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Everything posted by PensivePanther

  1. My experience is, these days, gutbuster is a frustrating army to play. Our effective builds are limited and we suffer from out of date warscrolls. They are great fun when matched against armies of similar "tier", however I struggle against more modern armies. My fat boys have been shelved for many months. Just my two bits! I look forward to a battletome. I've very much missed painting ogor models. Very easy to paint, have great character, and the majority of the kits/bits are very interchangeable.
  2. The mawtribes hunger - prepare for the feast of bones...
  3. "Mawtribes" - I love it. I have high hopes the great maw makes its AoS debut. That was always my favorite aspect of the old Ogre Kingdoms lore. So excited! Make ogors great again!
  4. One of the models in the Iron Golems warband in the WarCry release is called an "Ogor Breacher" (The big guy with metal balls for hands). I was overly excited to see that. I know it's relatively small and insignificant, but when you're a long time gutbuster player, any ogor news is exciting. Haha.
  5. I believe Frostgrave has a box of "serpent-men". Might be an alternative source of bits for a conversion.
  6. I wanted to chime in to say I did the exact same thing. A gargant hacker and some favorite ogor bits on on ogor body, viola. You got yourself a tyrant!
  7. I count myself very lucky that in our gaming group I'm both the gutbuster and slaanesh guy, ha! I haven't had to deal with my poor ogors fueling the depravity machine! James, you got any experience fighting nighthaunt with ogors? I find nighthaunt to be a bafflingly hard opponent to face. I'm just totally at a loss on how to deal with them. Regards!
  8. Morning fellow Gutbusters. I played three games in the last two weeks. Two 1000pt games. One against Nurgle Mortals and the other against Tzeentch Daemons. No victories this time though. Really starting to feel the pains of that battletome vs non-battletome experience. The last game was a 750pt against Dispossessed. I can happily say I kicked their butt. I even had success with a giant too! I felt I executed my movements and plans as well as I could hope in both games! It might be an uphill battle some of the time, but my gutbuster games are usually pretty rewarding. (I tell myself it makes me a better player to play an older army lol). Tell me about your recent successes!
  9. I think a big unit of gors sounds pretty great. That's a relatively cheap mass of 4+ save wounds. Sure some rend is going to hurt them, but that's going to hurt ungors even more. Gors should make a perfectly fine rock to build an army around! If nothing else, give them a spin before you start filing horns off. Ha!
  10. Those look lovely James. Good job! Keep representing those fat boys! How have you found those endless spells doing? I keep finding that they are almost more trouble than their worth...if I get them on the table at all. I really want the Gnashing Jaws to be my great maw embodied on the table, but I'm too afraid of it coming back at me and hammering my own bravery!
  11. Morning PlasticCraic! My gut instinct (no pun intended) is to drop one of those leaders in favor of more ogors. I prefer a little more staying power in my lists. But honestly, other than that your list is pretty similar to the 1000pt lists I've been running. Most of my lists start off with a base of a Tyrant, 6 Ogors, and a spellcaster. Then I branch out from there based on my mood. I've had some pretty good success with the gnoblars. I'd also not discredit a good old firebelly. My firebelly performed fantastically in his debut game of AoS 2 (Cascading Firecloak at the right time can lasts for several rounds). Lastly, I've been slapping an endless spell in all my lists to try them out. Of my three games of AoS 2, I've only managed to get a single endless spell off. Please let us know how the giant performs. I have lovingly painted gargant myself that I plan to test out in my next game. Cheers!
  12. https://spikeybits.com/2018/07/beastclaws-take-win-atc-2018-age-sigmar-2-0.html So I hear beastclaw raiders were top dogs at ATC 2018. Yaaaay ogors! Even better, I really like the list itself. Congrats Rob.
  13. Hey all, I got three quick ogor questions. First question: How do you guys typically equip your ogors? Extra clubs or ironfists? I have traditionally always used ironfists, but I recently realized that rend modifies my save roll, not my save characteristic itself. That means any amount of rend makes the ironfists special rule null if I'm understanding correctly. Second question: Do Bellowers from different units stack? Do Bellowers from different warscrolls stack? If I have two units of ogors and one unit of ironguts, each with their own bellower, in range of an enemy what penalty to bravery does the enemy have? Third question: There's nothing stopping me from having as many bannermen or bellowers in a unit as I want correct? ~Cheers!
  14. Hey all. I didn't see anyone mention it, but they FAQ'd a lot of the recommended base sizes from the core rulebook. Most rank and file Ogors are back on 40mm bases. Cheers!
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