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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. You could use them as proxies (Phoenix Guard). apart from that: Yup, sell it.
  2. Good morning guys, this is the first time GW‘s superlatives like „massive reveals“ were actually true. I liked everything they‘ve shown: - 40K new Edition: Sounds good, but it always does until it doesn’t. I like they updated Datasheets. Nice, long render trailers! - The Lion: Rad! I love the Knight vibes he‘s oozing (those helmet options are insane!) - Tyranids: Sweet! - Terminators: Damn it’s about time - Seraphon: Veeery happy. The Aggragon riders are ace. The Kroxigors are a dream come true! - Ossiarch: So the image we thought was a exaggerated boneshaper turned out to be a model and a nice one at that! - Soulblight: Nice hints of red riding hood, Cinderella (-Bird- Bat friends) etc. great Model. I have high hopes gor the Battletome! - Underworlds: Are those Stormcast Thunderstrike Evocators? Sweet poses! - Tzeentch: Wicked! - Beastmen: (Proxigors 🤣 that was a good one). Easily converted to some kind of fantasy Gor. - Votann: Deep Rock Galactic calls
  3. Pretty sure it’s more of a were-ape than wolf. The human foot us just an ape paw.
  4. @Whitefang any hint if we might be seeing new Idoneth Models this year? 🥹
  5. Painting frenzy. (Well painting started at some point in in April 2018) 30 Namarti Thralls 20 Namarti Reavers 6 Ishlean Guard 1 Akhelian Allopex 1 Isharann Soulrender 1 Akhelian King 1 Eidolon 6 Morsarr Guard (Riders only with Green Armor Basecoat, Eels and bases done) 1 Akhelian Leviadon (~50% done) 2 Tidecasters (~20% done) 1 Thrallmaster (~55% done) 1 Soulscryer (Green Armor Basecoat) 1 Lotann (Green Armor Basecoat) All Painted Models of which 20 were painted within the last 48 hours.
  6. True! I try to dodge the issue by using as few different colors as possible. (My Namarti at the top of the page have the same color for trousers, and their skirts, while ignoring the embroidery)
  7. Gryph-charger body. Lord of change head. Daemon Prince Shoulders (barding), daemon prince chest (barding at the back), khorne daemon prince Horns for the mount‘s horns. Mount chest: I assume it’s a leftover bit from the Theridons‘/Chosen‘s Banner.
  8. The crazy thing is that Stormcast should be really fast to paint - Idk why I am having such a painting barrier when it comes to them. As of now all my Stormcast are at least 50% painted (air brushed teal for the armour), there isn't that much left to paint really.
  9. As of late I‘ve been tackling my pile of shame thanks to my Air Brush: 23 Chaos Warriors, 10 Namarti (+10 half finished), Chaos War Mammoth, 10 Chosen also: Stop hoarding. I am still selling and gifting away stuff I doubt I need. Edit: Conversions also keep me interested
  10. I just want a kraken for idk and units like Depth Guard or some pilosaurus-like-mount 🥲
  11. nope 😛 Edit: Maybe a litte Edit Edit: Maybe a little more than I'd like to admit
  12. This reads like the Votann Codex pre-nerf. Jesus...
  13. So the point values for Slaanesh will be skewed again in favor of an unnecessary summoning mechanic *facepalm*
  14. I feel like this’ll be the first errata 🤣🤣🤣
  15. I am disappointed by the Bretonnian Helmets: Cooler Visors and more elegant Helmet adornments should've been easily achieved. The Khemri armour looks sick af though!
  16. Since Vampires seem to be up next it‘s time to head to the Vampire Thread to start guessing what changes we might get!
  17. (Green washing) If they sell their Sprues (which they will for sure) I want them to grant incentives for the consumers. I am not a fan of I-recycle-so-you-get-richer
  18. It puts its staff into a trigger in the palanquin afaik, that’s what causes the weird pose. I don’t like the poses either, they look unnatural and stiff.
  19. That. Other options: - Grave Keepers - Mortis Vermin Masters - Wight Variants - Different Tiers of Vampires (each with a female equivalent as well): Mortarch, Arch-Duke, Duke, Count, Lord, ordinary Vampire Soldiers (we had this back in Warhammer Fantasy and it was really flavorful, cool and just great to play with) - Necromancer Variants: Death Lord, Mortis Lord, Necromancer, Corpsemaster, Summoner sometimes the lack of creativity poured into new Battletomes is infuriating 🥲 Especially with the Vampire factions there’s an endless amount of cool things they could do? What do they do? An oversized half monster vampire? 🤦🏼‍♂️ It‘s the same with the Kosargi Nightguard: A whole unit of Zombie-Ogors would be really cool! Concerning new units in general: - Zombie Ogor Infantry - Super Heavy Grave Guards (like Krell, former Chaos Worshippers) - An undead Minster with a small Cannon Tower (edgy vampire style) on its back firing magic/bullets - Unstable Vampire Bat swarm: These explode when they fly within 3“ of an enemy - Zombie/Grave Guard Gunners - Masonry + Flesh: Goyle-Fiends: (pretty much Gargoyles but with a twist) - Vampire mob (Vyrkos and of other lineages), because: WHY NOT!? - Nagashizzar Deathstones: Fires a black laser powered by death energy - Grave Vermin: weaken enemies within 6“, same rules as nurglings concerning killing them - Crypt Gore Fiends: Shadowy manifestation of Necromantic Energy melted with rotten bodyparts, armour and a hunger for blood/brain - Endless Spells: Torrent of blood, Soulstorm, all of the Flesh Eater spells, the headless Horsemen, Wave of Terror (units run 2D6 away from it), Nadir-Shard: pulls enemies towards it Some Drafts of the most powerful/interesting units (3pdfs, 1 Image). there are some Mistakes in it: All Abilities that refer to a specific Legion are not supposed to.
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