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Everything posted by The_Yellow_Sign

  1. Very cool concept, but I can't seem to find any actual casts on their store; just computer renders. I'd be very keen if their casting is good.
  2. Bull is good, and is even better now that Gristlegore and Tyrants of Blood cheese are around. The horn is just OK; a little expensive for what it does. I'd rather take Geminids. The flock is just plain bad and I would rather cast mystic shield or arcane bolt than waste a spell casting it.
  3. There are good arguments for any unit size with Bestigors. They're useful in 10, 20, or 30, so really up to you how you want to use them. The number of drops you need to ensure turn priority depends on your local meta. For me, I can almost certainly get priority with 4 drops or less. There are few people where I live that run lists with very low drops.
  4. Khorne (especially with the new book) is a good option if you want to run Warherd. Warherd suffer from poor hit rolls, but Slaughterpriests together with the rerolls of 1 to hit from the battalion fix that. And the extra attacks from Bloodsecrator (who can now move around) and Wrathmongers are really strong for Bullgors since they buffs both the axe and horn profiles. Nurgle is good if you want to abuse Blades of Putrefaction on Bestigors and Centigors, but with all the -1 hit in the meta it's kind of situational. The standard power list for Beasts of Chaos can easily be substituted into Tzeentch Allegiance and do very well, using Fold Reality to bring back Enlightened.
  5. I had to change my pants after seeing Creature Caster's totally-not-a-Shaggoth. The things I would do to get him on my painting desk right now...
  6. Look up Daniel Bradshaw's UK Masters/Sheffield Slaughter list. He won both tournaments with it.
  7. Amazing new Drakon model that Creature Caster just revealed at Adepticon! This is the perfect Shaggoth proxy.
  8. I don't see them going down much. Stormvermin are already way better at killing than Bestigors, and only slightly more expensive per model. They have a better attack profile thanks to the allegiance ability giving +1 to hit and wound in large units, and can get way more attacks from a unit thanks to 25mm bases and 2" reach allowing 3 ranks to attack.
  9. Yeah I feel you. My Beasts didn't get anything new either. I think the last Beastmen model was released around 2010 or 2011.
  10. Thanks mate! I really enjoyed painting these guys. They're such cool models.
  11. List 1 is much stronger, but make sure you run Gavespawn if you take a Beastlord, or else he's useless. Also, if you running two units of Enlightened you need two Tzaangor Shamans, because +1 to hit is massive when they are rerolling hits. Also, drop Cogs: they aren't important to the list and are unreliable with the lack of casting bonuses in the army.
  12. Personally, I think that the GW Dragon Ogres are miles better than any conversions or alternate sculpts from other companies that I've seen. They're very nice modern plastic kits, with great detail. The trick to making them look better than the GW Store pics is to use terrain on the base to make it look like they're climbing over rocks and other obstacles rather than just rearing up on their hind legs. Here are some of mine that I've painted.
  13. I used to run this to good effect, but unfortunately there's more Skaven and Stormcast Ballistae in my local meta so it's becoming risky now to have my shaman sitting up high where everyone can see him.
  14. That would definitely make me want to jump ship to a wargame that isn't shoving space marines into every possible niche.
  15. Well, that's super disappointing. I don't know why they basically reused the Beastmen logo for a chaos tribe; now that makes me worry that no Beastmen are coming after all...
  16. Yeah I'm not sure; maybe it's like with the Shadespire warbands that they just release the models whenever they feel like it?
  17. The one on the far left might be Slaanesh since it looks similar to this Slaaneshi Beastmen art:
  18. I'm super hyped if there's new Beastmen models! That logo definitely suggests Beastmen on the way. The chaos mortals all look sweet too, I'm also really glad that there's no Stormcast in Warcry. Now I can use all the models in the starter box and not have to dump the golden poster boys on trading pages.
  19. Nurgle and Khorne are stronger when used in the respective God Allegiances rather than BoC. For example, notice that Centigors, Chariots, and Bestigors have a built-in +1 hit and the Rotbringer spell Blades of Putrefaction triggers MW on a 6+ to hit. Now get the Glottkin to use his CA for +1 attack and you are putting out a ton of MW.
  20. Because if you are forced to come on turn one your opponent will attempt to zone you out. If you can come on turn 2 then they will be often forced to leave some gaps as they move to capture objectives.
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