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Posts posted by JackStreicher

  1. 1 minute ago, Tizianolol said:

    I watched many review and some people sau blood knights can charge after their movement ability, others says the cant. If they comodità charge why GW doesnt Simply say " when the retreat the deals d3 MW on 2+" ? 

    If they faqed the ability to be at the end of the combat phase then this whole issue would be resolved ^^

  2. 1 hour ago, Aren73 said:

    Skeletons are more survivable seemingly, the save and reroll 1s on deathless minions helps a ton. It's not too hard to get them a +1 save either. I think the 4+ Reanimation Protocols is pretty good, the Necromancer makes it possible for all of the casualties to get back up. They are good to just grab and have many units of them without worrying about buffs. 

    Combine skeletons with the corpse cart which grants -1 to wound within 3“ 👌🏻 Perfect tank unit

    • Like 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, Aren73 said:

    I don't think so. 

    Both rules give them "2 hits instead of 1" when you roll a 6. 

    That's technically not an extra hit per 6, it just transforms a normal hit to two hits, twice. 

    It's a bit like giving a unit the rule "this model's save roll is a 4+" twice. It doesn't do anything to have it repeated.

    I’d argue that one 6 explodes Into 2 additional hits.

    It‘s two separate rules that apply to a hit roll after one another.

    The save roll twice is a bad example since that‘s no special rule.

  4. 35 minutes ago, Aren73 said:

    The issue with the Coven Throne being the powerhouse you just mentioned is that it makes it extremely desirable. It will feature heavily in tournament lists. Which will just encourage GW to nerf it. 

    Well. I still think it‘s a bad trade off to spent 310 for one Command Ability on a otherwise pretty bad unit.


    on the matter of skeletons: I love the models, I just don‘t find a valid argument to use them ever. Can s.o. Please change my mind? 🥲

  5. 6 minutes ago, FeralMulan said:

    What's everyone's opinions on the relics so far BTW? Seeing a lot of "Once per Battle" stuff with mediocre effects:

     - Orb of Enchantment - is it worth it, now that it might fail?
     - Grave Sand Shard - 5+ FNP for a turn looks good, but once per battle again. Is it better than perma -1 wound but only against melee?
     - Avengorii is the poster child for this: Once per battle reroll wounds (of 1), once per battle MAYBE D6 mortals, once per battle MAYBE mortals on a charge. Oh and mutations, eat a 1 wound enemy for one healing, once per battle run and charge, and anti magic if next to them. Anyone seeing anything in these?

    Incidentally, did anyone notice that out of the 3 "mutations" only the third one is a mutation? The first two are just "am hungry" and "am late".

    Imo only the Kastelai once per battle artefact is good since it just happens. If oyu have to roll for an artefact and it has a chance to do nothing, then it is utter trash. Most of these once per game artefacts don't even pack that much of a punch but you can still waste the entire artefact.
    The same issue goes for most spells btw: You have to roll high enough, then the opponent has to not unbind it. And then you have to roll a 3+/4+/5+ in order for the spell to deal insignificant damage. You have to overcome three barriers in order for the spell to work, it's super unlikely. I don't want to be overly harsh, yet: Who writes such nonsesne?

    • Like 2
  6. Also a possiblity would be a solid core of Grave guards. Yet you'd need a wight king as general (if you want to keep your core cheap and effective)
    1x Wight King (steed or non steed +-15 pts) 115/130
    2x 20 Grave Guard 560
    1x 20 Zombies 115
    ---> 790/805 and you already pack quite a punch with your "core" units
    But do you really want to field a Wight wight? Seems like a waste tbh

    This Core should work well with Vyrkos, Legion of Blood/Night

    Edit: I just can't find a good use for Skeletons. Imo they melt way too fast and will require you to spent a CP for inspiring presence or even their heal will be vaporated by losing the combat by a gazillion. Idk. If they had rend 1 they'd be very interesting. Yet they are currently more expensive than Zombies and they offer way less synergy potential.

    Cheapest Core we can build is (points per wound)
    3x Zombies for 345 (3.833 points per wound) Pros: Damage and self heal, Pile-in Shenanigans
    3x Dire Wolves for 405 (6.75 points per wound) Pros: Super fast and even killy on the charge
    3x Skeletons 255 (8.5 points per wound) Pros: ? (as mentioned above: the heal is too bad and too restricted), same armour as the doggos, less killy than the doggos. I don't see a use tbh

    • LOVE IT! 1
  7. So I've had a look at the whole book thoroughly and I think the core of most armies will look like this:

    1x Necromancer
    2x-3x Blood Knights
    1x-2x Dire Wolves
    1x 40 Zombies
    1x 20 Zombies
    1x Corpse Cart
    1x Deathstench Drove
    All bolded Units can be removed/replaced by something else
    This puts you at a base cost of:
    Minimum: 880
    Maximum: 1505

    There will also be a Deathrattle core build, yet it seems less potent and is Subfaction dependent

  8. 14 minutes ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    I mean when the Italian warscrolls were leaked for Slaanesh I just Google translated them and it worked well. If you want, you can send it to me and I'll start doing that.



    nvm just found her and skeletons in Spanish on 4chan

    Just found it! Thx

    • Like 1
  9. What I'd like to have in this army is:

    All Vampires get the Ability of the Kastelei (getting better by killing enemies).
    Vampire Lords on foot need 6-7 wounds and 6 attacks to actually be worth anything.
    Wight Kings should grant a simple run and charge for deathrattle units - They are their kings and they do nothing!
    Give Black Knights the lances back. There was no reason to change them for a worse ability.
    Rethink Legion of Night and Legion of Blood - the whole army already has more than enough deepstrike/put into reserve abilities. Legion of Blood is supposed to be sneaky or at least grant a good buff to Deathratte.
    Complete Rewrite of the Vampire Lore or switch it with the Deathmages lore.
    Split the CC units into smaller increments:
    Vargskyr and Vyrkos, Gravekeeper, Gravekeeper and Night Guard, Chamberlain and radukar. Done.
    Give us dead vermin as a swarm encompassing bats and rats.

    If all of this was corrected this army would be completely amazing: Interesting, not too strong, synergies, you can play with your toys without being punished for it. :)

    • Like 2
  10. 9 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Neferata preview up: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/05/13/forget-mannfred-here-are-5-reasons-to-serve-queen-neferata-instead/

    I mention this mainly to note that bit of art. Not sure it it's new (what seem to be ghouls makes me think not) but regardless, lol, those are tomb kings skeletons. Vampire Counts shields, Tomb Kings standard and headdress. A nice nod to her particular ancestry and a cause for great lamentation among TK players.


    What bothers me the most are my beloved Black Knights 🥲 rip in your ancient tombs. 
    Tbh, why would you field them, even if they are Battleline? Zombie doggies are better and cheaper. Losing the Lance bonus really puts the nail in the coffin for them. 

  11. 38 minutes ago, Boar said:

    I see, I didn't considered that, thanks.

    Tough if someone would want different uses for them (ie. in larger units) their high effective wounds per points and them being summonable ie. healable could make them as usefull anvil/ tough chaff/board control tool. And they even got tiny bit cheaper from what I see.

    Currently you get 1 wound per 6,75 points. They have speed, they hit harder than Black Knights when they charge and they‘re cool new models ^^

    guess I‘ll be playing Radukar and wolves most of the time while casually mixing in Mannfred and blood knights ^^

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