angelic part comes from him being from the realm of light... tl;dr I want a high elf battletome please?
  13. Okay but for real I would give my left arm to see a new high elf battle tome, called it something so they can trade mark it light "Asurysans Chosen" etc. Who doesn't want a angelic tyrion, god of light alongside his new race of angelic bad ass high elves! I WANT IT NOW
  14. Hey @Ben sorry just trying to do some forward planning. Is below the right postcode for the location? Just trying to book a hotel to get cheap rate as possible https://www.google.com/maps/place/The+Roundhouse/@52.9165647,-1.4627189,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4879f106b30dc97d:0xa3b973e375fc6dbb!8m2!3d52.9165647!4d-1.4605302
  15. Oh wow that's pretty great. The high elf reaper bolt throwers, the war machine its self has the highborn keyword, so if that shoots within 8" of the Seawarden that gets the +1 to wound?
  16. Hey guys the High Elf Seawarden on foot, it's Sea Drake Pennnant which adds 1 to all wound rolls made for high born units wihin 8" when they attack. Does this add to the wound rolls of melee and ranged attacks?
  17. Sorry you hadn't wrote you maintained coherency all game long bud, good job on the win @Furuzzolo
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