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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. The Annihalators are a hard one. Maybe they'll indeed have the initial Evocator points-tag of 200? seems kind of plausible. Yet it will surely be points +5 because reasons XD Edit: I am hoping they added the 5 point increments because one can now add a number of Models to a unit instead of larger increments. This theory might fall apart quickly though
  2. 1 model: 6+ 2 models: 5+ 3 models: 4+ Is correct ^^
  3. This Roman honor guard is my fav. new unit as well ^^
  4. Maybe he preorder starts this weekend? I‘d Love it
  5. I don’t mind Fell Bats as a filler if you‘ve got the points left over. Yet 13€ per model is too much for a filler 🥲 I‘ll put my CC Bat Swarms on 40mm bases and it‘ll be fine ^^
  6. It does not. The roar only works for abilities during the combat phase. Inspiring presence is during the battleshock phase iirc. Edit: Nvm someone was faster :D. It basically makes sure you fight a unit at its base powerlevel.
  7. Too much FOMO as of late, it really puts me off.
  8. That‘s usually how I like to play: one contingent of the army led by a hero ^^
  9. @Jaxlerthsnks for all your input. It‘s very interesting and confirms my worries concerning zombies. did you try to make a blob of Skeletons more survivable with a corpse cart?
  10. They were bad before but became somewhat useful/cool on the charge. If they kept their Lance charge rule and went down to 110 points they‘d be cool. Not good but cool. the way they are now makes them pretty useless for 120 points. It‘s not about a niche it‘s the combination of „does nothing noteable“ and „costs too much“
  11. I like the entire release! Nice Stormcast and some Nasty-Mordor-Irks with mean short legs!
  12. Same! If they‘re as cool as the newly armoured Vi dictators I‘ll love em
  13. Imo it should not be hard to make any army decent, flavorful. The same goes for warscrolls. Most people ask for nothing more. Instead we get a mess that easily could have been avoided. Putting out half baked rules, without a clear goal in mind is no longer timely. Especially since much smaller companies create way more engaging, fun, solid and interesting rules than GW. Yet let‘s be honest: GW mostly operates like a patriarchal, conservative business out of the 80s
  14. The quality is all o er the place, as it has always been since WHF. It’s frustrating to me that whenever a new book or model is about to drop one has to fear that the warscroll(s) might be utter garbage. Why is this the case? They have the resources, the manpower and the experience to guarantee that every Warscroll should be fine. Yet this is not the case. It‘s honestly a disgrace. How can a Warscroll like Black Knights be made and no one realizes that it‘s rubbish until it is too late? GW‘s rule designers are no school boys writing rules for fun, they are professionals. So HOW can such nonsense as bad Warscrolls still exist!? As a customer I expect a high quality product. This includes the design AND the content, especially since their rules are expensive and GW is one of the last companies that actually charges a premium for rules.
  15. Get screening units and spells/ranged threats that will clear enemy units. Also make sure you can heal him or make him tougher to kill with a prismatic palisade and all that. - Build around him. Edit: About the Slaanesh Twins they will really suffer even from very light shooting. How weak is Slaanesh when his offsprings are about as powerful as two Chaos Lords piggybacking. I‘d even argue that a KoS is stronger? 😂
  16. You don‘t need that. He kills, that‘s all Destruction wants, isn’t it?
  17. Oh boy this threat is fuming with disappointment I haven‘t seen Alarielle‘s Scroll, her 740 points might be justified? I also think that Kragnos is worth 760 tbh. You‘ve got to build around him so he can go on a rampage. If his points were lower he‘d be a no brainer.
  18. And what happens if a rule kills him instantly? That case isn‘t covered by his rules
  19. I like lost no. 1. I believe there‘s an issue with list no. 2.: Once the 20 GG and the Zombie Dragon are gone you lose the ability to kill key targets and the army will crumble. Maybe try to squeeze in 5 Blood Knights or another 20 GG?
  20. Take photos. E-Mail GW and you‘ll receive a new box without any issues.
  21. I disagree. I teach 3D Sculpting and I have a resin printer: It‘s really nice for bits and one or two custom models. Yet creating an entire unit takes way too much time to be considered being better than simply buying from GW. Even if you simply get models from a Patreon, those models might be nice, yet GW‘s designs are somewhat unique and their IP and worlds are strong. I am following 3 Patreons and I get a ton of awesome models each month for about 30 €/month. Yet I consider those to be cool DnD models and nothing more. They don‘t scratch the same itch GW does. speaking of 3D printing: I am considering to design Terrain that would go well with Radukar the Beast‘s base: An old mossy dark wood with lots of broken and dead trees 🤔, rocky plateaus etc. I only have to make those useful in an AoS game
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